Advanced Resources related to the concept of an
                 "Educational Object Economy"

The following sites relate to online instruction, course standardization formats and use of educational multimedia objects.

Here's a master listing of sites offering free 'learning objects'

The Learning Object Tutorial site defines what exactly learning objects are.

 An Introduction: What are Learning Objects?
A rich array of resources from the Univ. of Wisconsin's Center for International Education.
See also their "Collections of Learning Objects"

Learning Objects and Standards Resources

MERLOT  Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching
Extensive collected multimedia resources by topic.

IMS   Instructional Management Systems standards - an industry site focused on promoting standards among all Instructional Management Systems so content can be easily shifted between systems.

Advanced Distributed Learning

Simcalc Univ. of Mass. Research and development in technology and curriculum
dedicated to democratizing access to the Mathematics of
Change and Variation, including ideas underlying Calculus.

Squeak    Disney's efforts at interactive instruction
Squeak is a highly portable, open-source Smalltalk with powerful multimedia facilities. Squeak is the vehicle for a wide range of projects from educational platforms to commercial web application development.