Concept Paper for the Creation of
The Association For Community Networking
by Frank Odasz
The key issue for national proliferation of sustainable community
networks is the duplicative burden on each community required
for the evaluation of the most effective collaborative social,
technical, and financial models. At issue is the best way to share
this essential, continually changing information across communities,
on an ongoing basis.
This paper proposes creation of a 'Community Network Incubator'
to provide a national Internet showcase of the most effective
collaborative software environments and collaborative social dynamics
behind Community Networking, with economies of scale shared with
communities for startup network innovations through a minigrants
program, as recommended by the former Congressional Office of
Technology Assessment.
A centralized community networking incubator could easily provide
the best available collaborative software modules for review and
quick, affordable implementation for budding community networking
initiatives while serving as a national clearinghouse for management
guidelines, training models, and relevant expertise and resources.
This uniquely American national resource would create and offer
online courses on use of technology for self-empowerment, self-directed
lifelong learning, community building, and electronic democracy...and
would serve as a model for networked democracy worldwide.
Budget and Timeline: $1,800,000 over three years
The Congressional Office of Technology (OTA) report, "Making
Government Work; Electronic Delivery of Federal Services"
correctly states "The diversity of applications required
for a successful National Information Infrastructure can only
come from the citizens themselves."
This OTA report specifically suggests federal minigrant set-asides
for this purpose; hence this initiative hosts a minigrants model
inspired by this report. Canada has adopted this model and is
supporting 1,500 minigrants for rural communities.
The grassroots community networking movement which has generated
hundreds of innovative community networks through the efforts
of local champions is today at a critical juncture. There exists
a dire need for vocal, organized, national advocacy of the real
benefits of citizen-driven community networks; a national Association
For Community Networking.
Due in part to the rapid technological advancement of the Internet,
community networking has undergone significant recent changes.
Many community networks are folding due to high overhead and lack
of widespread understanding by citizens as to their real and potential
benefits. The societal benefits of community networks cannot be
sacrificed to strictly for-profit commercial models.
While most locally-created community networks have focused on
the leveraging the public good electronically, many have been
threatened with being overshadowed by commercial ventures focused
only on profits.
The technological playing field has changed. The first community
networks in the mid-eighties focused on providing affordable local
Internet access, when there was none. Today, widely available
affordable local Internet access has made maintaining modem banks
an often unnecessary, costly activity, while opening up new, more
affordable opportunities.
A well-developed centralized server offers the big advantage of
providing widespread availability for multiple collaborative software
options for direct review and adoption by communities. Communities
need an ongoing means of easily keeping current with, and upgrading
their networks to utilize, the latest in collaborative technologies.
An incubator to allow communities to customize their own network
features from a selection of high quality software modules, with
the option to move the system to a local server if the additional
costs can be borne, makes good sense for most of our nation's
10,000+ communities.
Citizens and community organizations, have a need to learn what's
working regarding community networking in other communities; a
need for solution-sharing; storytelling, dialog, partnering models;
cost-sharing, and co-development. Typically, very little money
is available to purchase expertise.
Corporations, foundations, government and local, regional, state
and national organizations promoting community networking and
Internet entrepreneurship initiatives have a vested need to understand
the potential and evolving nature of CNs; tracking the evolution
to find potential markets and focuses for product development,
access to CN markets.
An aggressive research and development component with a unique
integrated market research model will make this project specifically
valuable to corporations and organization wishing to understand
the emerging markets and potential of 'social computing.' The
joint challenge becomes optimizing social capital with effective
applications of technology, training and vision.
to provide direct experience as to how other communities are effectively
using collaborative Internet tools and are realizing specific
empowering capabilities from online learning communities.
communities the opportunity to initiate their own explorative
innovations using software available on the central system to
generate demonstrations of the potential for all communities,
nationally. Grant-writing, policy awareness, and system management
guidelines assistance is fundamental and must be readily available
as this type of expertise is not uniformly available for all communities.
very necessary activities could not take place without the leadership
and coordination of a national organization. The Association For
Community Networking will be formed as a non-profit membership
organization. AFCN has already spent over a year organizing and
preparing, with a working board of national community networking
leaders and a long list of supporting community networks and organizations.
- A. The best field guides and organization structures.
- B. The best models with summative explanations as to specific
software features and social motivational programs.
- C. The best awareness raising activities, articles, starter
collaborative activities, and online training models.
- D. The best civic initiative, multicultural models, electronic
democracy models, economic development and web entrepreneurship
- E. The best web-based learning tours of community network
successes and special features.
networks would become resource sharing partners by posting their
web page with a statement of what the best is they have to share
with others. Those interested would be invited to participate
in multiple online conferences and in building a robust archive
of carefully organized and evaluated resources, thus creating
a community of communities and a free resources program in support
of CNs.
- Conferencing allowing interaction between members with weekly
posting of summaries of these and other top community networking
discussion groups
- Presentation resources for raising community awareness of
the possibilities by showing the best current models and a number
of the newer technical interface capabilities.
- Anecdotal stories showcasing what's possible for various community
organizations with weekly highlights on a different community
network innovation each week.
- A realistic appraisal of all that's involved in creating and
sustaining a community network, with emphasis on the risks and
conditions for failure.
- List best community technology center models, technology transfer
programs, and international community network, models
- Those actually creating or running networks would benefit
from ongoing access to summarized accounts of what's working in
other communities, free resources, entrepreneurial modeling and
A community networking resources clearinghouse and 'products pipeline'
will be created with emphasis on those services and products that
support communities in benefiting from online technologies, particularly
those created by individuals and communities.
We, the members of AFCN, hold these truths to be self-evident:
- that increased connectivity among caring people will build
local community social and organizational capacity
- that resources and effective practices are evolving rapidly
and need to be systematically shared between communities
- that inclusion of members is the source of energy for AFCN
and that new methods are needed and we should be consciously evolving
innovative inclusive strategies.
- that the pace of technological evolution demands ongoing research
and development; collection and evaluation of what's being done
and dissemination of what's found most effective.
- that the social challenges are greater than the technological
- that we can learn more together than separately
- that our collaborative effectiveness will increase as we all
gain experience and as the tools improve
- that we must and can invent new ways of inclusive organization
All five incubator components will occur simultaneously with high
visibility and emphasis on the fact that new forms of open learning
communities and 'learning organizations' must evolve quickly to
realize the educational, social and democratic potential of community
networks and community networking. This is a plan to meet this
need in the short term.