Editing Your Bookmarks

By this point in the lessons you have probably created a collection of bookmarks pointing to resources of interest to you. If you're like most people you have several different interests for which you have been collecting resources. Most likely you've found resources for different topics at different times and since bookmarks are added in sequential order your bookmarks list is probably a jumble of sites. Organizing your bookmark files enables you to find more quickly the site for which you are looking. The examples in this section use the Netscape 4.0 web browser, but most browsers include similar methods of organizing bookmarks.

The first step is to determine your categories. Look at your bookmarks and try to classify them into sections. A science teacher might for instance have several sites for physics, several for astronomy, and finally several sites that deal with his favorite recreation, fly fishing.

The next step is to create folders in your bookmark file. In Netscape 4.0 click on Bookmarks buttton to the left of the Location window and choose Edit Bookmarks. Next click on the File/New Folder menu. In the Name: field, enter the header you want to give that section, such as "Physics." You can leave the Description field blank and click on OK. Repeat this step to create each of the folders for the categories you want.

To move your bookmarks into the various folders to which they apply, click on the bookmark and drag it to the folder. Once the bookmarks are separated into categories you can organize them under the folder by dragging them to a new position under the folder. When you are dragging the bookmark a grey line will show where the bookmark would be placed; before or after another bookmark. To move a bookmark to the top of the list under its heading, drop it on the folder. You can organize the bookmarks in the folders by frequency of use, alphabetical order or any other method you wish.