
These activities are designed to help you consolidate some of the concepts introduced in this lesson. They are essential components of facilitating an online discussion. If you are taking the course for credit, they may be required.

Your activity for this lesson is to lead your group in a discussion for a two week period. Post a note similar to the paragraph below labeled "Discussion Starter Message."

Save all discussion messages, and at the end of the two week period post your assessment regarding the level of participation, a summary of issues discussed, and a final analysis of what worked or didn't work regarding the discussion exercise.

Keep in mind it is ultimately out of your control whether your mentees properly participate. What you can control is properly setting the expectations by providing a timeline, posting a clear purpose for the discussion, and providing a means of feedback after the discussion.

Your discussion starter message might look something like this:

For the next two weeks I'd like each of you to participate in a discussion on (your topic.) You're each asked to read all listserv messages and to post a thoughtful contribution to the discussion no less than twice a week, with no limit on the number of contributions. This discussion will start today with this posting and will end (give date,) after which I will post a final summary message.