Alaska Pacific University

Ed A597 6L
Designing K-12 Internet Instruction



Course Number:Ed A597 6L

Title: Designing  K-12 Internet Instruction


I Course Description

Surveys the best K-12 Internet curriculum design methods and models for individualized and small group student learning. Looks at issues of designing lesson units, such as WebQuests, for one-three class periods, longer term WebQuests for one-four weeks, and 6-12 week online courses. Covers options for student-student online interaction, scalability of online courses, issues concerning instructor-led instruction as opposed to self-directed instruction. Give practical advice on issues of copyrights, promotion and sale of online instructional materials, and the changing role of teachers to that of facilitator of the best resources and instructional practices on the Internet. Gives practical experience learning for existing instructional models and incorporates extensive

Lesson and course authoring templates and models from the Internet. Addresses key issues regarding innovation diffusion and the rapid change our educational system is undergoing currently, and impacts projected to be just around the corner.

II Course Design

a. Designed for K-12 instructors seeking ways to use the Internet to deliver original curriculum they have created themselves incorporating resources, templates, and models from the Internet Models and uses online instructional strategies throughout the course.

b. 3.0 credits.

c. Course is entirely Web based featuring a self-study design with constant interaction (on the Web) with the instructor and other participants. 40 hours or more are required to meet minimum course requirements.

d. Does not apply to any degree or certificate at APU.

e. Lab fees may be assessed for this course to defray the cost of materials and/or services used or consumed by participants.

f. Scheduled Spring Summer and Fall Semesters

g. Does not replace an existing course.

h. Coordination with other departments at APU is not required
        for this course.


II Course Activities

This is a self-directed hands-on course featuring eight four-hour modules and a six-hour major project. Each participant works closely with the instructor and an instructor assigned mentor, communicating via e-mail and listservs. Participants interact electronically to build a learning community of Alaskan educators and will be encouraged to moderate listserv discussions. Participants create instructional web pages, Webquest structured Internet activities, and one six week mini-course for K12. Participants will acquire a robust collection of courseware authoring resources to allow them to create and promote their own online curricular products from short term units to full semester online courses.


IV Course Prerequisites/Co-requisites

Participants must have Internet access, basic computer, Web browsing, and e-mail skills. Participants must be able to create electronic folders and know how to save and move files. Otherwise, three are no course prerequisites or co-requisites for this course. It is strongly recommended participants first take the

"Making the Best Use of Internet for K-12 Instruction"  a 3 credit, 500 level course.


V Course Evaluation

Graded Pass/No Pass (P/NP).

Participation on the Listservs - 30%

Participants must complete eight self-paced instructional modules

Lessons - 70%

Lessons submitted via e-mail and web pages created make up 70% of the grade. Lessons or web pages determined to be sub-standard will be returned for revision.


VI Course Outline

1.0 Understanding the Unique Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Instruction

1.1 Double the retention in half the time; Research on online
1.2 Interactive reading and writing as foundation for
        teacher/student relationships
1.3 Content suitability for online instruction
1.4 Appropriate and Inappropriate Applications for Online
1.5 Student attitudinal prerequisites for online instruction
1.6 Evaluation of online instructional units, courses and

2.0 A plan for progressive integration of online instruction in the traditional
      classroom using project-based learning models

                     2.1 Short term webquest activities (1-3 class periods)
                     2.2 Long term webquest activities (1-4 weeks)
                     2.3 Existing project-based learning models
                          2.3.1 National, large scale commercial models
                          2.3.2 Small scale, local models
                     2.4 Create a Webquest Unit

3.0 Designing Online Courses; Key Design Considerations

3.1 Design options for instructor-led courses
3.2 Designing for student self-directed learning
3.3 Issues and strategies for online assessment and
3.4 A review of current local and national models
3.5 Draft a plan for creating a 6 week online course as your
      special project for this course; reflecting the above
      designing considerations

4.0 Online Interaction Considerations

                    4.1 Options for enhancing the teacher/student relationship
                    4.2 Important differences in the online teacher/student relationship
                    4.3 What over ten Internet Collaborative tools offer the online teacher
                    4.4 Media-based interaction VS Human Interaction; considerations
                    4.5 Student-student interaction strategies
                    4.6 Maintaining a manageable interaction plan

5.0 Student performance assessment methods

                    5.1 Archiving individual student messages
                    5.2 Individual and Group Self-assessment for self-directed learners
                    5.3 Avoiding plagiarism and patronizing interaction
                    5.4 Leveraging social interaction motivations

6.0 Issues for the classroom without walls, or clocks

                    6.1 Anywhere, anytime learning; Everyone both learner and teacher; all
                          the time; scalability for online instruction;
                    6.2 Virtual Classroom opportunities and challenges
                    6.3 Traditional Classroom roles and Student Motivation Issues
                    6.4 Trends in cyberschools and online education

7.0 Innovation Diffusion and Traditional Education

                    7.1 Acknowledging the Inevitable changes our educational
                          system has already begun
                    7.2 Change Theory and Self-Esteem Issues
                    7.3 Digital Diploma Mills; a negative view
                    7.4 New Roles for Teachers; A Positive View

8.0 Copyrights and Intellectual freedom

                    8.1 Promotion and sale issues for online curriculum
                    8.2 Instructional Entrepreneurship for teachers and students
                    8.3 Brokerage and Marketing Trends for Educational materials
                    8.4 Royalty Sharing models for teacher/student-created online
                          lessons and courses


VII Bibliography or References

Reading Materials:

Johanna L. Keirns. 1999. Designs for Self-Instruction; Principles, Processes, and Issues in Developing Self-Directed Learning. Allyn and Bacon. Massachusetts.

Dr. Judi Harris. 1998. Design Tools for the Internet-Supported
Classroom. ASCD ISBN: 0-87120-294-8

Linda M. Harasim. 1995. Learning Networks; A field Guide to Teaching and Learning Online.

Stan Davis. 1998. Future Perfect.
Davis, Stan & Botkin, Jim. 1994. The monster under the bed: How business is mastering the opportunity of knowledge for profit. Simon & Schuster. New York.


VIII Course Instructional Goals and Defined Outcomes

Upon completion of the course, participants will:

1.0 explore the unique advantages and disadvantages of online instruction and the appropriate and inappropriate applications for online learning;

2.0 explore the progressive steps for classroom integration of specific internet curriculum, course models and authoring templates; and specifically address key online curriculum key design issues for K-12 classrooms; discuss and use selected strategies;

3.0 explore design issues and current models for online courses; draft a plan of an online 6 week course reflecting decisions on these design issues;

4.0 explore diffusion of innovation theory, change theory, impacts of online instruction on traditional educational roles; devise strategies for working with teachers and administrators to minimize resistance to inevitable trends;

5.0 participate in a group listserv by sharing the best resources identified for online courses and curricular units for specific grade levels and content areas;

6.0 review issues and methods of innovation diffusion in our traditional educational system; discuss how to work with peers to minimize anxiety;

7.0 review key issues concerning copyright, intellectual freedom, promotion and sale of online curriculum;

8.0 complete a project-based learning short term unit as well as a six week mini-course; review and discuss top online course directory sites and models;