Growing an Entrepreneurial Culture in Rural Alaska
The Alaska Communications Center is designed to fulfill its motto “Bringing Rural and Urban Alaska Together.” Specifically, a newly funded, innovative project, the 21st CENTURY LEARN, EARN AND SERVE ACADEMY is designed to build a foundation of skills that will increase work readiness and basic entrepreneurial skills utilizing the internet and video production. Youth ages 16 – 24, who have not graduated from high school or are not enrolled in college, are invited to focus on a variety of resources, and build adaptable skills providing an opportunity to remain in their community with a vocation rather than migrate to larger communities.
Growing an entrepreneurial culture among Alaskan youth with an emphasis on stemming youth out migration, retaining cherished rural Alaska culture and creating more stable and sustainable local rural economies is now possible due to Alaska’s growing rural broadband connectivity.
Youth participating in this program will:
- Develop an increased understanding of available resources of employment readiness, utilizing the Internet for entrepreneurial opportunities, importance of cultural preservation and resources that support life long learning
- Develop the capacity to earn an income in rural communities including the development of a website “store” to sell village products and services
- Create an online presence and/or web business utilizing web tools of their choice, i.e. web site, blog, social networking application, rss feed or podcast to document their career pathway
- Identify local entrepreneurial success stories to share as feature stories for KACN-TV News and Views program
- Participate in the production of a series of video career guides focusing on high demand career opportunities in Alaska and the skills necessary to be accepted in their training programs
Space is limited! A computer, internet access and a desire to learn are required to participate in this program. Interested youth should contact Katy Parrish before March 27th by calling 563-5226, email katy.parrish@kacn.tv or. Participants will be contacted to complete enrollment procedures by March 31th and be expected to complete the program by June 30, 2009. The online instructor is Frank Odasz, Email: frank@lone-eagles.com Web: www.lone-eagles.com PH/Fax: 406 683 6270
This pilot project is generously funded by the State of Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development - Division of Business Partnerships.
Alaska Communications Center
4640 Old Seward Highway, Suite 203 Anchorage, Alaska 99503
(907) 563-5226 Cell (907) 738-0168 danetulain@gmail.com