Where to look on the Internet:
I want quality, evaluated sites that have reviews and ratings because I have limited time. |
Magellan --
http://www.mckinley.com/ Smaller database containing descriptive reviews of sites WebCrawler -- http://webcrawler.com/ Small database with relevancy ranking |
I want precise and focused resources because my terms are narrow. |
Alta Vista --
http://www.altavista.com/ Massive and fast indexer of full text, good for very specific searches. |
I need scientific information for my research paper. |
Alta Vista --
Rated best for finding scientific information on the Internet in a recent research study. |
I need information on a proper name (a place, person, or object). |
InfoSeek --
http://www.infoseek.com/ Alta Vista -- http://www.altavista.com/ Recognizes capitalization |
I need the correct words of a quotation and the author. |
OpenText -- http://www.opentext.com Searches phrases of any length. |
I want to see what people, either experts or people who are interested, have to say about a specific issue. |
DejaNews --
http://www.dejanews.com/ Yahoo -- http://www.yahoo.comMagellan -- http://www.mckinley.comWebcrawler -- http://www.webcrawler.com OpenText -- http://www.opentext.com/ AltaVista -- http://www.altavista.com/ InfoSeek -- http://www.infoseek.comHotBot -- http://www.hotbot.comEach of these search engines have options to search newsgroups. |
Looking for information that may have been published on the Internet before the World-Wide Web. |
Magellan -- http://www.mckinley.com Webcrawler -- http://www.webcrawler.com OpenText -- http://www.opentext.com/ InfoSeek -- http://www.infoseek.comEach of these search engines will search Gopher sites as well as World-Wide Web sites. |
I want the search engine to search entire web pages. |
AltaVista --
http://www.altavista.com OpenText -- http://www.opentext.comInfoSeek -- http://www.opentext.comHotBot -- http://www.hotbot.comThese search engines index entire web sites rather than just titles and introductory paragraphs. |
I want to find an obscure, hard to find document. |
AltaVista --
http://www.altavista.com InfoSeek -- http://www.infoseek.comThese search engines have very large indexes with references to a vast number of web sites. |
I want to find a popular, easy to find document. |
Webcrawler --
http://www.webcrawler.com Yahoo -- http://www.yahoo.comMagellan -- http://www.mckinley.comThese search engines use smaller more select indexes. |
I want my search to return a large number of hits. |
AltaVista --
http://www.altavista.com InfoSeek -- http://www.infoseek.comMetacrawler -- http://www.metacrawler.com |
I want my search to return fewer and more relevant hits. |
Webcrawler --
http://www.webcrawler.com OpenText -- http://www.opentext.comCopyrighted by David Warlick http://landmark-project.com |