Online Courses and Learning Pathways
Highly Recommended First Online Courses
Courses on Creating Your Own
Online Courses
Culture Specific and
Citizen-Created Courses
Online Course Sources for
Professional Development
Distance Learning
Clearinghouses and Online Universities
Highly Recommended First Courses
For 25 years Lone Eagle Consulting has lead in creating innovative online courses:
Courses on Creating Online Courses
Culture Specific and Citizen-Created Courses
While there may be few examples today, we can soon expect to see a virtual explosion
of courses created by citizens for specific cultures and purposes.
- Alaska Native Knowledge Network
Combining scientific method with the Native Way of Knowing.
Includes Alaskan Cultural Curriculum
Alaska Standards for Culturally Responsive Schools
Very unique standards applicable worldwide, available in
booklet and poster formats.
Online Course Sources for Professional Development
- E-learning Guild
Extensive resources for those who teach online.
- North American Council for Online Learning
Search their database for dozens of online K12 schools.
- Connected University
- Sloan Center for Asynchronous Learning!
Includes a directory of web-based courses and software for creating
web-based instruction.
- Webwhacker: Offline
browsing and Internet research free courses:
Learn how timesaving an offline browser can be for teachers and presenters
Distance Learning Clearinghouses and Online Universities
- Distance Learning Programs
Listings and background information on some of the more popular online programs
and courses from various accredited universities.
- Texas Online Course List World Lecture Hall
Welcome to World Lecture Hall, your
entry point to free online course materials from around the world. Please
browse, search, learn and enjoy.
- The Training Registry
http://www.tregistry.com Online courses listed by
- ADEC Distance Learning Consortium
Initially a state and land grant institutions consortium for agriculturally related
satellite courses, ADEC is now adding online courses and broadening its focus. NCSA and
the Western Governors' Virtual University are partners.
- University of Wisconsin Distance Education Clearinghouse
University of Wisconsin's Distance Education is defined as a planned teaching/learning
experience that uses a wide spectrum of technologies to reach learners at a distance and
is designed to encourage learner interaction and certification of learning.
- University of Phoenix
Many online courses and aggressive worldwide marketing of online courses. One university
to watch closely!
- Open University
World's Largest Online Course Provider! The Open University is
Britain's largest and most innovative university. Founded by Royal Charter in 1969, it has
grown rapidly both in student numbers and range of courses.
- Brigham Young University Independent Study Program
With over 40,000 enrollments each year, BYU Independent Study is a recognized leader in
distance education. We offer approximately 350
university courses and 170 high school courses. Our site contains the following resources
to assist you in your educational efforts:
- Global Village Virtual University
Spectrum Universal has been proposing and exploring alternative education channels for
more than twenty years. Today, thanks to technological breakthroughs that have brought
about fast modems and the growth of the World Wide Web, Spectrum is carrying on its
mission of sharing knowledge and education for the betterment of all!
- Western Governor's Virtual University
Fourteen Western State Governors are creating a Virtual University to provide skills
training via distance learning mediums, including Internet.
- The New School: a university
The New School's Distance Instruction for Adult Learners (DIAL) program
provides an opportunity for students to take New School courses at their own convenience.