Seattle Pacific University
EDTE 5174
Making the Best Use of Internet Resources for K-12 Instruction
Course Content Guide
I. Course Description
This online course surveys the best K-12 Internet resources available for individualized and small-group student learning. The course looks at issues associated with using the Internet in the classroom, exploring databases, project-based learning directories, school-to-work and student entrepreneurship resources. Participants will learn how to teach students to use effective Internet search strategies, how to build web-based and structured group activities using Webquest and other templates, how to stay up to date with the latest technology grant opportunities, and how to begin to evaluate, and create, online courses. Participants will also gain practical experience using listservs to build peer learning communities throughout the state and nation.
II. Course Design
III. Course Instructional Goals and Defined Outcomes
Upon completion of the course, participants will:
IV. Course Activities
This is a self-directed, hands-on course featuring eight five-hour modules and a major project requiring a minimum of ten hours of work. Each participant will work closely with the instructor and/or an instructor-assigned mentor, communicating via email and listservs. Participants will interact electronically to build a learning community of educators and will be encouraged to moderate listserv discussions of their own. Participants will also use search engines and lesson plan databases, create instructional web pages and create Webquest-structured Internet activities.
V. Course Prerequisites/Corequisites
Participants must have Internet access, basic computer, Web browsing, and email skills. Participants must be able to create electronic folders and know how to save and move files. Otherwise, there are no course prerequisites or corequisites for this course.
VI. Course Evaluation
This course will be graded A-E
Participation on the Listservs - 10%
Specific lessons will require posting submissions to the listserv. Resource sharing messages not required in the lessons will be worth 5 points each, including requests for resource assistance, up to the limit of 10 points per lesson or 10% of the final grade.
Lessons - 90%
Grading for this course will be A-E. Each of the eight lessons will be worth 100 points total. 8 lessons times 100 points equals 800 points, plus 200 points for the special project brings the total to 1000 points, of which 700 points are required to pass this course.. 10% of the available points for this course, averaging 10 points per lesson totalling 100 points, will be given for participation in the class listserv as recorded by the instructor as follows:
- Five points will be given for each resource help request listserv posting.
- Five points will be given for each general resource sharing listserv posting.
- Ten points will be given for each resource sharing listserv posting responding
by name to a specific resource help request.
Points for listserv interaction need not be directly associated with each specific lesson. The maximum possible points for listserv interaction is 100, or 10% of your grade.. (While not absolutely required to pass this course, it is strongly recommended you make a genuine effort to expand your online collaborative confidence, and skills, by interacting with the other participants through the listserv and web conferencing system!) 800 points for the lessons and 200 points for your special project, brings the grand total to 200 points, of which a minimum of 700 points will be required to pass this course. It is expected all required submissions will be sent for each lesson, from which a minimum of 70% of the total points available will be needed to pass the course. Lessons or web pages determined to be sub-standard will be returned for revision.
Grading Summary:
8 lessons times 100 points each = 800 points
Special Project = 200 points
1000 points TOTAL
(You must earn at least 700 points to pass the course.)
VII. Course Outline
VIII. Bibliography and References
Required Reading Materials:
IX. Technical Support/Instructor Contact InformationThe instructor will provide students with a 140 page course manual A Cross-Cultural Self-Directed Learner's Internet Guide which is also available online at .
See also the additional resources at the Lone Eagle Consulting web site:
X. Academic Integrity
The structure and format of most distance learning courses presume a high level of personal and academic integrity in completing and submitting coursework. Individuals enrolled in an SPU distance learning course are expected to adhere to the following standards of academic conduct.
Academic Work: Academic work submitted by the individual (such as papers, assignments, reports, tests) shall be the students own work or appropriately attributed in part or in whole to its correct source. Submission of commercially prepared (or group prepared) materials as if they are ones own work is unacceptable.
Aiding Honesty in Others: The individual will encourage honesty in others by refraining from providing materials or information to another person with knowledge that these materials or information will be used improperly.
Violation of these academic standards may result in the assignment of a failing grade and subsequent loss of credit for the course.