Taos Web Review
Listings of local artists and their work
The following sites are all on the La Plaza web site
This site on La Plaza has all the above plus more.....
This is the taos chamber of commerce arts page.....
Taos Webb - Guide to Taos and northern New Mexico
Taos, Red River, Angel Fire, Chimayo, Los Ojos - Skiing, Art, Lodging, Food, and
Recreation in New Mexico....
URL: http://taoswebb.com Includes summer art
Taos Art School-The Creative Spirit of the Southwest
Schedules, registration form and contact data for Taos Art School....
URL: www.taosartschool.org Great
Events Calendar Model!
Native American Art - Prints, Posters and Reproductions - Taos, New Mexico
Located in Taos New Mexico, the Blue Rain Gallery promotes the work of young Native
American artists who represent their Native American
culture... URL: www.blueraingallery.com
Artist profiles, galleries and an online auction house.
La Plaza Telecommunity http://laplaza.org
Taos Business Directory Sites:
Taos New Mexico Chamber of Commerce
Taos New Mexico Chamber of Commerce official website....
URL: www.taoschamber.com/ Includes
Taos Business Directory, but no listing of business web pages!
TaosNet/NewMex, Enchanted Circle Online, Taos New Mexico
Taos New Mexico.... URL: www.taosnet.com/
Search the Taos Business Directory!
Taos Guide, has most local web sites listed! http://taosguide.com
Web Design Considerations
In designing your web site, don't forget to consider the many great tools available.
See http://liveuniverse.com and http://bravenet.com for listings of these tools, such as calenders, guestbooks, web conferencing, hit counters, forms for ordering products, free greeting cards, etc.
Web design Businesses:
Sample Sites to See What Others Are Doing:
Picuris Pueblo - www.picurispueblo.com
America's Land of Enchantment
Comprehensive guide to New Mexico resources on the Internet. Lists New Mexico ISPs &
movies filmed in NM. Explore the history, culture & economic... URL: www.nmusa.com/ Includes a listing of New Mexico web
Taos Drums-Native American drums online shopping catalog
Fill your shopping basket; a model for an online store!! URL: www.webwest.com/taosdrum/index.html
Taos Pueblo RISE Residents Support Education. Native American Tribal Website.
Residents. In. Support. of. Education. Taos Pueblo. Welcome: This is a new web space. We
have many unique and interesting things to share with you in... URL: www.aicap.org/rise.html
Paper Ships - Taos Drums
From the Heartbeat of Northern New Mexico. Paper Ships...Taos Drums. Taos Drums. A message
from Taos Drums... All life is rhythmic. We see it in the... URL: www.starhawk.com/drum.html
Taos Virtual Vacation Guide: Museum Association of Taos.
Taos Museums Where the Past Comes Alive....
URL: http://taoswebb.com/nmusa/TAOS/MAT/index.html
Starr Gallery - fine collectibles - weavings, rugs, ethnic art & clothing, car
Starr Gallery-fine collectables, specializing in room-size rugs & pre-Colombian
weaving designs by master Zapotec weavers; ethnic ceremonial art;...
URL: www.starrgallery.com/
Taos, NM WBC
WESST Corp. - Taos, NM. Dawn Redpath, Regional Manager Box 5007 NDCBU Taos, NM 87571
Telephone: (505) 758-3099 FAX: (505) 751-1575 E-Mail:... URL: www.onlinewbc.org/docs/wbcs/NMTaos.html
Museum shops - Museum stores - Taos, New Mexico
Museum shops offer gifts from Taos, New Mexico museum stores. Handmade baskets, santos,
retablos, jewelry, posters, cards, and books for sale online... =
URL: http://taosmuseums.org
Taos Ski Valley.Taos vacation lodging. New Mexico.
Taos vacation lodging, Taos Ski Valley, New Mexico travel. Over 200 properties.
Homes/Condos, B&B's and Hotels/Motels. All About Taos travel.... URL: www.allabouttaos.com/
Bed and Breakfasts, Taos, New Mexico: Old Taos Guesthouse Bed and Breakfast
New Mexico bed and breakfast adobe over 150 years old. Rural setting with spectacular
views and landscaped gardens, outdoor hot tub, hand-made... URL: http://www.triple1.net/O/Old-Taos-Guest-House/
New Mexico Genealogy Project!
Welcome To Taos County, New Mexico. Hello! My name is Karen Mitchell and I am the
coordinator of the Taos County, NMGenWeb Project. I have posted... URL: www.rootsweb.com/~nmtaos/index.htm
NMSource - Taos News
... URL: http://nmsource.com/news/taos.htm
Chamisa Mesa: www.taosteen.net
From their storytelling workshop in San Franciso
Other sites from La Plaza with custom domain names:
www.laplaza.org - The La Plaza Telecommunity
www.picurispueblo.com - Picuris Pueblo
www.amigosunidos.com - Amigos Unidos Band
www.allonetribedrum.com - All One Tribe
www.aurorashoes.com - The Aurora Shoe
www.blackelk.com - Mike Janis Enterprises
www.blueraingallery.com - Blue Rain
www.brownrice.com - Brownrice.com - Web
www.c21norris.com - Century 21 Realestate,
www.candidatesandissues.com -
Candidates and Issues
www.casaencantada.com - Casa Encantada
www.cblotataos.com - Coldwell Banker Lota
www.centinelbank.com - Centinel Bank of
www.elpaseollama.com - El Paseo Lama
www.filmtalent.com - Bi-Coastal
www.fleetware.com - Fleetware Systems, Inc.
www.georgesww.com - Georges Woodworks
www.heartlink.com - Mercury Heartlink
www.hondoproperties.com - Rio Hondo
www.inklesspress.com - Inkless Press
www.kandahar-taos.com - Kandahar
Condominiums at Taos Ski Valley
www.kitcarson.com - Kit Carson Electric
www.lalama.com - Lalama.com
www.mccormickgallery.com - Michael
McCormick Gallery
www.mountainretreat.com - Mountain
Village Program Center
www.newbeach.org - Church of New Life
www.newmoonadventures.com - New Moon
www.patrickson.com - Patrickson Engineering,
www.pillowplus.com - Pillow Plus
www.realbuyers.com - Taos Real Estate Buyers
www.regentpictures.com - Regent
International Pictures
www.sacred-art.com - Sacred Arts
www.sube.com - Sube! Spanish Thru Art & Games
www.southwesternmortgage.com -
Southwestern Mortgage, Inc.
www.streitflyfishing.com - Taylor
Streit FlyFishing Service
www.taosartschool.org - Taos Art School
www.taosconvention.com - Taos Civic
Plaza and Convention Center
www.taosmountaincasino.com - Taos
Mountain Casino
www.taosnewmexico.com - Dream
Catcher Real Estate Co., Inc.
www.triloka.com - Triloka Records
www.vallecitos.org - Vallecitos Mountain
www.vinylgrooves.com - Vinyl Grooves Music
From Judith Pepper, director of La Plaza Telecommunity, jpepper@laplaza.org,
I will offer this to any group who chooses to accept my help:
1) I will review the grant application and make recommendations for content,
application and implementation, and budget. I will NOT write a grant for
any group.
2) I will meet with all or individual groups to determine how La Plaza can
assist with technology in implementing their proposed project.
3) Database design is extremely complicated and if the groups want a
database on the web they will need:
a) a website either through an email account or the purchase of a domain
b) they will need to include in the budget dollars to pay for the
development of the database and then dollars for training a designated
person to maintain the database. This is something these groups need to
consider - how will the project sustain itself after the grant dollars are
spent? Who will be responsible for managing the site?
4. listings of healing art practitioners
This will be a part of the Community Wellness Council directory that we will
be putting up in the next month.
5. listings of Ecommerce web sites
There is not a directory of ecommerce web sites - would that be redundant of
the Taos Chamber of Commerce membership directory?