Spend just three minutes at each site to appreciate the volume and quality of what's available, and then return to your favorite sites later for more in-depth exploration. Here are 30 minute mini-tours of the best resources on key topics. Youll find all 15 Web Tours at http://lone-eagles.com/webtours.htm
- The Getty Art Databases
The world's largest arts foundation has new art databases!
See also http://www.gettyimages.com/Home.aspx
ArtsEdge http://artsedge.kennedy-center.org
A major arts resource from the Kennedy Center.http://www.comlab.ox.ac.uk/archive/other/museums/galleries.html
- Art Galleries
Museums around the world.http://wwar.com/
- World Wide Arts Resources
Includes 950 arts museums worldwide.
- Cornell University Art Resources:
- The Puppetry Home Page
- Sapphire Swan Dance Directory
Extensive Dance Resources!http://www.childrensmusic.org
- Children's Music
Links to other major children's music sites!