| Skillbuilders
1. Go to the Infoseek Advanced Search and using the same keywords from your earlier
searches, see how Open Text compares. Particularly notice the Boolean search
entries between the multiple keyword fields.
2. Some older information providers, such as encyclopedia companies are now
running commercial web sites allowing access to their databases of information, but
for a price. Visit the Encyclopedia Britanica's web site, at http://www.eb.com/.
3. Likewise, you can also search for bibliographic information on the web
using some of the common indices available at libraries. One index especially designed
for educators is the Educational Resource Information Clearinghouse (ERIC)
database, which holds only the library citation of articles that have appeared in print
media, magazines and newspapers, but not the full text of the article itself. Once you
find an article citation you want, you'd go to the library and retrieve or order the