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Lesson Two Advanced Skillbuilder


VIEW Go to the Academy Resources Wiki at http://nativehearts.pbwiki.com 
               and go to this page:
Creating a Wiki - Examples and Resources 

VIEW: The short video on “What is a Wiki?”  Note the many listed resources. Anyone can create a free wiki, and give permissions to others to edit any of the wiki pages. You have been given “Writer” permissions so you can edit all pages, and insert your own videos.

VIEW: Go to the 21st Century Academy Wiki    http://nativehearts.pbwiki.com/
From the wiki frontpage menu select "Three Short Videos for Lesson One" and view them.
Check out the lists of resources with tutorials on Internet video, blogs, wikis, and more.

VIEW: Go to the 21st Century Academy Youtube channel to view a few more videos (the full collection, and growing)
You can create your own channel in minutes for free to post your favorites or any you create.

VIEW: Go to the 21st Century Academy blog where you can view them all too *in a widget (at the bottom)
What Matters Most
www.loneeagleconsulting.com  Click on the animated welcome on the upper right of the homepage
(You can easily create your own Voki at www.voki.com)


You can easily insert the videos you have discovered into pages on your own wiki, or on my wiki pages if I give you permission, which I already have done. Test this now by adding a video on health to the Lesson Two Sustainable Families Practice Page. Click the EDIT tab at the top of the page, and then select Insert, Video, and be sure to click on SAVE at the bottom when done. Experiment to see what you can teach yourself, and ask questions of your instructor as necessary.

See what our youtube channel looks like and how to get the code for a video and embed it on a wiki page
http://www.legendtrust.com/frank/wikiyoutubeintrojing.swf  (This video created with www.jingproject.com )

Go to the academy Wiki and see the Lesson Two Sustainable Families Practice Page. 

Optional but strongly recommended:
Create your own wiki by following the simple instructions at http://education.pbwiki.com

Optional but strongly recommended: Create a sample Jing video capture and embed it on our WIKI practice page.
Download the Jing video capture program from www.jingproject.com  (Take the 2 minute tour to see what this program does (it creates a video of everything you do and say on your computer screen.) Create a short “How-to-do-something” video and upload it to youtube, create your own channel if you want, and insert your new video on our class practice video page. Share your successes or problems with the others in the academy in our Google Groups discussion area.


Health Information Technology, Rural Broadband, and Common Sense
http://lone-eagles.com/natoahealthodasz.pdf  (two pages)
Community Wellness and sustainable rural families and broadband entrepreneurship need to be integrated as "smart" community education programs. Immaculate Integration can lower costs and dramatically improve E-government services. Combining connectivity and caring with common sense to produce the authenticity of widespread citizen engagement is where the promise of broadband best meets specific rural needs.

21st Century Citizen and Community Wellness Broadband Best Practices

Health Information Technology and Community Wellness Broadband Applications


OPTIONAL: More on Wikis and Videos That Teach

Introduction to WIKIs
Introducing the Quickest Way to Create Web Pages - WIKIs

The trend with creating web pages is that it is becoming easier all the time. Free web-based web authoring sites offer an amazing array of options, from musical greeting cards, to specific curriculum formats, like webquests. A summary of web page creation options is presented in this lesson, but we’ll begin with a hands-on activity using one of the quickest methods. Wiki means “quick” in Hawaiian. A “wiki” is a quick way of creating a web page with collaborative capabilities. You can send an email invitation to anyone and set permissions as to who can edit the content on any of the web pages at your wiki.  

 The Merits of Short Introductory Overview Videos
The following short videos and screencast introductions are outstanding examples of short, effective, multimedia explanations – modeling great teaching methods. You can expect your future to be that of info-broker, gathering the best of these teaching modules to disseminate to your students, parents and peers.  More videos at www.commoncraft.com/show

View  Video: Wikis in Plain English (5 minutes)

View Wikiscreencast by Bethany Bovard (7 minutes)

At screen-cast-o-matic.com you don't need to download software (like Jing) to create a video capture. It is automatic, try it. You can also post any Jing screencast video captures at www.screencast.com  (limited to five minutes long each)

Explore Wikipedia -   www.wikipedia.org  Limit yourself to ten minutes for this first visit.
Larger than the Encyclopedia Britannica, Wikipedia represents the content contributions of many tens of thousands of volunteers. This one example certainly validates the potential for collaborative content generation. 

Explore Wikipediavision  http://www.lkozma.net/wpv/index.html  (5 minutes)
MUST SEE:    Shows a “live” world map of wikipedia contributions AS they happen worldwide in real time.
Mass Collaboration at Work! If we all share what we know, we will all have access to all our knowledge.

Create your own educational wiki http://pbwiki.com/education.wiki
Print this wiki tutorial as a step-by-step guide to creating your educational wiki as quickly as possible.