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Lesson Six

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Advanced Skillbuilder:



Let's review a bit.

In the first few lessons you were invited to explore the class google groups site with web pages, and discussions. And to explore the Nativehearts resources wiki, and the Academy youtube channel, and the Academy blog. Perhaps this was your first online learning experience? If so, you were probably wondering what I expected you to do, and how I was going to know if you did it or not?

Thus far the Academy approach has been one of customizing the lessons to best suit your interests, with your lesson feedback as the instructor's only way of knowing what you did or did not do. This academy is different from a High School course, we are in the business of creating lasting results.

That said, if you were to offer a course for a fee as your business, what would YOU require, or provide regarding proof that you delivered new skills and that your participants got what they paid for?

Think about how you might redesign this class, lesson by lesson, to deliver real skills in a fun, efficient manner.  Look around at how others are doing this effectively.

Media types:

You have been invited to listen to introductory podcasts for each lesson, and to view "video captures" created with Jing. These have been short, but have visually walked you through the highlights of each lesson, and have shown you the exact step by step processes for a number of skills, such as inserting a youtube video on a wiki page, etc. You were invited to create a Google Reader account and to begin to use RSS (Really Simple Syndication) to subscribe to any blogs you like, but also video blogs, podcast subscription feeds and more.

Hopefully, you are more excited about these new capabilities than you are intimidated or overwhelmed. Most adults would tend to be overwhelmed and threatened by too many new ideas and terms. You, however, are more likely to be able to easily understand that all these tools are easy to use and are becoming mainstream. Even texting via cellphones is now making money for businesses, such as sending real estate updates via texting, and more.

The "One UP" method for building your innovative imagination.

Here's a secret technique: Whatever innovations you see, think about what it suggests as the next new possible idea. This is a game you can play with your peers. Try to out imagine each other by competing to see who can predict the next logical extension of current innovations or those you are talking about.  For example, a twenty-something fellow won $250,000 in a Google cellphone applications competition. He created a program for cellphone which reads barcodes from cellphone photographs. So, when you walk by a movie poster, you just snap a cellphone photo of the poster, and it reads the barcode and downloads a movie video onto your cellphone. Now, there are hundreds of new potential applications that people are now trying to think up, as "One Ups" for this new capability.

The Lesson Six Skillbuilder is to catch you breath, and catch up.

Each lesson starts with a podcast introduction and a "How-To" video walk-through for each lesson.

You also have seen the following short videos giving you a visual introducation to the hands-on skillbuilders linked at the end of each lesson.

If you would like a step-by-step personal talk-through on any of these, then let us schedule a time and just get it done.

Did you leave your introduction message in the Academy Google Groups discussion area? To get access you need to create a free Google account for yourself. Here is the "How-To" video:

How to leave an introduction message in our Google Groups discussion area

If you created a free ecommerce website, family photo site or blog for lesson one, then you know how easily you can do this for others. Here is the "How-To" video from the lesson one skillbuilder activity:

See what the editing buttons look like for free ecommerce sites (and free blogs and photoalbums) at tripod.com http://www.legendtrust.com/frank/tripodintrojing.swf   
The step-by-step tutorial is at http://lone-eagles.com/tutorial.htm

If you inserted a youtube video on our class wiki for lesson two, and/or created your own wiki or youtube channel then you know how easily you can share resources and videos as well as to who others how to do this, too. Here is the "How-To" video from the lesson two skillbuilder activity:

See what our youtube channel looks like and how to get the code for a video and embed it on a wiki page http://www.legendtrust.com/frank/wikiyoutubeintrojing.swf  (This video created with www.jingproject.com )

If you created an electronic portfolio or a free resume web site at Monster.com for lesson three, then you are well on your way to being hired as an employee with above average technical skills.

Here is the "How-To" video from the lesson three showing how to create an electronic portfolio/resume: http://www.legendtrust.com/frank/lessonthreejingshort.swf

If you created a Google Reader account for lesson four and used RSS to practice subscribing to blogs of interest to you, then you understand your news feeds, or video or podcast feeds can become your "information product" ready for mass distribution as well. Here is the "How-To" video from the lesson four skillbuilder activity:

Using Google Reader to subscribe to blogs for text, video, and audio (podcasts) feeds http://legendtrust.com/frank/lessonfourjingadvanced.swf  ( created with www.jingproject.com )

If you created a Jing video capture for lesson five then you know how to "show and tell" anything in the easiest way possible. Here is the "How-To" video from the lesson five skillbuilder activity:

See the video tour of Jing  www.jingproject.com  Take the 2 minute tour (view the "How-To" video.) And download the software (Mac or PC) and experiment a bit.


Engaged for Success: Service-Learning as a Tool for High School Dropout Prevention
http://www.servicelearning.org/library/lib_cat/index.php?library_id=7540  from

Service learning may improve graduation rates: Educational service learning not only may engage students in their community but also help keep them on track for graduation, according to a Civic Enterprises report. John Bridgeland, the nonprofit's president and CEO, says 77% of students in service-learning classes reported the experience as strongly motivating them to work diligently, and 64% credited such classes with playing a role in keeping them in school.  http://www.csmonitor.com/2008/0415/p09s01-coop.html

Service learning programs combine developing new skills with volunteering time for community service. It is possible to use such programs to showcase both your skills, and your character.
Optional long essay:


President Obama’s Recovery policy requires transparency and accountability for outcomes….such as making sure the $7 billion for rural broadband (fast Internet) delivers jobs, jobs, jobs. www.recovery.gov

Online courses related to National Volunteerism Programs:

Women in Informal Employment; Globalizing and Organizing
 http://www.wiego.org Based at Harvard University
2 page flyer at http://www.wiego.org/reports/GEC_flyer_2009.pdf

The book “Wikinomics - How Mass collaboration changes everything,” basically says that in an interconnected world everyone benefits when we share information.

IBM says we need to use our Internet infrastructure smarterer:

CIRCLE http://civicyouth.org/cstp.pdf

http://socialcitizens.org nprofit handson network (created CNS online courses)

http://pewinternet.org  “teens and youth/internet” report


Students learn better when they are engaged, and research on what engages them points to technology. Learn about 21st century skills, how digital learning builds them, and why Alaska's students need them for success in the global economy. Read or Download the Critical Issues Bibliography
Learn More about 21st Century Skills

www.one-economy.com Bring IT home. Their digital connectors program trains youth to be technology ambassadors in low income communities, more than 1200 youth have delivered over 42,000 hours of service.