Text and Hyperlinks

The previous section showed you the basics for starting a web page and how text is handled. In additional to just displaying standard text, HTML allows you to use 6 different font sizes using the <H1-6> commands. H1 is the largest text, H6 is the standard sized text. You can also make text bold using <B>, or put it in italics with <I>. When using any of these commands you have to use "/" version of the command to end each command at the end of the text. Below are some samples showing a number of the various options.

size=6 bold italics
size=5 bold italics

size=4 bold italics

size=3 bold italics

size=2 bold italics

size=1 bold italics

Hyperlinks are the URL's of the other web pages that you want to point towards. They can either be other pages that you created or are on your web site, or they can be any web page anywhere else on the Internet. There are four parts to hyperlinks. First, an "anchor" (<A>) at the beginning. Then the Hyperlink reference (<HREF="URL">). Next you need the name, word, or phrase you want to appear as the hyperlink. Finally, you have the end of the anchor. Below is a hyperlink with the HTML code below it.

Western Montana College

<A HREF="http://www.wmc.edu">Western Montana College</A>

The examples above do not cover all possible options for manipulating text. For instance, you can put text or numbers is superscript or subscript, and use a limited set of fonts. Other options for hyperlinks also exist. For more information see the Text through Logical Character Formatting sections of John December's HTML & CGI Unleashed: Web Developer's Quick Reference