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Course Outline for
"Rural Ecommerce and Telework Strategies"

Note: The course description, format, and registration information are at

Lesson One - Ecommerce and Telework Readiness Skills

To Adopt Strategies for Engaging Online Learning with a Minimum of Stress

To Join the Class Listserv for Group Sharing of Resources and Questions

To Review Strategies for Developing Ecommerce and Telework Readiness Skills

Lesson Two - Ecommerce Fast-Track Strategies

The Strategy of Monitoring Trends to Leapfrog Ahead

The Strategies for Finding Local and Global Ecommerce Opportunities

The Strategy of Starting with Online Auctions as Your Easiest First Ecommerce Experience

The Strategy of Using Search Engines to Create Your Own Resource Hotlists

Lesson Three - Ecommerce Cooperatives and Virtual Incubators

To Identify the Best Strategies to Create Your First Ecommerce Web Site

To Identify Strategies for Collaborative Marketing and Manufacturing

To Review Models of Ecommerce Cooperatives for Local Replication

To Identify the Strategies Behind Virtual Incubator Models

Lesson Four - Entrepreneurship Training Opportunities

The Strategies for Becoming a Lone Eagle Entrepreneur

The Strategies to Find The Best Entrepreneurship Resources

The Strategies to Find Tutorials and Training Resources on Any Topic

The Strategies Behind Emerging Instructional Entrepreneurship Opportunities

Lesson Five - Community Economic Development Strategies

The Strategies for Becoming a Lone Eagle Telework, Telecommuting, and Telecomputing

The Smartest Strategies for Creating Measurably Smart Communities

The Strategies for Corporate Relocations and/or Individual Entrepreneurship

The Strategic Differences Behind Volume, Value, and Human Bandwidth Benefits

Lesson Six - Ecommerce and Building Collaborative Capacity

The Strategies Behind Understanding Rural Innovation Diffusion

The Strategies to Growing Local and Global Community Capacity

The Strategic Lessons Learned from the History of Community Networking

The Strategies Behind Grantwriting to Win Funding for Community Projects

Lesson Seven - Keeping Current on Competition and New Markets

To Develop a Personal Strategy for Learning from Your Competition

To Develop a Strategy to Identify New Markets and Products

Strategies for Community Programs to Grow Your Local Market

To Establish a Strategy for a Local Online Community and Collaboration Plan

Lesson Eight -Employment Opportunities in a Knowledge-Based Economy

The Strategies Behind Building a Quality Electronic Portfolio Resume

The Strategies to Quickly Establish Work Experience Through Volunteerism

The Strategies for Effectively Marketing Your Skills and Talents

The Strategies for Finding New Career and Job Possibilities

Lesson Nine - International Trade Training Resources

The Strategy for Identifying Global Niche Market Opportunities

To Review the Best International Trade Training Resources

The Strategy to Gain Perspective on the Emerging Global Economy

Third World Ecommerce Strategies - Competition or Customer?

Lesson Ten - Writing a Business Plan and Funding a Startup

The Strategies and Advantages of Creating a Legal Business

The Strategies Behind Writing a Workable, Saleable Business Plan

To Identify the Best Sources for Learning How to Start a Business

The Strategies for Getting Money to Start Your Business