Course Description and Registration for
Rural Ecommerce and Telework Strategies
Course Description
This is an online Internet course designed specifically for non-technical learners as a first online learning experience. This non-credit mastery learning online course offers ten two-hour lessons covering the basic concepts, skills, and trends for rural Ecommerce, Internet entrepreneurship, and Telework employability.Hands-on activities provide for exploring many of the best Ecommerce and Telework training materials, resources, and replicable models available - from which you'll easily be able to determine the resources best suited for your continued self-directed learning.
Who Is It For?
- Young and old interested in learning essential Internet entrepreneurship,
ecommerce, and telework readiness skills - to allow them to remain in, and
sustain their rural communities- Community leaders seeking way to promote the products, services, and resources
of their community- Community organizations seeking to create community Internet skill-building
and mentoring programs, local web-based content, and establish ecommerce
incubators, community network inclusion programs and grantwriting initiatives- Existing businesses wanting to learn to use the web to market their products and
services, monitor their competition, and stay current with web Ecommerce
innovations- Economic developers searching for local and regional development innovations
from around the country and overseas- Those who wish to create a web-based resume to advertise their skills on the web
- Everyone interested in helping build learning communities for social and
economic benefit
For Individuals:
Do more than just catch-up - Leapfrog ahead! This unique mastery learning online course is designed specifically for those who have never taken an online course to:
For Communities, Businesses, and Organizations:
This unique online course is designed to allow communities, businesses, and organizations to create their own Train-the-Trainers and peer mentoring programs, relevant web-based content, and meaningful online collaboration. Building learning communities for social and economic benefit requires getting people involved and motivated!
A Unique Assessment-Based Approach
The Ecommerce course and certification is designed to develop an accurate self-assessment of individuals' and communities' current skills and to develop a defined pathway for continued skill and strategies development. The goal is to develop realistic personal strategies based on the best knowledge and resources available.
This course focuses on becoming aware of opportunities. The certification program includes skills checklists for self-assessment as well as guidelines for posting one's skills on a web-based resume. This course is designed to be an enjoyable, fun-social-learning experience.
While course handbook provides many useful resources,
the experience of participating in the online course offers -
Specific Course Benefits:
Ongoing peer interaction and resource sharing via the class listserv (online discussion)
Those without a product to sell will learn how to turn what they learn into a marketable service product. Those who receive their certification will qualify to become paid mentors helping others learn online.
Here is a sample of the quality and range of resources explored throughout this online learning adventure.
Ecommerce Start-up Training Resources
All you need is a computer, basic point and click skills, a means of getting on the Internet and your own email account, (free at or or This course is presented in a mastery learning format that means you master the skills as you "learn by doing".How Does It Work?
An optional printed handbook "Ecommerce and Telework Strategies - A Self-directed Learner's Internet Guide" containing all the lessons, web resources, and skills activities is available for $15, plus $2 shipping.
Basic computer literacy skills are strongly recommended. However, if your computer skills are weak, you may need extra patience with yourself and your computer. You'll need to understand that most things with computers and the Internet are easy, once you know how, and patience and perseverance are the keys to success during the initial confidence-building process, particularly if you're still nervous around computers. When you have questions, you're invited to email your instructor and/or post a public question on the class listserv.
The most important thing you'll need to bring to this class is a good attitude and a willingness to explore new possibilities during this online learning adventure. Success is guaranteed. Your instructor won't give up if you don't!
If you're feeling nervous, just partner up with someone locally to share the experience. If you'd like an online peer mentor to help you along, we'll do our best to find one for you. If you're feeling confident, then jump right in!
Exploring the new capabilities presented in the course lessons will build your confidence. You will soon be able to learn anything you want, at anytime, from anywhere. Selected readings are included in each lesson to share the insights of others, and build your vision for new possibilities.
To learn about Internet collaboration you're strongly advised to take advantage of the opportunity to interact with others through the class listserv (online discussion). If you've never participated in a listserv discussion, you'll soon learn how easy it can be.
Course Instructor:
Frank Odasz, Lone Eagle Consulting
Web Site:
Resume and Biography
Course Format
Each lesson is presented in the following format:
Lesson Goals - A checklist of what you'll learn in each specific lesson.
Hands-on Activities - Activities to build your confidence, skills, and knowledge
Recommended Readings - Specific readings, including exceptional web sites
Submissions Required for Certification - Specifics on what to submit for certification
Optional Skillbuilder Activities - Additional resources and hands-on activities
Course Outline for
"Rural Ecommerce and Telework Strategies"
The Ecommerce and Telework Certification
A certificate of completion will be awarded to those who complete the required assignments for all of the ten lessons. This certification will validate your ability to demonstrate the essential Ecommerce and Telework skills. In addition, you will qualify for employment as a paid mentor authorized to mentor others through this course at the rate of $20 per mentee. During the course, you'll learn to create a web-based resume to advertise your acquired skills on the web.Paid Mentorship Opportunities
All those receiving the certification will qualify for opportunities to serve as a paid mentor helping others through the ten lessons. Anyone you bring to the course will automatically become your mentee and you will receive priority consideration for those registering from your community.Additional mentees will be assigned in the event that more people sign up for the course than the instructor feels able to handle efficiently. This paid mentorship program creates the opportunity for creating a sustainable local mentoring program within the local community.
During the course, mentors will learn how to create and maintain a basic web page. To be paid you will be required to maintain a simple personal web page hosting relevant resources you have gathered, an ongoing account of your mentoring experience and existing skills, and a short biography. This electronic portfolio will serve as your online resume for other job-finding purposes.
The quality of your electronic portfolio will be a factor in the assignment of mentees. As an authorized mentor, you will receive special resource updates and training opportunities. You will be encouraged to create your own courses of instruction based on the basic format and fee structure of this course for potential delivery through the Idaho State University customized training office.
Course Costs:
$39 for ten two-hour lessons.
This is a mastery learning non-credit online course. You can begin at anytime and work at your own pace.To Register for the Course:
Call the Idaho State University College of Technology customized training office
PH: 208-282-3372 Or Register online at (Click on the course title)