LoneEagleLogosmall.jpg (2622 bytes)  Lone Eagle Consulting  maintains the very best Internet training guides,
                                resources, and online courses, requiring the least time and effort, to deliver the highest
                                levels of benefit and motivation for people of all cultures and literacy levels.

This web site is dedicated to those lend their wings to others. We're creating self-directed Internet learners able to adjust to a changing world and able to train others. We welcome everyone who aspires to become Lone Eagles; motivated self-directed learners and entrepreneurs. We believe everyone must become both learner and teacher, both consumer and producer.

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If we are to build a world worth living in,  we all need to share what we know, so we’ll all have access to all our knowledge.

           We're modeling instructional entrepreneurship and how to make a life while making a living.
           You'll find that while we offer for-profit online courses and Internet guides, we also offer everything
           on this site as free to all as our contribution to encouraging individual and community self-sufficiency and self-publishing.

A Lone Eagle is…

A Lone Eagle is someone who has the ability to use the Internet to learn anything at anytime, from anywhere. Many Lone Eagles have chosen to gather the best-of-the-best resources in a specific category and post it on the web to help others save time with their learning. Other Lone Eagles have attained Internet collaboration skills that allow them to teach others worldwide via Internet. The most advanced Lone Eagles have even learned to use the Internet to create a self-sustaining business, winning one of the highest levels of personal freedom and independence.

Lone Eagles typically share a higher overview perspective of the world, and the untapped possibilities the Internet offers us for people to help people in powerful, meaningful ways.

Lone Eagles honor the diversity of all cultures as global citizens and recognize the power of the Internet to preserve and sustain traditional cultures, as well as to create new cultures.

Lone Eagle Consulting, as an instructional cooperative business, specializes in training teachers to create online courses and curriculum with emphasis on global citizenship, character education, cultural sensitivity, community service, and the use of Internet for self-directed learning and international collaborative project-based learning.

Lone Eagle Consulting specializes in providing citizens of all cultures and literacy levels ‘fast-track’ self-directed learning opportunities to produce the highest benefits and motivation with the least time and effort.

The emerging formula related to the most effective training possible for measurable empowerment of people of all cultures and literacy levels will look something like…

(Time + Motivation + literacy level)
______________________________          =     Level of Benefits
(infrastructure quality + targeted training)

Many of the free self-directed learning resources you'll find on this site were created through contracts funded by:

* U. S. Agency for International Development (USAID)
* AT&T Learning Network
* ERIC Clearinghouse for Rural and Small Schools
* Texas Infrastructure Fund
* Tachyon, Inc.

For information on rates, workshops, presentations, online courses, and more -
See http://lone-eagles.com/presentations.htm and http://lone-eagles.com/services.htm  

About Frank Odasz, President of Lone Eagle Consulting -

Born in Cody, Wyoming, in 1952, Frank Odasz has been a carpenter, oil field roughneck, dude ranch manager, college professor and is now a "Lone Eagle," an independent instructional entrepreneur. In 1982, Frank attended the University of Wyoming to learn the benefits computers and telecommunications could bring to citizens. As one of the earliest pioneers with both online learning and community networking, he founded the Big Sky Telegraph network, 1988-1998, one of the first online systems to offer online courses. Frank’s biographies, resume, and photograph are at http://lone-eagles.com/articles/frank.htm

Frank Odasz    
Lone Eagle Consulting
2200 Rebich Lane
Dillon, Montana 59725
PH/Fax: 406-683-6270