Lesson One: Browsing and Searching Basics

            Introducing yourself via the class listserv
           Introduction to the Internet Style of Learning

                     Strategies for finding the best resources

Using cut and paste to collect information

                     Using K12 resource sites

                     Using search engines

                     Searchable Lessonplan databases

                     Searchable Homework student resources


Lesson One Required Assignments:

  1. In the Welcome page   http://lone-eagles.com/asdnwel.htm you'll find a timeline form you need to complete and email to me with your timeline preference for completing the assignments.

  2. Subscribe to the TEACH-L listserv and post a note which tells who you are including name, school, community, teaching or administrative assignment/position. Include your special interests and the types of resources you'd like help finding. 

  3. On the TEACH-L listserv, post at least three URLs that represent the best sites of those that you have visited and explored in lesson one. Include a 2-3 sentence description that describes usefulness of sites for your colleagues.

    In the same message, post at least three quality searching tip/tricks, not included in your handbook that you have discovered using the help buttons of search engines you have used in lesson one.


Lesson Goals:

To share via the class listserv who you are and what type of resources you'd like help finding, and/or skills and assistance you can offer to others in the class.

To begin to review the quality and range of resources available on the Internet.

To begin explorations of the Thinkquest instructional web sites and resources.

To confirm mastery of basic browsing, cut and paste, and searching skills and to identify the best sources for futher skill development.

To learn about resources for improving your Internet searching skills.

A. Join the class listserv "community"

Join, or subscribe to, the listserv discussion for this class. Use your browser to go to:  http://netpals.lsoft.com/archives , select TEACH-L and then select "JOIN" and follow the instructions carefully. You'll be asked to enter your email address and your name. The listserv will first send me a message requesting authorization, so you'll have to wait until I receive this message and respond before you'll be able to post messages to the listserv. Usually, this takes less than a day unless I'm on the road.

Once you've received an email message telling you you've successfully subscribed, you'll be able to post messages to the listserv for all class participants and the instructor to read. Be sure to save the instructions on how to unsubscribe to this listserv for when you finish the class and wish to unsubscribe! 

Your next step is to use your email program to send an introductory message, to   teach-l@netpals.lsoft.com   telling who you are, and what your interests are, with emphasis on what you have to share, and what you’d like help finding or learning. You are required to post one introductory message as part of this lesson. You are strongly encouraged to continue to post resources, questions, and humor to encourage participants to interact!

Important: When you post a message to the listserv you'll know you've been successful when you receive a copy of your message with TEACH-L in the subject line. If you also receive one or more error messages stating your message could not be delivered - ignore them. These are usually related to individual mailboxes which are full or email addresses which are no longer active. You're welcome to forward any error messages to your instructor for interpretation.

Your handbook includes links to tutorials about using listservs. Look in the Handbook's Table of Contents for "Ten Collaborative Internet Tools." (15 minutes) Also, the link for the "Mailing Lists Handout" is listed below.

Listservs are much more convenient as all posted messages automatically go to each participant's personal email box. For this reason the listserv will be our main means of interaction, but you might consider web conferencing for use by your students as a public record of all messages is created, unlike most listservs. Our listserv DOES have a web-based archive of all messages, at   http://netpals.lsoft.com/archives  (Select TEACH-L)  but most listservs do not.

Hot Tip: One reason students are often ahead of teachers with their computer knowledge is they play and experiment. You're advised to adopt this approach to all the lessons. Experiment, play! Have fun! Mistakes are always learning opportunities. Make lots of them! Frank looks forward to your messages and questions! (Grin.)

B. Read the Internet Style of Learning Essay (found in the Table of Contents)   http://lone-eagles.com/islessay.htm . (15 minutes)

C. Flip through the entire handbook to become familiar with the diverse resources, review the four levels of Internet Style of Learning format, hands-on activities, articles and handouts. If you don't have a printed handbook, go to   http://lone-eagles.com/guide.htm    and you'll see the complete table of contents and can access the pages by the titles given in the lessons. Note that the lessons for this course are not the same as the activities in the handbook.
(15 minutes)

D. Select the "Checklist Activity; Web-Browsing and Cut and Paste Basics"   http://lone-eagles.com/browse.htm    from the online Handbook’s table of contents and verify your mastery of each task on the checklist. This checklist is not browser specific. Please feel free to ask questions.
(15 minutes)

Cut and Paste Skills: Make sure you can use cut and paste to move text and web addresses from any web page to any word processor. PC users: Select the Windows help button from the Start Menu, click on "Index" which is the help search engine, and type "cut and paste" (without the quotes.) Mac users: do the same using the Mac help system. (15 minutes)

Note: To use cut and paste you’d first open the wordprocessor of your choice, and then will need to jump between your browser and the wordprocessor using the Windows taskbar or the Macintosh "finder" each time you move a URL or block of text. If you don’t know how to jump between two open applications, consult your Windows or Macintosh help menu on "Using or Running Programs." (Ask questions if you need help, it is easy!)

E. Select the Quick Web Tours,   http://lone-eagles.com/webtours.htm   from the online Handbook’s table of contents and spend at least one hour reviewing the resources for:

1.  General Educational Web Tour http://lone-eagles.com/webtour8.htm    Select the first link " Kathy Schrock’s Website." Look under "Teachers Helpers" and select the slide shows option. Click through her slide show on the differences between Search Engines and Search directories. Note her other helpful resources related to learning search engines! (30 minutes.)

2. Be sure to carefully review the resources listed under the Student Research Tools Web Tour   http://lone-eagles.com/webtour5.htm  Note how most use search engines of one type or another. (30 minutes)

3. Tip: The most valuable section of most websites is their listing of "other sites." Once you find a few sites that vigorously maintain and update their listings of "other sites" you’ll be able to return to learn what’s new without having to hunt down the new sites individually all by yourself.

F. Select the "Checklist Activity: Internet Searching Basics"    http://lone-eagles.com/search.htm    from the online Handbook’s table of contents and verify your mastery of each task on the checklist.
(15 minutes)

Review carefully the activity handout "Tips on Searching the Internet" listed below, on the basics of using AND, OR and NOT with keywords, and then expand your knowledge of searching tricks (syntax) by exploring the help buttons on your choice of search engine.

http://google.com is the most popular search engine and I'd recommend Altavista, too.   http://altavista.com   Review the other searching handouts in your handbook, also listed below.

(15 minutes)

Searching Basics:

  1. The more keywords you use, using AND, OR and NOT, ideally the fewer, more specific resources will be retrieved. Using AND provides fewer resources (Memory Tag; "AND is CANNED.") Using OR provides more resources (Memory Tag: "OR is MORE.")
  2. Putting quotes around a specific phrase will return only websites containing that specific phrase. Ex: "Digital Diploma Mills" or "Project-based Learning"
  3. Truncation characters such as * or ? will allow for flexibility with words than may have multiple suffixes: EX: email AND tutorial* will find sites with the words tutorial and tutorials. Edu* will return sites with educators, educational, education, etc.
  4. Search engines are NOT created equal, while often similar, they search different information using different syntax and you’re advised to refer to the help tips on the search engine of your choice to learn how to use it most effectively.

Review these handouts for consideration for use with your students.  (15 minutes)
       URL's Handout

       Search Strategy Handout

       Search Tool Evaluation Form Handout         

The KidsConnect research toolbox for students. It will help you become more comfortable with the research process.

Tips on Searching the Internet

Where to Look on the Internet 

        Critical Evaluation of Internet Information Handout

        Copyright Guidelines Handout 


        Mailing Lists Handout

         G. Go to http://google.com and review the Advanced Searching Tips
                resources :
(30 minutes)  Practice using these tips with emphasis on multiple
                    word search phrases.                

Hot Tip For Advanced Searching!
Here's one of many new free searching software tools which have received enthusiastic reports! 
  http://www.copernic.com/en/products/agent/index.html  Select "download now" then "Basic Version" and you'll be asked where you want to save it (use desktop or anywhere.) Its a 2.5 megabyte file so it might take a good while to download. Once you have the file, you double click on it and follow the installation instruction. You've just learned how to download any file and there are thousands of great free software programs out there. Explore more software at http://www.tucows.com .

H. Select Lessonplans   http://lone-eagles.com/lessons.htm   from the online Handbook’s table of contents and review the many sources, many of which use search engines. Conduct sample searches at   http://www.thegateway.org  (Begin by selecting "Simple Searching")
(15 minutes)

    I. Review some of the 5000 student-created instructional web sites created through the Thinkquest Internet Challenge Competition http://www.thinkquest.org/library
    Prepare to be impressed!


Lesson Feedback: Optional, but much appreciated.

You're invited to privately email your instructor:

       1. What areas, if any, did you have trouble with during this

       2. What questions remain now that you've finished this lesson?

       3. Approximately how much time did you devote to this lesson?

       4. What improvements would you like to suggest?