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Lone Eagle Resources for the
2007 Digital Pathways Conference

Click through this Web Tour at


Frank Odasz,  PH 406-683-6270 Email: frank@lone-eagles.com

"The New Face of Learning"  Recommended Reading!
xceptional reading - making the case for how blogging, podcasting, video-authoring and more can impact K12 education.  From Edutopia www.Edutopia.org, a free e-zine for educators. See their new online and downloadable flipbook format.  



www.flipalbum.com  An easy to learn multimedia scrapbooking program. Elders can narrate historical and family photos, add videos, and distribute their flipalbums on CDs, DVDs, or the web.

Curriculum Resources, Case Studies, and Innovations

Canadian rural and First Nations Innovations
Extensive rural and First Nations innovations.

Two Native Virtual High School Success stories

KNET Innovations http://lone-eagles.com/indigenous_innovations.htm
Videos: http://smart.knet.ca/kuhkenah_flash.html  Northern Ontario

Sunchild E-Learning Community
http://www.sccyber.net/www/index.php  NW and Yukon Territories
First Nations Virtual High School and E-learning Community

Video: Six minute preview of the “From Cedar to Silicon” program
 (1 hr full video CD available from BC First Nations )

Aboriginal Voice - From Digital Divide to Digital Opportunity
Released November 2005 - an excellent report on what need to happen for 620 First Nations, the Metis, and Inuit Peoples. Elearning, Ecommerce, Egovernment and Esovereignty. A model for the world's communities.
The home site is www.crossingboundaries.ca/aboriginalvoice 

The First Nations Technology Council's FIT (Fully Integrated Technology) Communities Program for the Ktunaxa Nation project in Cranbrook.  http://www.ktunaxa.org Contact Don Maki dmaki@kkta.bc.ca PH: 250 417 4001   Print their flyer at http://lone-eagles.com/FIT.pdf

First Nations Technology Council
www.fntc.info  Extensive Resources

Rural Scottish Telework Success Story
(more links at http://lone-eagles.com/mainstream.htm  )

Lone Eagle Resources

Lone Eagle Training Resources for Educators, Community Technology Centers
 http://lone-eagles.com/ctcvistas.htm  Created for the CTC VISTA Project (more below)

Lone Eagle's Alaskan Native and Native American Resources
Includes village grant templates, and links to Alaskan Native Science, Math, Engineering ANSEP with project podcasts, Video blogs, and much more.

Best Lone Eagle Resources organized by topic
Extensive Educational Resources including two graduate online courses for educators and a Rural Ecommerce online course.

Reforming Educational, Economic Development,
and Healthcare Institutions:
Written for the National Conference for State Legislatures' Educational Technology Committee, 2007.

Lone Eagle Update January-October 2006
Ten Alaskan Presentations and Six Canadian Presentations

Lone Eagle Roster of Past Presentations and Workshops
http://lone-eagles.com/new.htm  http://lone-eagles.com/presentations.htm

A Public/Private Partnership Model to Showcase Youths' Digital Skills
and Rural Community Web-based Innovations


Building Collaborative Capacity – A Web Tour
http://lone-eagles.com/capacity.htm Webquests, Thinkquests, Cyberfair

 Lone Eagle Toolbox Listing of Collaborative Tools

Are you using blogs, podcasting, Internet videos or other forms of Internet collaboration or multimedia?


Reach for the Sky "Mentoring Online" Science and Math Project

http://lone-eagles.com/courses/rfts/  Additional mentoring resources are at

Mentorship Model to Grow Youth Entrepreneurship Businesses

Recent Lone Eagle Writings

What is Community Networking; And Why You Should Care
Many related links are listed in Community Technology Review

Community Networking Hits Media Mainstream (Almost)--
And Makes Its Own News   (4 pages)
http://lone-eagles.com/mainstream.htm Full version of above article

"Reaching the Tipping Point for the New Generation of Community Networks" 
http://lone-eagles.com/tipping-point.htm (9 pages)

 Lone Eagle Community Networking Articles and Smart Community Quiz

Lone Eagle Homepage http://lone-eagles.com

Articles Archive

Lone Eagle Ecommerce and Telework

American Rural Teleworkers:  Great Employees, Lower Costs

Homesteading the Electronic Frontier in Wyoming

Letter to Alaskan Governor Palin suggesting an Alaskan Ecommerce Support Network

In Support of Genuine Rural Broadband Applications

Rural Ecommerce Grant templates

ORCA - Outsourcing Readiness Capability Assessment
http://lone-eagles.com/orca.htm  Written for Alaskan Native Villages

American Indian Sourcing 

American Indian Internet Television

Educational Portals of Interest

The Google Literacy Project www.google.com/literacy
A resource for teachers and literacy organizations.

PBS’s Learningnow blog for educators
www.pbs.org/learningnow hosted by Andy Carvin www.andycarvin.com
Exceptional resources from a master at EdTech Innovation

A Teacher’s Tour of Youtube.com
video: "Eager to Learn" ( www.edutopia.org/1047 )

Annenberg/CPB Educational Videos
www.learner.org  For Classroom Internet Access

Community Technology Review
Articles with dozens of resources links on youth media, community networking, community organizing, and technology for non-profits.

The CTC VISTA Project ( http://www.ctcvista.org) invites you to check out our newest edition of the Project newsletter, the Digest http://www.ctcvista.org/digest/fall06/  The Digest's goal is to highlight the work of the CTC VISTAs, as well as the accomplishments of our participating organizations, and to explore new trends in the use of new digital media and technology in community-based non-profit endeavors. 

This fall edition include updates from the Project HQ, experts from the CTC VISTA blogs past & present, and feature articles including:

The CTC VISTA Project application process, simply submit an intent to apply
( http://www.ctcvista.org/application) - see the Project guidelines at
 http://www.ctcvista.org/guidelines for additional information.


Community wellness, homeland security and mental health all relate to our ability to get the information and services we need across all agencies, “silos,” and global sources. We need community learning programs integrated with Internet knowledge access, peer social networks and mentoring programs; mutual support social networks for just-in-time inquiry-based learning - Service library one-stops. More at http://lone-eagles.com/healthyvillage.htm



Presentation Demo Links from Digital Pathways Keynote

1995 Thinkquest, www.thinkquest.org/library/
1996 finalist Powwow http://library.thinkquest.org/3081/ ,
Cyberfair – elem completion 8 community topics http://www.globalschoolnet.org/gsh/cf/categories/index.html

Iearn 2 million students from 80 countries, water wheel http://www.iearn.org/

Nation to Nation Ecommerce Mentoring; metis/mayan www.metisnation.org

Indigenous Commission http://www.iccta-citca.org/ENG/home.html

Abe Walkingbear and Elderhood Retreats www.armg-usa.com

Sunroads Farmory -Selling bunny food www.sunroadsfarmory.com

New Social Networking site www.ning.com

What’s Your Story? (MT Libraries) www.whatsyourstory.ws

Skype www.skype.com  Skype virtual call centers www.sky-click.com

bunny sings wolf. http://www.bunnysingswolf.com/
