Montpelier Mentorship Survey

Collaborating and Sharing Knowledge Locally




To help our community better learn new skills and talents we’re creating a Mentorship Roster of volunteers willing to share their knowledge. Can we count on you to participate?


What knowledge and/or skills would you like to either learn or share?


I’d take a 30-minute eye-opener                             I’ll mentor/share this 30-minute eye-opener

                        ä                                                     ä


                                                            Basic Computer Skills

£  I can turn it on, now what?                                      £  I can turn it on, now what?

£  Word processing-easy steps                                    £  Word processing-easy steps


                                                               Internet Use

£  Search Engine savvy                                                £  Search Engine Savvy

£  How to use “e-mail” (Outlook Express)                   £  How to use “e-mail” (Outlook Express)

£  Simple Web Page construction (Netscape)              £  Simple Web Page construction (Netscape)

£  Shopping on the web – Web Tour                           £  Shopping on the web – Web Tour

£  Where can I buy…? (bring your questions)              £  Where can I buy…? (bring your questions)

£  Anti-Virus Program overview & configuration          £  Anti-Virus Program overview & configuration


What Information would you like to either learn more about or share?


E-Commerce and Telework

£  E-Bay Web Tour                                                    £  E-Bay Web Tour

£  60 Minutes” e-Bay Video viewing                        £  60 Minutes” e-Bay Video viewing

£  E-Bay “tools” Tour                                                 £  E-Bay “tools” Tour

£ Business startup resources Web Tour                       £  Business startup resources Web Tour

£  Digital camera basics for the web                             £  Digital camera basics for the web    

£  What is Telework? Web Tour                                 £  What is Telework? Web Tour



£  EcoTourism Web Tour                                            £  EcoTourism Web Tour

£  Alaskan Village EcoTourism part 1 Web Tour         £  Alaskan Village EcoTourism part 1 Web Tour

£  Alaskan Village EcoTourism part 2 Web Tour         £  Alaskan Village EcoTourism part 2 Web Tour

£  Infrastructure needed for SED                                 £  Infrastructure needed for SED


Resources on the Web

£  State of AK resources Web Tour                            £  State of AK resources Web Tour

£  Women’s Web Tour                                               £  Women’s Web Tour

£  Men’s Web Tour                                                    £  Men’s Web Tour

£  Teenage Web Tour                                                 £  Teenage Web Tour

£  Kid’s Web Tour                                                     £  Kid’s Web Tour

£  Pre-School Web Tour                                             £  Pre-School Web Tour

£  Health & Medical info Web Tour                            £  Health & Medical info Web Tour

£  Free online classes, tutorials, lessons Web Tour       £  Free online classes, tutorials, lessons Web Tour

£  Frank Odasz’s Website Tour                                  £  Frank Odasz’s Website Tour


What other skill or information not listed above do you want to find or learn about on the Web? What Information or Skill not listed above are you willing to share using the Web?





Which of the following would you like to learn more about?


£ Community Internet Skills and Content Development A series of very easy, but highly relevant and motivating lessons created to facilitate the rapid growth of new skills in seven categories:

  1. Email skills as essential for electronic citizenship
  2. Search Engine Skills as essential for self-directed Internet learning
  3. Web self-publishing skills as essential for local and global ecommerce and expression.
  4. Mentoring and teaching skills as essential for sharing knowledge in your community.
  5. Entrepreneurship skills as essential for individual, family and community sustainability.
  6. Cultural Preservation and expression skills as essential for using technology to preserve the knowledge of our elders and culture for future generations.
  7. Leadership and innovation skills as essential for becoming a role model for your community for adapting to change.


£ E-commerce & Telework Strategies online class through Idaho State University for only $39. Non-credit course, independent study with mentorship provided. Certificate will allow person completing program to mentor others for $20. per student. This is an online Internet course designed specifically for non-technical learners as a first online learning experience. This non-credit mastery learning online course offers ten two-hour lessons covering the basic concepts, skills, and trends for rural Ecommerce, Internet entrepreneurship, and Telework employability.

Hands-on activities provide for exploring many of the best Ecommerce and Telework training materials, resources, and replicable models available - from which you'll easily be able to determine the resources best suited for your continued self-directed learning.

Who Is It For? -Young and old interested in learning essential Internet entrepreneurship, ecommerce, and Telework readiness skills - to allow them to remain in, and sustain their rural communities.



£ The Good Neighbor's Guide to Community Networking-- Community networking is about sharing information, ideas, and innovations.  …Bringing the best of over ten years of community network experimentation and innovation to your community. Exactly how you, and your community, will match big-heartedness, with computers and bandwidth, to create a network that is fun, inclusive and productive, will be determined by your imagination, and your ability to share your visions with others. As expectations increase with experience, you can expect your community members to become increasingly proactive in reinventing "their" community network. Eleven online chapters: at

  1. What is a Community Network?
  2. Community Networking: Making a Difference
  3. Building Individual and Community Collaborative Capacity
  4. Starting a Community Network; How to Get and Use the Tools
  5. Community Networking Applications for Education, Healthcare, and Community Development
  6. Rural Community E-Business Strategies, and Training Resources
  7. Youth-Based Community Development Strategies
  8. Grantwriting Tips and Funding Sources
  9. Innovation Diffusion; Looking at the Process of Change
  10. Twenty Lessons Learned
  11. Bibliography of Community Networking Resource