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Web-Raising Events for Rural and Indigenous Workshops

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 Host a Train-the-Trainers Web-Raising Event:

Lone Eagle Consulting has conducted many such events across Montana, Idaho, and Alaska, such as 60 workshops
for the three year USDOL National Ecommerce Demonstration project "Montana Choice"
( www.lone-eagles.com/future-proofing.htm ) and, in particular, a web-raising for 13 directors of Montana's Small Business Development Centers.

We used a wireless laptop lab to conduct a successful pilot Web Raising in a one-room school in Zortman, MT on the edge of the Fort Belknap reservation, courtesy of a USDA-funded project at the University of Idaho. Many past events are listed at http://lone-eagles.com/new.htm

Proposed is a one day event, though web-raising have been conducted successfully in as little as 45 minutes:

Workshop Schedule:

 9am-10am Rural Ecommerce and Telework Strategies Presentation
                  Four Steps:  This workshop focuses on Step 1, with resources provided for the additional steps.
                   1. Creating a nicely organized visual Web site.
                   2. Creating a merchant account (to allow online credit card purchases)
                   3. Establishing an Emarketing plan, understand free and paid service options.
                   4. Social Media Marketing tools and strategies.

10am-11am Hands-on Web-Raising; create a free Ecommerce or personal website

11am - 12am  Introduction to Online Learning, Epublishing and Monetizing your online content
                      Become an instructional entrepreneur, publish your own Ebooks, and much more.

Lunch 12am-1pm

1pm-2pm - Creating a Sustainable Local Egov Resources Portal; a Hands-on introduction to easily creating "show and tell" videos.
                  Suggested are citizen-created videos showing the best online resources by sector as a local Egov portal, inviting all contributions.

2pm-3pm - Introduction to Social Media tools, and using Social Media to start and/or market your own business.
                  Included are discussions on Digital Citizenship and Civic Engagement Incentives, such as social recognition for peer mentoring.

3pm-5pm - Open Lab for continued exploration, personalized help, and additional skill-building.

Rates are always flexible depending on the number of days training, topics covered, special needs, barters considered.
Inviting local trainees to prepare them to host future Web-Raisings would be ideal as we could use their help
providing individual assistance, particularly with larger groups.  Details on rates are at the bottom of this page.

Logistics: A computer lab is recommended, or a room with reliable fast wifi - if participants can bring their own laptops.
                A large screen or white wall is needed for multimedia projections, we provide the audiovisual equipment.
                It is important to be able to darken the room for ideal visual projections.
                It is important to define the attendees level of digital experience, and ideally have groups with similar experience.
                Older learners might want to bring along a member of the first digital generation for technical assistance.
                While extensive online courses and resources are available, consider prearranging
                 for ongoing customized online instruction, social media feeds, and sustained collaboration.

Click through the following Online Web Tour with short Web-Raising Videos
and extensive related unique online resources:

The following short Web-Raising Videos are all at:

Browning  Rural Ecommerce and Telework Strategies Workshop
  (20 seconds)

Web Raising for BC First Nations 
 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGaDw8EqVcA  (30 seconds)

18 Ecommerce websites in 45 minutes

Conducting Your Own Community Web-Raising
 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pawE6ITPAxQ (35 seconds)

17 Free Ecommerce web pages on a new community web site, all in 45 minutes
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUFSuU5ygO4 (20 seconds)
The community website created is at http://winnett-webraiser.tripod.com

Additional information on multiple day workshops is available on request.

Optional "Assessment Resources" to Be Shared with All Tribes

A description of a two-day Youth multimedia workshop conducted for the Coeur d'Alene tribe is at http://lone-eagles.com/workshop.htm

A four minute video summary of this workshop

Conduct your OWN Web Raisings,
Click through the following example websites:

Web-raisings are held where attendees created free ecommerce sites in less than an hour using the tutorial at http://lone-eagles.com/tutorial.htm  Web-Raising events have been conducted in multiple communities and for Montana's 13 Small Business Development Center directors. Montanan Ecommerce Successes are listed at

Fall 2007, as a result of Lone Eagle Consulting Web-raising workshops local trainers taught youth how to create their own free ecommerce pages complete with affiliate programs with Amazon.com and Walmart which return commissions of 10-17% for items purchased online.  View this one example created by a teenage girl at the Wolfpoint Alternative School on the Fort Peck Reservation - click on the Cookbooks and Cooking Supplies links at "Rez Bread" at http://snarf2000.tripod.com/    Many more Native American web-raising Ecommerce web sites and a listing of Indigenous portals and related sites of interest is at:    http://lone-eagles.com/ecommerce-successes.htm

Write Your Own Grant Using Free Grant Templates:

The above Train-the-Trainers events were the result of the Fort Peck Community Ecommerce Incubator grant http://lone-eagles.com/fort-peck.htm , which was created from Lone Eagle Consulting's extensive free grant templates at   http://lone-eagles.com/rural-grant-templates.htm


Ron Ridesatthedoor used the above Web-Raising process to create his own successful Ecommerce web site  to sell alfalfa as bunny food from this 1000 acre farm. www.sunroadsfarmory.com  Note he has his own affiliate program as an e-marketing strategy. And a web site he created for a local business brought in $10,000 in the first week, but I'll let him tell his own success stories. He owns a successful rural wireless Internet business and is proud father of five. He is county commissioner for Glacier County, MT. He is a true entrepreneur and an articulate speaker.


Recommended Follow Up Online Training and Mentorship:

The 21st Century Learn, Earn, and Serve Academy, An Alaskan Project Adaptable for Montana Immediately: All lessons and media are online and open to the public.  http://lone-eagles.com/workforce101.htm  Resources include a blog, www.loneeagleacademy.com a wiki, http://nativehearts.pbwiki.com ,  a youtube channel, www.youtube.com/fodasz  and a Ning social network, http://loneeagleacademy.ning.com . A wide array of new media applications and presentations are planned. The first lesson contains links to multiple alternative Ecommerce curriculums (SBA) and much more. We are using Google Groups for the private interaction for the class while showcasing the best integrated Google tools so youth can teach the course to others, and learn to create their own Instructional Entrepreneurship businesses.


Making the Living You Want, Living Wherever You Want.

The BIG opportunity is to identify broadband training best practices so Alaskan Native villages and all Native communities, with broadband can be revitalized. Currently, even those villages with broadband are suffering serious out-migration. The Lone Eagle Train-the-Trainers program for Alaskan Native youth on state-of-the-art broadband entrepreneurship is underway in Alaska. By learning these social media tools you and yours can reach more tribal members online that through any of your other methods, at less cost, and in the short term - or immediately. The lessons are online without restriction, free to all.


Two Graduate Online Courses for Alaskan Educators taught by Lone Eagle Consulting for the last ten years via the Alaska Staff Development Network and Alaska Pacific University include the following listing of final projects by teachers in these classes  http://lone-eagles.com/teachercreated.htm  The first two links are short online courses well worth a careful review. 

Free Resources to Share for Ongoing Self-Study by Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime

Teaching Everyone to be both learner and teacher, both consumer and producer, all the time.  

Lone Eagle Online Curriculums:

Search Lone Eagle's 700+ resource web pages using our internal Google search engine at http://lone-eagles.com
 Add the keyword "native" or "Alaska" and you'll see only the Lone Eagle Native and /or Alaskan resources displayed.
A published history is “Big Skies and Lone Eagles http://lone-eagles.com/history.htm

The FCC Lone Eagle Broadband Training Best Practices Web Site
U.S. Federal Communications Commission's Native American Division
has posted broadband training best practices http://lone-eagles.com/best.htm on their www.fcc.gov/indians site (listed as Examples of Broadband Training Best Practices) in their Internet Resources listing: http://www.fcc.gov/indians/internetresources/     With a new FCC chairman anticipated and a new President we can expect to see a lot of innovation related to Broadband and Social Media.

America’s Historic Challenge to Fund Mass Innovation

http://lone-eagles.com/getitright.htm  Submitted April 13m, 2009
Input regarding NTIA/BTOP and USDA/RUS stimulus program effectiveness> Broadband Best Practices for Sustainable Families.

Articles by Lone Eagle Consulting published nationally via the Daily Yonder E-newsletter

The Rural Broadband Challenge: Use It - Alaskan Native Projects, Issues, and Opportunities http://matr.net/article-32886.html Lone Eagle's published response to challenges as to whether rural broadband can produce jobs.

Wanted: Broadband and Broader Minds   (See the Navajo Youth Chocolate Success Story )
Rural Telework, Youth E-entrepreneurship, and rural broadband benefits.

What's Broadband Done for You, Lately? A Primer on What IS Broadband.

Health I.T, Rural Broadband, and Common Sense
Community Wellness and sustainable rural families and broadband entrepreneurship need to be integrated as "smart" community education programs. Immaculate Integration can lower costs and dramatically improve E-government services. Combining connectivity and caring with common sense to produce the authenticity of widespread citizen engagement is where the promise of broadband best meets specific rural needs.

The Wyoming Ecommerce Network
A proposed youth-based model to grow rural demand for Broadband services.

A Proposal for a Montanan Statewide Digital Inclusion program based on one online course 


Rural “Greencollar” Workers: Resources for the Montana Economic Development Association  


The Indigenous Commission for Communications Technologies in the Americas
http://www.iccta-citca.org    The Guatemala trip report http://lone-eagles.com/guatemala.htm
Joe Garcia, president of NCAI is a commissioner representing U.S. Tribes and attended the founding meeting in Antigua, Guatemala, March 2007.

AIHEC Project Recommendations
http://lone-eagles.com/aihec.htm Presented for AIHEC STEM committee March, 2009.

Nativehearts Virtual Nation:
A proposal for how to change the world, submitted to Google’s $10 million dollar competition:
Expanded Version:  http://lone-eagles.com/nativehearts.htm

Examples of recent Lone Eagle events and more articles:

Global Rural ICT conference in Tokyo, March 2008,
Lone Eagle Presented for 21 nations:

The Global Rural ICT conference context is described at http://lone-eagles.com/tokyo-report.htm
The Lone Eagle formal 15 page whitepaper has MT and AK case studies: http://lone-eagles.com/social-engineering.htm
 Final conference report http://lone-eagles.com/apecfinalreport.pdf

Cyberbridges as Broadband Business Incubators
Can Broadband become THE Cyberbridge to an American Innovation Revolution?

What exactly IS Broadband, and Why should I care?
What you didn't know you needed to know about broadband.

First Nations ICT Summit, Lone Eagle presentation, Feb. 18-22, 2009 in Vancouver BC  www.ictsummit.ca
The First Nations Technology Council site is www.fntc.info and is rich with resources. (BC First Nations have $30 million for BB and "capacity building/training"  which they are now plannig to define and operationalize. Ontario's KNET has $27 million for arctic satellite connectivity to remote villages.

Lone Eagle Presentation Title and Description
The History and Future of Grassroots ICT Socio-economic Capacity Building
President Obama's expertise with social media as demonstrated during his campaign will now be applied toward community service, civic participation, community education, and stimulating innovation at all levels in America. Rural broadband training innovations toward teaching global citizenship, global service learning, and opportunities for educating youth to create micromultinationals have already begun. This session will review lessons learned from the history of U.S. grassroots organizations for community technology centers, community networks and will address the latest trends in use of social media for measurable socio-economic capacity-building. Lone Eagle's published responses to challenges as to whether rural broadband can produce jobs:

21st Century Citizen and Community Wellness Broadband Best Practices
http://lone-eagles.com/hit.htm This document is my input for Senator Baucus on health care reform and Health information technology policy - as related to wellness broadband applications.The links to the short articles on govt. use of social media and the longer Razorfish report on consumer social media indicate major opportunities for innovation, particularly with citizen service learning engagement.

June 11, 2008, Washington, DC: Attended a meeting with Native Affairs directors from SBA, USDA, FCC to discuss an online clearinghouse for broadband training best practices. Also met with the program director of www.connectednation.org which has an E-communities leadership model with grassroots broadband awareness and adoption campaigns. Their online reports are well worth a review. And met with MT Senators Baucus and Tester to discuss the letter to the MT Gov. suggesting a Rural Ecommerce and Telework Support Network and to propose hosting a conference “Why Broadband?” focused on Montanan ecommerce and telework success stories.

June 2008, Reviewed grants for the Corporation for National and Community Service www.cns.gov  for their Higher Education and Social Media Service Learning RFP.

July 17th, 2008 , Salt Lake City: Presented for the FCC Indian Training Institute conference www.fcc.gov/indians on creating a broadband training best practices clearinghouse.  (Now online, links above)


Broadband Best Practices for Sustainable Families

Dillon Center for Broadband Excellence
A feasibility study proposal to become a center of excellence in partnership with the Rocky Mountain Supercomputer Centers, INC. Montana's first supercomputer to serve as a hub for regional business incubators.


Montana Center for Sustainable Rural Families


Dillon, Montana is getting Fiber Optics. How can the community benefit is the theme behind this feasibility study proposal
The original much longer Montana version :


Social media trends in education and government: An informal literature review

"Montana's Center for Sustainable Rural Families"
http://lone-eagles.com/montana-center.htm   A one page outline.


Draft: Proposal for a Train-the-Trainers Web-Raising Event


Lone Eagle Consulting has conducted many such events across Montana, Idaho, and Alaska, such as 60 workshops
for the three year USDOL National Ecommerce Demonstration project "Montana Choice"
( www.lone-eagles.com/future-proofing.htm ) and, in particular, a web-raising for 13 directors of Montana's Small Business Development Centers.
We used a wireless laptop lab to conduct a successful pilot Web Raising in a one-room school in Zortman, MT on the edge of the Fort Belknap reservation, courtesy of a USDA-funded project at the University of Idaho. Many past events are listed at http://lone-eagles.com/new.htm

Proposed is a one day event 

Cost: $2000/day per trainer =                                                    $2000.00
Travel to your location from Dillon, and return
per day travel, 2 days @ $500/day =                                          $1000.00 (est)
Travel Expenses road miles @ .49/mile =                             
Travel Misc. expenses
Total                                                                                           $3000.00


Frank Odasz
Lone Eagle Consulting
Email: frank@lone-eagles.com

PH/Fax: 406 683 6270
Cell: 406 925 2519

Everyone both learner and teacher, consumer and producer, all the time.

Your life is a gift from the Creator, what you do with it is your gift back to the Creator.