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Skillbuilders Activity:

Create: A Free Ecommerce Website

(Give it a try, it should take less than one hour and be fun.)

View: Conducting Your Own Community Web-Raising
 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pawE6ITPAxQ Very short (35 seconds)

A web raising event can help everyone who attends create a free ecommerce web site, blog and/or other web-based sites in less than an hour. The tutorial is at http://lone-eagles.com/tutorial.htm  though the site has extensive easy step by step instruction. Your task for this lesson is to explore the features, tutorials and create a web site of your choice. Your success will be recorded when you email your site web address to your instructor.

See what the editing buttons look like for free ecommerce sites (and free blogs and photoalbums) at tripod.com
http://www.legendtrust.com/frank/tripodintrojing.swf   (This video created with www.jingproject.com )

Web raisings can also create a free community web page on which you can post all the ecommerce sites creating during the workshop. Web-raisings were held where attendees created free ecommerce sites in less than an hour using the tutorial at http://lone-eagles.com/tutorial.htm  Web-Raising events have been conducted in multiple communities and for MT's SBDC directors. 

Fall 2007, local trainers taught youth how to create their own free ecommerce pages complete with affiliate programs with Amazon.com and Walmart which return commissions of 10-17% for items purchased online. See "Rez Bread" at http://snarf2000.tripod.com/   To subscribe your site to affiliate programs see the Promotions button in the menu bar. Explore as many features as you have time for.  More success stories are at http://lone-eagles.com/ecommerce-successes.htm  and http://lone-eagles.com/web-raising.htm

Ron Ridesatthedoor used the above Web-Raising process to create his own successful Ecommerce web site  to sell alfalfa as bunny food from this 1000 acre farm. www.sunroadsfarmory.com  Note he has his own affiliate program as an e-marketing strategy created at www.affiliateshop.com . And a web site he created for a local business brought in $10,000 in the first week, but I'll let him tell his own success stories. He owns a successful rural wireless Internet business and is proud father of five. He is county commissioner for Glacier County, MT. He is a true entrepreneur does workshops.

More at http://lone-eagles.com/web-raising.htm

21st Century Wiki, Blog, Ning Social Network, and Youtube Channel:

Go to the 21st Century Academy Wiki    http://nativehearts.pbwiki.com/
From the wiki frontpage menu select "Three Short Videos for Lesson One" and view them.
Check out the lists of resources with tutorials on Internet video, blogs, wikis, and more.

AND go to the course Youtube channel to view a few more videos (the full collection, and growing)
You can create your own channel in minutes for free to post your favorites or any you create.

AND go to the class blog where you can view them all too (at the bottom)
What Matters Most
www.loneeagleconsulting.com  Click on the animated welcome on the upper right of the homepage
(You can easily create your own blog at www.blogspot.com  and your own "Voki" at www.voki.com)

Lone Eagle Academy NING Social Network
http://loneeagleacademy.ning.com  Create your own in 2 minutes!  www.ning.com

Optional Exploration:

Alaskan Career Resources
Dated, but full of great links. We will be creating a website for the best Alaskan Career resources available.

Alaskan Native resources
http://lone-eagles.com/afn-resources.htm  Lone Eagle handout for the 2006 Alaskan Federation of Natives presentation.

 Alaskan Digital Storytelling
 See how Jackie Isaac honors his grandparents with a memorial blog
 which shares their fiddle music and history. There are too many links, so we need to
 create a shorter listing with the ten best examples for digital storytelling.

 A Smart Community (or Village) Quiz
 See how Bethel, Alaska is using the web to share local news, celebrate citizens, and more.
 A Six Question Quiz with Model Community Websites.

A Beginner's Guide to Profiting from the Internet
http://lone-eagles.com/ecom.htm  Ten two-hour lessons on what’s working for others like you.

Alaskan Native version

http://lone-eagles.com/akecom.htm This is the Alaskan version of A Beginner's Guide to Profiting from the Internet, above.
If you look at lesson one below you'll see at the bottom of the lesson many links to other online courses on ecommerce particularly 30 online courses from the Small Business Association. But, you'll find this "profiting" course to be a shorter overview.

Check out Lesson One:
Ecommerce and Telework Readiness Skills
http://lone-eagles.com/ecommercenew1.htm  Where you will find this ebay introduction:

Ebay video tutorials
Click on New to Ebay? on the left, and then "Start Tour" for
a short presentation, note the other tutorials on How to Buy, How to Sell,
How to become a member, etc.

Other Online Ecommerce courses listed in Lesson One

The Access Ecommerce Guide
(Excellent lessons on Ecommerce.)

The National Small Business Development Center's Ecommerce Resources
(Worth the time for a thorough review!)

The SBA's online lessons on starting a business
(Their home page is at Small Business Administration http://www.sba.gov/.)

Optional Exploration: A Few Advanced Sites

The U.S. Federal Communications Commission's Native American Division has posted broadband training best practices http://lone-eagles.com/best.htm on their www.fcc.gov/indians site (listed as Examples of Broadband Training Best Practices) in their Internet Resources listing: http://www.fcc.gov/indians/internetresources/    

Thirtydaychallenge.com  Day One
Subscribe to access their 30 free video lessons, and particularly their preseason tutorials on social media tools.
Do not buy anything until you finish all 30 days, as my suggestion. They try very hard to sell you too much.
Once you have succeeded learning a great deal for free, you will much better understand what you would really want to buy.

Here is a music band site using social media tools for very effective e-marketing:
http://www.signetmae.com  This is an example site shared by the Thirtydaychallenge guy.

Here are a few examples of the quality of resources for working from anywhere:
Anyone can sign up for a telework job as a Rural Home Agent www.contractxchange.com View the short video.

AND see what others are creating as innovative home based businesses at StartUpNation www.startupnation.com 

 Optional READ:  The Rural Broadband Challenge: Use It http://matr.net/article-32886.html 
  Lone Eagle's published response to challenges as to whether rural broadband can produce jobs.

Is it worth spending billions to extend broadband to rural areas? It’s a legitimate question. Once access is achieved, the telephone and cable companies will have met their goal, but the challenge for citizens and communities to produce jobs and income will have just begun.

With broadband in place, how will new jobs be created? Can we identify replicable broadband training best practices in a world of booming bottom-up entrepreneurial innovations, in time to produce jobs on a massive scale? Yes, we can. In fact, it is already happening.

Optional READ - Five trends to change media
http://alwayson.goingon.com/permalink/post/30655   Creating value by

As the cost of the creation of content continues to come down,  more content creators will come online.  This will create a huge influx of unfiltered material,  and create a significant demand for filters and editors who can find/sort/select and recommend contextual quality content within verticals.  This "Curation" function has the potential to give media enterprises whose current business models are under tremendous pressure a new and important role in the web media world.  What makes the Curation Economy so powerful,  and so disruptive,  is that the core resource required to building a high-quality curated experience is not capital, but knowledge. This will drive an emerging class of content entrepreneurs - people who are able to turn their trusted personal brands into high-quality filtered content destinations.  As the number of publishers grows dramatically,  content consumers will hunger for new trusted sources.  These many creators and consumers on the move will fuel whole new businesses and categories.