A Native American Community Internet Empowerment Guide

                                    by Frank Odasz, frank@lone-eagles.com
                                 Lone Eagle Consulting  http://lone-eagles.com

It will be what you do, or don't do, with your Internet access
that will determine your level of empowerment!

The following essays raise the hard questions   which too few are asking and are based on over 15 years of extensive field experience with rural, remote and indigenous learners. The initial Vision essays will help you establish a realistic vision and prepares you for asking the hard questions that will ultimately determine the difference between success and failure. Then, you'll find detailed implementation plans, followed by detailed self-directed hands-on training materials, and grantwriting tutorials complete with grant templates, and funding sources. Extensive training resources and listings of outstanding Native American web-based innovations are given through out these writings which you're invited to share without restriction.

If you're ready for implementation,   jump to http://lone-eagles.com/telecenters.htm    and the implementation section below. If you have Internet access, and the vision, and the will, you'll find here nearly everything you need for creating your own Quick-start community empowerment program at no cost.

The services of
Lone Eagle Consulting    are optional, but are guaranteed to accelerate your progress through on-site motivational presentations, expert online teaching and moderation of online discussions, and keeping you current on similar projects, new resources, and the opportunity for additional partners and sponsors for your community Internet project.

Establishing a Realistic Vision

                Preface: Culturally Appropriate Community Building using Internet Tools
                             - Issues, Risks, and Opportunities

Echoes in the Electronic Wind
Native Americans value community-building and may be the first to demonstrate how web-based tools can empower communities through gathering and sharing knowledge collaboratively.

Making the Missing Connections… A Wake-up Call
Regarding True Community Internet Empowerment

Lessons Learned from a Decade of Grassroots Online Innovation

The Future of Community Development -
Make the Living You Want Living Wherever You Want

An Update on the major Native Internet Projects

Key Issues in Realizing Tribal Benefits from Internet Infrastructure

An Executive Overview for Project Planners
on the Hard Questions for Community Internet Empowerment

Beyond Traditional Vocational Education:
Best Practices for Use of Computers and Internet for Native Communities
Suggestions from a two-day meeting on Indian Vocational Education.

Examples of Native American Web Cultural Applications
Many outstanding examples of Native American innovation.

Tales from the Frontier of Internet Empowerment
A short snapshot of the level of awareness of what Internet empowerment
possibilities were prior to 1998. Many points still more than relevant today.

The New Gold Rush;
Mining Raw Human Potential using Free Web Tools

Community Networking primer
A good first article on community networks.

Building Learning Communities through Community Technology Centers
An introduction to Internet self-empowerment opportunities!

Lone Eagles Learn to Teach From Any Beach!
Learning to teach online; anyone, anywhere, anytime.
Published Nov. '99 in the T.H.E. Journal http://www.thejournal.com

The Good Neighbor's Guide to Community Networking
Eleven easy-reading chapters including lessons learned and a bibliography of resources.

Implementation Models and Sample Grants

Preface: New Partnerships for Successful Community Capacity-building

Bringing Ideas Into Being
The "collective will" of the tribe must be ready.

Creating Effective Tribal Telecenters and Community Networks
A prospectus for those interested in creating effective Tribal Telecenters, Community Technology Centers, and Community Networks in partnership with Lone Eagle Consulting.

Alaskan Native Youth Cultural Community Building
A grant proposal written for eight Alaskan Native Villages

Culture Club: A Youth-based Cultural and Community Survival Strategy
Community content and self-publishing to address the global need for culturally appropriate Internet training visions and resources. Includes a Lone Eagles Apprenticeship Ecommerce program.
See also http://lone-eagles.com/capacity.htm
and http://lone-eagles.com/trainers.htm

Seventh Generation Community Initiative
A Model for Native American Sovereignty

The Community Bootstrap Initiative "Doing for Ourselves- Together"
A full USDA proposal model for Dillon, Montana

Kellogg's Managing Information for Rural America (MIRA) Model
An assessment of a two-year project funded by the Kellogg Foundation

Internet Training Resources

                           Echoes in the Electronic Wind:
                    A Native American Cross-cultural Internet Guide
                    A self-directed learner's hands-on guide with emphasis on pointing to the best online tutorials,
                    and educational resources, on the Internet. An online course for educators uses this guide.

"Building Cultural Learning Communities" Resources

Grant-writing Tips and Funding Sources

Community Network Funding Sources and Grantwriting Tips
Specifically for rural community development.

A Simple Proposal-writing Tutorial from the Kellogg MIRA project
Easy to follow and to use for your first grant proposal.

Creating a Community Self-help Internet Empowerment Model
A concept paper with many fundable ideas written for the Taos, NM Kellogg MIRA project participants.

A Grantwriting Lesson, including grant templates for Native Americans and rural communities http://lone-eagles.com/asdnl8.htm
From the online course for educators "Making the Best Use of Internet for K12 Instruction" http://lone-eagles.com/asdn1.htm