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Social Media for Educators

Lesson Two: Best Practices for What Matters Most

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Required Submissions Checklist for Lesson Two:

_____ Read the lesson below and conduct the Blog activity; create a simple blog.

_____ Send your instructor a private message on what you have successfully created.

_____Contribute links and/or encouragement to one of our NING discussions.

_____ Send your instructor an email on what you have learned exploring the resources in this lesson.

Information Overload and ÒLess is More.Ó

If you read all the listserv postings, and looked at all the shared links and videos, reviewed all the new wiki pages and comments, and viewed the videos and comments posted in our Ning social media site, you might feel overwhelmed. If you didnÕt, then you might well feel already intimidated before youÕd even begun lesson one.

Having arrived at a teachable moment, please note you are not required to follow everything posted, your minimum for a Pass/Fail is clearly boxed at the top of each lesson. This IS a class on social media however, and while some have high interest and high capacity for keeping up, for many reasons, time and/or temperament, others differ and may have a lower tolerance for information overload. This is a developed skill, much like physical exercise. No Pain, No Gain? 

We can agree to accept our differences, and that we can save time sharing opportunities to explore with those who share our interests, using social media tools smarter.

Information condenses to knowledge which condenses to wisdom, and VALUE is created in our age of Information overload. 

What value on what topic as perceived by whom, relates to What Matters MOST Ð to you and yours.

            To earn a living, you will be increasingly required to create value in our knowledge economy Ð perhaps in competition with a lot of other smart people.

 A Blogging We Will Go?

 A blog is a web-log Ð a linear list of our own writing with the option for others to praise your posted wisdom or to comment otherwise.

View the Blog web tour at

http://web2fork12classrooms.pbworks.com/w/page/13186097/Blogs%20Training%20and%20Educational%20Resources  (recopied below)


A Hands-on Instruction to Blogs


Web Logs- called Blogs, number roughly over 20 million with 60 million people regularly reading blogs.  There are many innovative educational and business models and applications. View the two short videos below to quickly understand how they work and how handy RSS can be.


Never have so many written so much to be read by so few.


VIEW these three minute introductory videos at the place to begin.


Video: Blogs in Plain English


Video: RSS in Plain English

An  RSS  reader is a  software program  that automatically collects blog posts from all the blogs you've subscribed to. Google discontinued their  Google Reader in 2013. But you can google "RSS Readers"  to find  your options.

More such tutorials are at  http://www.commoncraft.com/


What is a Widget?




If you don't already have a blog you need to create one; to promote your new skills and business (or to just play around with inserting videos, graphics, etc.)

It is important to  "learn-by-doing" how fast and easy it is to create a blog as most social media tools are just as  easy to create and use.





There is always something new and better popping up, and many people will tell you  http://www.tumblr.com is better.
Visit the site and see why Ð for yourself.

Better means easier, in the age of info-overload.


Get a Google Gmail account (optional):

Go to Google.com and create a Gmail account (optional.) Why?  A gmail account gives you access to all Google's tools, noting they  have begun to focus more on  resources for educators.


While some people go to blogs to read new postings and add their comments, most use RSS Readers to subscribe to the blogs they like, such that all new postings are neatly collected inside their RSS Reader for whenever they might like to read them.


Google has outstanding tools for educators http://google.com/edu  and is suddenly buying up dozens of educational companies. Yes, you do need a google account, and all their tools will be integrated to increase efficiency. YouÕll want to know about Google Docs Ð to easily share editable documents with your students, and Google Groups, to create private or public spaces for education, and Google Drive (cloud storage. )   As a Tech Leader,  Google tools keep evolving so how to stay current is one way  blogs are used.


Briefly look over the blog search engine (Techorati) and aggregator (Alltop)

Logically, someone will create service than condenses all the best blog posts by topic, and will intend to make some money doing so,
such as Guy Kawasaki's http://alltop.com blog aggregator.


One of the most popular Blog aggregator search tools is:


http://technorati.com  a search engine for blogs, get to know this site to become an expert in a hurry...
For resources and information on Blog search and Photo blogs and much more

How to Change the World


The Promise of Broadband?!

Broadband Ð ever faster because what we really want is less information, but of higher relevance and value.

Broadband can be slow and unreliable, using wireless, satellite, or phonelines, or it can be very fast and reliable, using microwave, cable, or fiber options. ÒBandwidthÓ is the measure of how fast your broadband is. Much confusion has been the result of the use of this very general term. Most leaders can tell you exactly what broadband is Ð just ask them.

Instead of using the word broadband, use the term ÒconnectednessÓ which begs the issue of who, what and why?

Your time is precious, most people want less information, but more targeted to their genuine needs. Most broadband is used for more TV, instead of better education. The history of new communications technology has been an initial focus on the potential for education, and then it becomes dominated by entertainment because thatÕs what people mostly will pay for.

 BUT, new jobs wonÕt come from using broadband for more TV, unless it IS targeted Education. 

VIEW this video!

How Web Video Powers Global Innovation


(18 minutes) 

Links in this broadband section are OPTIONAL.

$7 billion was given out for the ARRA rural broadband stimulus initiative called BTOP. Broadband Technology Opportunities Program.

Details and resource toolkits at www.broadbandusa.gov

Alaska Broadband Task Force

Lesson Feedback: Optional, but much appreciated.

You're invited to privately email your instructor:

       1. What areas, if any, did you have trouble with during this

       2. What questions remain now that you've finished this lesson?

       3. Approximately how much time did you devote to this lesson?

       4. What improvements would you like to suggest?





National Ed-Tech Standards:


ISTE NETS: www.iste.org
International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)
National Educational Technology Standards (NETS)

Short Introductory Documents  are at this  site; NETS for  students, teachers, and more.


21st Century Learning in Alaska


Alaska's Consortium for Digital Learning

Critical issues and 21st century literacy


21st century 1 page article with links to a presentation, other articles, etc 


Alaska's Apple 1:1 laptop program and Educator created videos              



The New Literacy; 21st Century Learning in Alaska
six page report

 National Partnership for 21st Century Skills

21st Century Skills, Education and Competitiveness; A Resources and Policy Guide
20 page report from the Partnership for 21st Century Skills


Virtual Architecture, by Dr. Judi Harris

Teleactivities, and more.





The Kevin Kelly video  at http://ted.com (19 minutes) on the next 5000 days of the web

is a great example of what rural folks donÕt know they need to know. 5000 Days link: 



RSA Animate - Changing Education Paradigms - YouTube


            You can easily search for more videos from Sir Ken Robinson.



Online Course Models to Review:


Conspiracy Code   
An animated edutainment approach to teaching American History


Fast Track Math and Science Program in Ketchikan is using this curriculum:

http://www.education2020.com/ Take a Tour


Florida Virtual School Course Tours  - one of the first and most successful virtual High Schools  http://www.flvs.net/areas/flvscourses/Pages/CourseTours.aspx


McGraw Hill's Spark -Engaging Learning Management Environment



Steve Spangler Science Ð Easy Science Experiment Videos




MISC. Innovations of Interest: 


Lone Eagle's online course innovations; 1988-2011


Designing K12 Internet Instruction

1998-2010  Lone Eagle's discontinued course



IPAD Classroom Application Videos and APPS

Skip Via's one transformed classroom video on Ipads for K-5



and his youtube channel has many related videos:


See other related IPad videos on the right sidebar.


Also available as an eBook for iOS devices:



K-5 ipad apps, 5 part blog series:



A Guide to the Mobile Web



Google's do it yourself app inventor:


Facebook apps for education

The Facebook Blog http://blog.facebook.com  


             The blog by the social media director for the World Bank: http://blogs.worldbank.org/edutech/ 

At the Apple app store:

            Pages for Mac can now handle Word docs, and create Epub docs for Ipad, Iphone, etc.


            Pages for Ipad now available $9.

            Ipad Bookcreator App for Ipad, $9 Ð
            students easily create Epub multimedia docs for each other.

            Showme app, free, students share narrated whiteboard video capture easily.

Video announcing new Facebook App for Ipad http://t.co/jk0lf4cN