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Social Media for Educators


Lesson Eight: Best Practices for Vulnerable Populations



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Required Submissions Checklist for Lesson 8

____Read through this lesson, including items marked “Read,” as separate from those marked optional. View the short videos also marked “View” as separate from those marked optional. (2 hours)


Reflect and Contribute; ____Post to the class listserv YOUR suggestions for what needs to happen with your choice of one or more vulnerable populations with whom you are most personally familiar. Spend 30 minutes searching for training best practices for one or more specific vulnerable populations and ___Include three or more of your best picks in your listserv message to  Social-L@netpals.lsoft.com  Identify what matters most, in your view, and how you would propose the ideal best practices be identified, authentically evaluated, and disseminated.  (30 minutes)


___View the Twitter and Facebook short tutorial videos and review the related sidebar videos, experiment with searching for more specific videos such as using social media in the classroom. Creating Twitter and Facebook accounts is optional but be aware that learning by doing is the only way to fully experience and assess the potential utility of these tools for your own priorities. While dozens if not hundreds of video tutorials exist for Twitter, Facebook and most popular tools and topics, the purpose of this task is to see what you can learn about how to find the best “best practices” others have already worked hard to create and/or collect.

(one hour)


___Post to our listserv in a separate message, your own individualized learning plan (ILP) for what your next step priorities are, now that you’ve completed the eight lessons. State what assistance you might still require in order to meet your personal goals. Include your intentions for using Twitter, Facebook and/or other specific tools that might include inviting others in this class to join you in sharing topical resources on an ongoing basis. (30 minutes)


___Privately email your instructor to confirm you have completed all required tasks, including submitting your final project via the class listserv to share with others. Offer your final feedback on this lesson and the overall course.


The Obsolete Teacher

If you are not growing, you are dying. The relentless passing of our limited time means there is no such thing as standing still. “Becoming is superior to being.”


In times of change, learners inherit the Earth

Eric Fromm


Technophobia and information overload, either separately and/or together, can cause one to come close to a standstill in personal openness to assimilation of new knowledge. Generally, fear causes one to engage in reductionism, limiting any threats to the status quo; this is a natural self-preservation response. Don’t worry about picking berries if you have just spotted a bear in the berry patch. Drop the bucket and run for your life, or hide!  When it comes to learning more about digital technologies, some of us quickly duck behind the bushes to hide.


Teachers who naturally excel at curiosity and self-directed learning, are building their capacity to absorb more and more, literally exercising their brains and mental muscles. Not only do their abilities to learn more increase, but their self-efficacy, self-satisfaction, and most importantly their ability to teach these same self-actualization behaviors continues to grow. Perhaps even more importantly, their ability to exercise their imaginations grow as their level of fear of new knowledge decreases, and as their self-confidence grows.


Imagination is more important than knowledge

Albert Einstein


The Meaning of Life: Life is life’s own purpose, to grow to a level of higher organization, essentially the same for a blade of grass, or a human being


Technophobia and the Risks of Becoming Obsolete

If professionalism someday requires measurement of this capability, (“geekatude,”) then those teachers who can most effectively model this behavior, and impart it successfully to students, as well as to other teachers, and parents, will be viewed as distinctly superior to those who are at a standstill.


Does it make any sense for our elected leaders, and particularly school superintendents and principals to know less about educational technologies than the students?  Will teachers who know less than their students become obsolete in the next five years? Those teachers and administrators with low abilities to keep digitally current, will inevitably become vulnerable populations, and might find themselves unemployed.


Authenticating Best Practices for Vulnerable Populations

The chairman of the Alaskan Federation of Natives told me they are wondering how best to leverage social media for their organization and membership. What would you suggest?


The new Administration for Native Americans, Alaska Technical Assistance center director, asked me the same question; “We have a mandate for a virtual support center to include distance learning and social media. We are looking at paying $3000/year for Blackboard Collaborate (formerly Elluminate.) Which would you recommend Ning, Google+ or Facebook, and why?”


My Answer; Your staff might need training to all get on the same page for professional uses, and all these tools are evolving quickly, and the tool providers are copying each others’ features. It may depend more on how you want to structure your staff activities than which tool you pick.


Also, you want as simple a tool as possible for your clients, for whom ideal self-directed instructional videos and video captures might be customized. 


It is likely your public outreach would need to embrace Facebook and Twitter as the common social media standard.


How to structure any of these to go viral, and collaborative engage as many people as possible in purposeful collaborative learning and peer mentoring, is certainly a key opportunity to explore, starting with assessing what’s working best for other organizations dealing with these same challenges and opportunities.


Redefining Vulnerable Populations:

If you compare the freedom broadband can give those with physical disabilities with the limitations the lack of digital literacy puts on those without physical disabilities - as the new digitally disabled, it might make people rethink how we define vulnerable populations, as this would include many of our elected leaders.


Invisible Disabilities – may include our attitudes toward self-directed learning and technology, both conscious and unconscious.


Redefining Digital Literacy (review teaching L7)

As an educator, you know, your original college education was to prepare you with the “right stuff” for a lifetime of high quality teaching.  We used to define the right stuff as: basics, breadth, enrichment, ending in producing a well-rounded motivated life-long learner. 


The accelerating pace of change however has shortened the shelf life of useful knowledge, and dramatically increased the volume of new knowledge that is suddenly central to effective education, as evidenced by the sudden popularity of Ipads and the booming world of elearning and social media. The list of new knowledge topics we need to consider including across our curriculums goes on and on as our integration activity in the last lesson hopefully made clear.


Hopefully your ability to motivate yourself to engage in regular self-directed self-teaching, and collaborative activities to keep yourself up to the same instant of process has improved dramatically during this class. (Your geekatude?)  Consider revisiting the info-diet and geekatude survey to assess your personal growth; http://lone-eagles.com/academy-info-diet.htm

The Most Important Vulnerable Population: Our Elected leaders

Phd’s and most persons in top leadership positions, who don’t keep digitally current, typically still present themselves as experts on most everything. This relates to the politics of appearances for people in position who generally ARE expected to be on top of things in order to lead. The politics of control requires them to present a confident image as leaders: that everything is indeed under control.


Typically they have neither the time, nor the mechanisms, to continue their education specific to accelerating change inherent with educational technologies, as the array of pressures from their other duties, like shrinking budgets requires their priority attention.


This makes them vulnerable, but not necessarily at fault. One solution would be non-technical executive overviews focused on priorities for what they don’t know that they need to know, such as the socio-economic capacity building potential of youth entrepreneurship programs that elevate the community wide understanding of the potential for smart utilization of communications technologies for sustainable families, communities, and cultures.


Think about what you know now, that you could summarize in non-technical terms in 5 minute jings for your own superintendent, principal and peers. As well as for parents, community members, local businesses and other organizations who might want learn they can better support your school financially, once they understand we are all in this together.


Now, think about yourself as an EDTECH consultant, and Elearning professional, creating high quality Jings for specific vulnerable populations, along with your producing short training modules focused on their creating rich media online resources for their peers. Think about how your info-brokering skills might help all these vulnerable populations stay current without their having to duplicate the overwhelming task of doing this on their own. You are ready to change the world.


Who Makes Your List of Vulnerable Populations?

Who would you list as vulnerable populations and how might WE work together to identify genuine best practices, make them readily updated and available, on an ongoing basis?


Seniors (Elders)

Individuals with Disabilities

HS Drop outs

Single parents

Rural citizens

Native/ethnic citizens




Elected adult leaders

Low income low literacy adults



America’s Historic Challenge to Fund Mass Innovation

Throughout this course we have touched on “what is broadband and why should you care.”  Telecommunications companies have pushed for “adoption” which means paid subscriptions to their for-profit services, without addressing any responsibility to provide training or to even measure whether anyone is benefiting at any level.


Broadband utilization is becoming an issue, but without attention to the specifics for what matters most for specific individuals, most pointedly those who are considered members of vulnerable populations. That these issues have persisted for 20+ years is testimony to the lack of digital literacy of our elected leaders at all levels.


Read: America’s Historic Challenge to Fund Mass Innovation
(without the risks of political backlash due to lack of documented results)



Owning a Grand Piano Doesn’t Assure Musicianship

Analogy: Giving everyone broadband is like giving everyone a grand piano and expecting Virtuosos. For those inspired and motivated to learn, broadband can be truly transformative and open doors for self satisfaction and dramatic scalable global impacts, ideally producing more than the actions of a single individual exponentially leveraging potential *collaborative impacts - in “concert” with others, world wide.


This single fact is perhaps the #1 message of this course, in case I didn’t hammer hard enough. To meet the challenges of the dire needs of the modern day, we all need to learn specifically how to leverage effective collaboration, which is far more than the sum of individual effort. Exponential means the more participants the greater and greater the outcomes. Facebook now has 800 million users, ambling around playing and learning, but in an evolutionary sense it is inevitable more and more examples of smart collaboration will soon evolve to the point where virtual nations of purpose will outperform physical nations and more.


The first video you viewed for this course was the Virtual Choir, remember?

We're limited only by our imaginations as our one human family learns to join voices, virtually.


Keeping everyone to the same instant of progress on emerging better best practices is not a warm fuzzy generality, but an actionable dynamic. And if you are watching the news we are seeing more and more dramatic proofs on a regular basis. What’s next? We’re limited only by our collective imagination.


Alaska’s Broadband campaign could be championing themes of the historic first opportunity for everyone to learn anything, anytime from anywhere, and to focus on self-actualization goals, not just for personal self-efficacy and satisfaction, but in order to do what needs to be done. With POWER Comes Responsibility.


When Chief Sitting Bull was captured, he said “Don’t feed my people, it will make them a lazy nation.”  And when Sidney Huntington, a well known elder on the Yukon presented his wisdom, he said “Don’t give those kids nothin’; (and with a smile and a wink) Make them work for it.”  His wisdom shined as the point was that self-esteem comes from what we learn to create ourselves, not from what others give us.


Egov trends:

Due to shrinking budgets at all levels, cost savings via Egov are under review. For example, Wyoming’s 10,000 public employees are now using Google’s Egov software suite. With 50% of Wyoming jobs in the public sector, many in small towns will be replaced by services in the “Cloud.”  Brick and Mortar “One-stops” will be replaced by online services. This creates a problem for governments at all levels. All vulnerable populations who are most in need of govt. services will then HAVE to know how to get access to these services.


Three Levels Comparing Needs to Abilities:


From each according to their abilities, to each according to their needs.

Karl Marx and Dr. Benjamin Spock


Level One to call for help as necessary.

Does this mean they need OnStar in their home, where they can push a button and ask for help? If they have fallen and can’t get up, there are lifeline bracelets with a button they can push.


Or do they need home Internet and training in digital literacy? If so, how much training? It depends on their abilities, needs, and level of interest.


Level Two: Self-sufficiency

The ability to use Internet to search for one’s own health information needs and to use the communications tools to overcome social isolation. Skype and other communications tools can fight depression caused by social isolation, and allow a homebound person to encourage and support other who are in similar situations. Assessing what abilities for self-sufficiency can minimize the need and costs associated with OnStar services.


Level Three: Motivation and Ability to Assist Others

The high end potential here has yet to be determined and we’re likely to discover we are limited only by our imaginations. I predict most vulnerable populations will find the self-satisfaction for being able to provide encouragement and meaningful support to others will prove to be a major incentive, and will become a national solution to lower costs and improve services at a time when no other option exists.


What IF?

What if we were able to empower and mobilize the imaginations of everyone who is a member of any of these diverse vulnerable populations? What if we were able to motivate, train, and hire them all to effectively leverage the exponential power of effective collaboration?  Can we invent low cost short term pilot projects to experiment with demonstrating “proof of concept” dynamics?


Imagine a best case Civilian Cyber Corps as THE call to action for all Americans to engage personally in building socio-economic capacity locally, nationally, and globally.


Read: Mapping the Future: Mapping Smartest Broadband Utilization

http://lone-eagles.com/larrypage.doc Specific pilot project recommendations send directly to: Vint Cerf, father of the Internet and Google thought leader, Google CEO and founder, Larry Page, and Anne Neville, director of the NTIA National Broadband Mapping project.


Case Study Example: Independent Living Support by Telecare Innovations

A senior with dementia might need video telemonitoring, where someone can look through passive video cameras regularly to be sure this person is OK. Another senior without dementia, but possibly physically disabled, might be paid as a home-based telecare paraprofessional to monitor the senior with dementia.


The potential is lower overall healthcare costs, the advantage of allowing independent living for the individual with dementia, and a home-based business income for the senior with a physical disability. Once congress votes to allow Medicare reimbursement for home telecare services, Mom and Pop home Telecare businesses will be able to proliferate creating tens of thousands of new jobs while lowering national healthcare costs by tens of millions if not tens of billions.


But, since this vote hasn’t happened yet, 20% of patients at the Maui Community Hospital remain hospitalized (primarily dementia) instead of enjoying independent living at home. Larry Carter and his wife have a home telecare business, that is severely limited due to policies that prohibit caring for those above.


Larry D. Carter Ph.D
Maui AgeWave LLC
www.mauiagewave.com and view the interactive care demo


Working with  Hawaii’s aging and disability organization for four months, I wrote a lot on this topic. Since most seniors will end up with one or more disabilities, this is a mainstream issue as the Silver Tsunami is upon us as a nation. 

Review: http://lone-eagles.com/hcil-resources.htm


50 million Americans have a disability, over 100 million have someone with a disability in their family. That is one person in three. We referenced that physically disabled folks can mentor those with digital disabilities, online, too, but if we were to include the count on how many suffer from digital disabilities, estimates are 100 million Americans still do not see the relevance of broadband.


Evaluating Genuine Best Practices.

A number of large digital literacy non-profits do not post any free resources, even those from other sources, as they are really commercial businesses. In my mind this is contradictory to the public good mission non-profits are supposedly dedicated to.


Conversely, Lone Eagle is a social enterprise collecting and disseminating free resources, plus decades of sharing my own curriculums, but I’ve been told that Federal policy prohibits recognizing and/or sharing my free resources. Federal Agency digital literacy resources have been posted at http://digitalliteracy.gov


If everyone does their own thing promoting their own stuff as "best practices" WITHOUT bothering to see whether better best practices exist, then no one is being really honest and those we're supposedly benefiting will not receive what they need.


Read: Best Practices for Benefiting from Slow and Fast Broadband

 http://lone-eagles.com/bestpractices.doc (10 pages)


Review:  The FCC Lone Eagle Broadband Training Best Practices Web Site
U.S. Federal Communications Commission's Native American Division has posted broadband training best practices http://lone-eagles.com/best.htm on their www.fcc.gov/indians site (listed as Examples of Broadband Training Best Practices) in their Internet Resources listing: http://www.fcc.gov/indians/internetresources/ 


Optional Reading

Global Best Practices for ICT Capacity-building Activities for Rural Communities  http://lone-eagles.com/social-engineering.htm

A Lone Eagle Whitepaper presented to 21 nations at the request of NTIA, for the Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in Tokyo, Japan, 2008.


Lone Eagle Online Curriculums and Guides



Essays on Native innovations;



Recommendations for 36 Tribal Colleges



Accelerated Learning Activity: Quickly Learn Twitter, Facebook and Tweetdeck


Required: View the videos marked View:

Optional: Creating a Twitter and Facebook account


Less is More: Microblogging on Twitter

Twitter is popular as a micro-blogging solution which limits messages to 128 character – forcing brevity and ideally producing palatable wisdom bits when aggregated together, to make best use of our limited time, and some level of condensed useful information.


Optional: Create a Twitter account, and post your own theme on your Twitter Homepage. Sign up to follow at least three professional persons who are actively using twitter, and for two weeks post your own tweets a minimum of once a day. Post your twitter tag like @fodasz to the class listserv.


View: the Twitter short video at http://commoncraft.com

View: Twitter for Beginners http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwn-8mRB_I8

Spend a half hour reviewing Twitter Basics at https://support.twitter.com/groups/31-twitter-basics with more at http://twitter.com


Use one of the url shortening sites to post at least one URL.

For example; go to http://bit.ly  and enter a url and it will give you one back that is shorter. I just did this for lone-eagles.com and in 2 seconds it gave me; http://bit.ly/u9iDvu 


View: Four Twitter apps for educators



Optional: Create a Facebook account, if you don’t already have one, and build your understanding of what you can do to promote a cause, and/or your instructional consulting business, by learning to post content using as many Facebook tools as you have time to learn. Note most training videos are under 5 minutes, and move quickly, as is generally accepted as the required standard.


View: Learning Facebook’s New Features

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uJNRpYyot8 (7 minutes)

I found this at youtube simply by searching for learning facebook and since this video is from hottipscentral.com I now have that sight for “more like this.” Note this is one of a series of videos and the link to the next one is at the upper right of this video. In question is are there better sites than this one; very likely.


View: Facebook Top 20 Learning Applications


I hope you are getting the idea how easy this can be, at this link note the long list of videos specific to using Facebook in the classroom on the right sidebar.


Lots of videos on social media if you search for social media in the classroom, in education, etc., but how do you find the best ones? Those would be promoted by teachers turned consultants who post the best of the best via their blogs, twitter, and other ways of displaying their expertise.


I searched - learning tweetdeck - and found

View: “Learning Tweetdeck for Rapid Elearning   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uo_QvekteJI



Finishing This Class: Your Debriefing

You have an eight hour final project to propose to your instructor for approval and suggestions, to be web-based and related to your priority interests. Once your instructor received this final required submission your Pass for the Class will be sent to APU, which processes grades very quickly and will send you confirmation via email.


You are welcome to remain on the class listserv, to continue to receive resource updates from your instructor, and present and future participants. You are welcome to continue to ask questions and interact via the listserv with both current and future class participants.


You will still have access to the class wiki, but might want to start your own and cutnpaste the resources you want have control over from all wiki pages related to this class. The instructor will be adding new wiki pages with the best resources shared in this class, and others, at http://web2fork12classrooms.pbworks.com  You have unrestricted access to all Lone Eagle online resources. (Over 700 web pages) This includes the content of other Lone Eagle courses as listed at http://lone-eagles.com/teachercreated.htm

(But you will still have to pay APU for recert credits.)


You will still have access to the class Ning, and our Google Group, but remember neither of these are public.


You are invited to continue to ask for assistance from your instructor, and are now in the elite group of those who understand the power to change the world is at your fingertips.  Make It Happen!



During this course, noting only a fraction were able to stick to doing a lesson a week, it was clear some had higher capacity than others to absorb new information, follow instructions, and to quickly ask the instructor for help, before allowing frustration to become an issue.  Our Social Media Theme, and my attempts to be more friendly than formal, made this class a bit different than any I’ve taught before, particularly with being able to Skype early on to diffuse any potential tensions. The offer of individualizing and customizing the lessons was embraced by a few but not all.


The informality of this course was embraced by some, and others found this uncomfortable – wanting to know their grades, and assurances related to the traditional formal structure of courses and classes. This understandable tension is due to the reality that we are all transitioning from a traditional formal structure of learning to a new structure, as (to state it one last time)


Everyone both learner and teacher, both consumer and producer,

all the time!


Final Instructor Feedback on Your Lesson Feedback

My own learning is that I see it as inevitable that educators are going to need ongoing updates targeted to their individual abilities, interests, and both strengths and particularly weaknesses. Measuring their geekatude abilities and metering the right amount of new information both in volume and at the level they are ready for, will prove essential. Individualized learning, with a process to accelerate one’s learning motivations and abilities integrating many new tools and methods appears to be the direction forward for education at all levels. We all really are going to need, and want, the best “best practices” delivering to use daily, classroom ready rich media units and updates so we can spend less time on class preparation and more time individually mentoring our students…as the Khan Academy video suggests in not only possible, but is quickly becoming a preferred best practice.


Lesson Feedback: 


You're invited to privately email your instructor:


       1. What areas, if any, did you have trouble with during this lesson?


       2. What questions remain now that you've finished this lesson?


       3. Approximately how much time did you devote to this lesson?


              4. What improvements would you like to suggest?