Lone Eagle Consulting's
Internet Training Guides
Fast-Track Internet Training Guides;
1. Common Ground:
A Cross-Cultural Self-Directed Learner's Internet Guide
An instructional brokerage resource with emphasis on pointing to the best online tutorials,
and educational resources, on the Internet for self-directed learning. This is the text for the
online course "Making the Best Use of Internet for K-12 Instruction." Course details
at http://lone-eagles.com/teachercreated.htm Continually updated over the past five years
through multiple paid contracts from the ERIC clearinghouse, USAID, and the ATT Learning
Network and others, this guide receives consistent high praise by educators.
$17 with free shipping anywhere in the U.S.
Email Frank Odasz, frank@lone-eagles.com and/or
send a check made out to "Lone Eagle Consulting"
to 2200 Rebich Lane, Dillon, Montana 59725
Preview the online version at http://lone-eagles.com/guide.htm
2. Echoes in the Electronic Wind -
A Native American Cross-cultural Internet Guide
A unique cross-cultural train-the-trainers self-directed Internet guide, with over 20
pages of exemplary Native American sites listed by category. Created through a
contract by Tachyon Corporation for distribution at a national Native American
Internet Training conference. This is the same as the above guide with the addition of
20 pages of exemplary resources created by Native Americans sorted by category.Preview the online version at http://lone-eagles.com/nativeguide.htm
$17 with free shipping anywhere in the U.S.
Email Frank Odasz, frank@lone-eagles.com and/or
send a check made out to "Lone Eagle Consulting"
to 2200 Rebich Lane, Dillon, Montana 59725
3. Rural Ecommerce and Telework Strategies
Learn what's working for others like you!
211 pages of self-directed activities and resources including ten two-hour lessons.
Written for rural citizens as a train-the-trainers model training guide.Preview the online version at http://lone-eagles.com/eguide.htm
$20 with free shipping anywhere in the U.S.
Email Frank Odasz, frank@lone-eagles.com and/or
send a check made out to "Lone Eagle Consulting"
to 2200 Rebich Lane, Dillon, Montana 59725
Send questions to frank@lone-eagles.com
Details on custom printings of these guides are at http://lone-eagles.com/services.htm and http://lone-eagles.com/presentations.htm
Other printed products available by special request include
4. The Good Neighbor's Guide to Community Networking
Contains a Chapter 6 on Ebusiness, a Chapter 7 on youth-based community development,
and includes a bibliography listing of the best community networking guides and resources.
5. Native American/Alaskan/Hawaiian K-12 Web Innovations
http://lone-eagles.com/usaid.htm A 50 page report for the U.S. Agency for International Development
6. Migrant Education 'Spanish Language' K-12 Web Resources
Master listings of articles and grant templates
for rural and indigenous empowerment
are at