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21st  Century Workforce Readiness


Lesson Two: Health and Wellness Literacy


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Required Submissions Checklist for Lesson Two


1.  READ through this lesson and read the articles marked "READ".  READ Chapter 4 "Computer Science" in the class text book 

"The Coming Transformation of Higher Education." Review pages 1-22 in the Free Ebook derived from this original work.
Details on accessing these are in the class syllabus. Note that the free Ebook is significantly different that the original print book.
Email your instructor and identify what the differences are, and your candid reaction to the themes and methods of presentation for both books.

      2. What is YOUR Info-Diet?  


            Please do the following short activity:

Info-Diet Self-assessment Survey, and Geekatude Self-assessment survey
Modify it to include all your info-tools, average time routinely spent by day and by week/month. 

Include your self-assessment as to your current goals for an ideal info-diet regarding new tools and better Òbest practices.Ó  

Email your instructor your responses to this simple survey.

    3. Go to lesson two in the Workforce course for HS Dropouts, http://lone-eagles.com/academy2.htm and listen to the podcast (first link) 

and view the Jing lesson walk-through (second link). Read through the short lesson intended to present key points as briefly as possible. 

Look at the final link to an Advanced Skillbuilder hands-on lesson introducing Wikis.

     4. Confirm you have viewed the videos in the course welcome, as requested, http://lone-eagles.com/workforcewelcome.html

and email your instructor as to your favorites and why.    

Alaskan Broadband Health and Socio-economic Digital Initiatives

Health topics are one of the most commonly sought after resources on the web. The Alaskan youth suicide rate is an indication of the lack of meaningful roles, jobs, and related self-esteem. One of the most immediate roles we can give to youth, and all village citizens, is that of info-scout, becoming a hunter-gatherer of that new knowledge that can fuel the home fires of local innovation. There is a great deal of money tied up in the national healthcare system, which is undergoing dramatic transformation. Home Telecare has the potential to dramatically reduce costs, and improve independent living options for those with health issues.  Hawaii telecare links: http://lone-eagles.com/hcil-resources.htm  (Optional)

Self-esteem has everything to do with our abilities to help others, and the satisfaction that comes from doing so. There are many entrepreneurial opportunities emerging related directly to local conceirge services helping connect local needs with available, often online, services and specific new knowledge. DRS has installed 22 remote satellite systems across Alaska for behavioral counseling, complete with HD 2-way video. In the broadest sense, is the need to create purposeful activities to sustain self-esteem to counter substance abuse and other social ills. Even service learning activities can provide essential self-esteem, which can be developed as the means for growing an entrepreneurial culture, starting with youth in primary grades. Many national youth entrepreneurship curriculums and web sites are available as demonstrated in the Entrelinks2008 listing which you reviewed in lesson one.

VIEW this video (7 minutes) Australia NBN video



A Thoughtful Look in the Mirror: Powerpoint bullets:

Seeking American Innovations for Global Competitiveness

The Internet has fueled a global boom in bottom-up innovation BECAUSE everyone online can learn from the innovations of others.

Due to the accelerating pace of change, the volume of new innovations we can all benefit from is booming


The most scalable mass entrepreneurial educational solution is distance learning leveraging social media and peer mentoring using mobile devices

Everyone both learner and teacher,
both consumer and producer, ALL THE TIME!


Fast Facts:

86% of new jobs come from small businesses with less than 12 employees.


Online tools (in the cloud) are getting more powerful, easier to use, more interconnected, and more mobile.


Everyone can easily teach others online using
“Show Me” videos (www.jingproject.com -View the Demo)


The number of mobile devices doubled in the last year,
now more devices than people. 328 vs 315 million

2 billion online globally, with billions more within 5 years, mobile commerce booming internationally, as the Global Market for American innovations

Status of American Education and Innovation

Today’s current generation is the first to be less educated than their parents


Dropout rate exceeds 50% in our 17 largest cities, 70% on many reservations


One in 100 Americans are in prison, 75% in prison are HS drop outs

   One Alaskan Native male in 35 is currently in prison


College costs up 600% since 1980 – the ROI is in question with graduates unemployed – current demonstrations on Wall Street


America Can Do Better Than This!

One Big Question: Is Very Individual

The Big Question: What’s the best an individual, or community, can do for themselves without outside funding?


The Big Answer: Collaborate with others to keep everyone up to the same instant of progress – aware of current best practices at all levels.


Proposed is a Civilian Cyber Corps (CCC)
Millions of Americans are more than ready to act, but who will lead?


This is everyone’s responsibility; We have the tools at our fingertips.




What Gets Measured Gets Done

The Top-Down must learn how to partner meaningfully with the Bottom-up.


Regional Strategies need a scalable local community action plan as to how best to quickly grow an entrepreneurial culture


New School and Community Synergies will likely prove necessary in order to mitigate the impacts of shrinking budgets


The Promise of Broadband?!


Broadband – ever faster because what we really want is less information, but of higher relevance and value.


Broadband can be slow and unreliable, using wireless, satellite, or phonelines, or it can be very fast and reliable, using microwave, cable, or fiber options. ÒBandwidthÓ is the measure of how fast your broadband is. Much confusion has been the result of the use of this very general term. Most leaders can tell you exactly what broadband is – just ask them.


Instead of using the word broadband, use the term ÒconnectednessÓ which begs the issue of who, what and why?


Your time is precious, most people want less information, but more targeted to their genuine needs. Most broadband is used for more TV, instead of better education. The history of new communications technology has been an initial focus on the potential for education, and then it becomes dominated by entertainment because thatÕs what people mostly will pay for.


BUT, new jobs wonÕt come from using broadband for more TV, unless it IS targeted Education. 

VIEW this video!


How Web Video Powers Global Innovation


(18 minutes)


$7 billion was given out for the ARRA rural broadband stimulus initiative called BTOP. Broadband Technology Opportunities Program.


Details at www.broadbandusa.gov


Alaska received $180 million for broadband infrastructure. Specific grant details are in the applications database searchable by state. Details at www.broadbandusa.gov


Two $5 million BTOP training projects were funded to help Alaskans understand the value of broadband.


AK UAF Eskills Grant Executive Summary

20 Organizations offering online training, potentially.


AK libraries OWL Grant Executive Summary http://www.ntia.doc.gov/broadbandgrants/applications/summaries/5344.pdf
Is your library one of the 103 Alaskan libraries benefiting?


In Addition, the Denali commission has received a $6 million State Broadband Data and Discovery Grant, to map who has broadband and who does not, and to create a 5 year Alaska Broadband Task Force, with subgrants available.


The FCC has proposed reducing federal Universal Service Fund broadband subsidies for rural communities, and particularly for Alaskan Native Villages.


In question is whether broadband infrastructure alone can create new jobs in villages, or whether an educational component is required, and if so, what exactly?


Where are AlaskaÕs best practices demonstrated? Do Model Alaskan Native Digital Villages already exist? Or do we need to create them, and if so, how, and whose responsibility is this???



Health Information Technology, Rural Broadband, and Common Sense
http://lone-eagles.com/natoahealthodasz.pdf  (two pages)
Community Wellness and sustainable rural families and broadband entrepreneurship need to be integrated as "smart" community education programs. Immaculate Integration can lower costs and dramatically improve E-government services. Combining connectivity and caring with common sense to produce the authenticity of widespread citizen engagement is where the promise of broadband best meets specific rural needs.

An Info-Tech Wellness Strategy
for Healthy Alaskan Native and Native American Communities

http://lone-eagles.com/healthyvillage.htm  (two pages)

21st Century Citizen and Community Wellness Broadband Best Practices

Health Information Technology and Community Wellness Broadband Applications


Lesson Feedback: Optional, but much appreciated.

You're invited to privately email your instructor:

       1. What areas, if any, did you have trouble with during this

       2. What questions remain now that you've finished this lesson?

       3. Approximately how much time did you devote to this lesson?

       4. What improvements would you like to suggest?





National Ed-Tech Standards:

The following short documents are recommended reading and present the conceptual framework for this course.


ISTE NETS: www.iste.org
International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)
National Educational Technology Standards (NETS)
Short Introductory Documents:

National Educational Technology Standards 2007 

 NETS for Teachers

NETS for Students

NETS Essential Conditions

          NETS Student Profiles


21st Century Learning in Alaska


Alaska's Consortium for Digital Learning

Critical issues and 21st century literacy


21st century 1 page article with links to a presentation, other articles, etc 


Alaska's Apple 1:1 laptop program and Educator created videos              



The New Literacy; 21st Century Learning in Alaska
six page report


National Partnership for 21st Century Skills


21st Century Skills, Education and Competitiveness; A Resources and Policy Guide
20 page report from the Partnership for 21st Century Skills

Content Management Systems - Comparisons Website





The Kevin Kelly video  at http://ted.com (19 minutes) on the next 5000 days of the web

is a great example of what rural folks donÕt know they need to know. 5000 Days link: 



RSA Animate - Changing Education Paradigms - YouTube


Virtual Architecture, by Dr. Judi Harris

Teleactivities, and more.


MISC. Innovations of Interest: 


Lone Eagle's online course innovations; 1988-2011



Designing K12 Internet Instruction

1998-2010  Lone Eagle's discontinued course



IPAD Classroom Application Videos and APPS

Skip Via's one transformed classroom video on Ipads for K-5



and his youtube channel has many related videos:


See other related IPad videos on the right sidebar.


Also available as an eBook for iOS devices:



K-5 ipad apps, 5 part blog series:



A Guide to the Mobile Web



Google's do it yourself app inventor:


Facebook apps for education

At the Apple app store:  http://www.apple.com/webapps

            Pages for Mac can now handle Word docs, and create Epub docs for Ipad, Iphone, etc.


            Pages for Ipad now available $9.


            Ipad Bookcreator App for Ipad, $9 –
            students easily create Epub multimedia docs for each other.

            Showme app, free, students share narrated whiteboard video capture easily.


            Video announcing new Facebook App for Ipad http://t.co/jk0lf4cN


            The Facebook Blog http://blog.facebook.com  


            ARTICLE: http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/10/10/at-long-last-facebook-releases-an-ipad-app/



             James Rosenberg is the social media director for the World Bank

Jerotus@gmail.com @jerotus on twitter

His Blog is http://blogs.worldbank.org/edutech/