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21st Century Workforce Readiness

Lesson Six:  Social Entrepreneurship and Social Enterprises

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Required Submissions Checklist for Lesson 6

1. Listen to the Podcast and Overview video at http://lone-eagles.com/academy6.htm and carefully review the resources at the advanced link at the bottom of the lesson.

2. REVIEW: Social Entrepreneurship Teaching Resources Handbook
Searching by the title will reveal additional dated versions and resources.

3. Within the time available review the resources in this lesson (below) noting that the wide variety and exceptional quality of these links represents just a short sampling of the quality of what is already online and available. Create your own listing of the best-of-the-best for your wiki task.

4. Ask your instructor for an invitation to the Nativehearts wiki with writer permissions so you will be able to create your own wiki resources page.

5. Review the resources at http://nativehearts.pbworks.com  Review the Wiki Tutorial listed there.

Send your instructor what you have learned in this lesson and give the URL with the best links you collected and posted for youth on social enterpreneurship and creating social enterprises. This whole area is evolving rapidly fueled by interest in Facebook, Facebook social marketing, and the popularity of mobile devices by non-anglo populations. Learn more at http://hottipscentral.com



Please read the short articles marked READ, and view the videos marked VIEW!


Please read:

"21st Century Workforce Readiness for Alaskans"

        1. A one page outline for the "Alaska's Center for Sustainable Rural Families" is at http://lone-eagles.com/alaskan-center.htm

2. As follow-up to "Growing an entrepreneurial culture in Alaska" message I sent you earlier this week, which I've posted online at http://lone-eagles.com/alaskan-innovations.htm  the following short outlines and literature review may be helpful.

3. Lone Eagle Recommendations for Rural Alaskan Strategies http://lone-eagles.com/Alaskan-Stories.htm
http://lone-eagles.com/montana-mentors.htm   http://lone-eagles.com/strategies.htm

JOIN THIS Alaskan discussion at linkedin.com (get an account, its easy!)
Alaska innovation and entrepreneurship support group on linked-in - Kodiak

Please Read, and review but note the linked additions are optional:

Science, Technology and Innovation for a New Generation
from http://www.barakobama.com

The Problem

We need to connect citizens with each other to engage them more fully and directly in solving the problems that face us. We must use all available technologies and methods to open up the federal government, creating a new level of transparency to change the way business is conducted in Washington and giving Americans the chance to participate in government deliberations and decision-making in ways that were not possible only a few years ago.

America risks being left behind in the global economy: Revolutionary advances in information technology, biotechnology, nanotechnology and other fields are reshaping the global economy. Without renewed efforts, the United States risks losing leadership in science, technology and innovation. As a share of the Gross Domestic Product, American federal investment in the physical sciences and engineering research has dropped by half since 1970.

Too many Americans are not prepared to participate in a 21st century economy: A recent international study found that U.S. students perform lower on scientific assessments than students in 16 other economically developed nations, and lower than 20 economically developed nations in math performance. Only one-third of middle class physical science teachers are qualified to teach in that subject, and only one-half of middle school math sciences have educational background in that subject area.

Prepare Adults for a Changing Economy

Create a national network of public-private business incubators: Obama and Biden will support entrepreneurship and spur job growth by creating a national network of public-private business incubators. Business incubators facilitate the critical work of entrepreneurs in creating start-up companies. Obama and Biden will invest $250 million per year to increase the number and size of incubators in disadvantaged communities throughout the country.

·          Invest in the sciences: Obama and Biden support doubling federal funding for basic research and changing the posture of our federal government from being one of the most anti-science administrations in American history to one that embraces science and technology. This will foster home-grown innovation, help ensure the competitiveness of U.S. technology-based businesses, and ensure that 21st century jobs can and will grow in America.

·          Deploy next-generation broadband: Barack Obama and Joe Biden believe we can get broadband to every community in America through a combination of reform of the Universal Service Fund, better use of the nation's wireless spectrum, promotion of next-generation facilities, technologies and applications, and new tax and loan incentives.

In this Section

More on Technology

Present your ideas

Speak your mind and help set the policies that will guide this campaign and change the country.

Discuss with others

Please Read:

1. Young, Rich, and Calling Their Own Shots http://www.matr.net/article-30779.html
And don't forget Leanna Archer, who was barely 10 years old when she launched a line of all-natural hair-care products. This year, she's set to bring in $150,000. In October, she turns 13.  30 similar profiles:

 2. How I got taken by a work at home scam

3. Startup Nation:

   4. An article on Collaborative Consumption – you viewed the TED video in the class Welcome?


5. Engaged for Success: Service-Learning as a Tool for High School Dropout Prevention

Servicelearning ideas and curricula


REVIEW the following outstanding resources as examples of the quality of what's already available:

See the entrepreneurship videos section at Stanford University's Ecorner:

See Economist Magazine's video archives:

Here are some of lone-eagle’s collected ecommerce successes:

Examples of Youth Entreprenership Resources likely relevant for sharing…. 

YouTube for Profit

Young Entrepreneurs Council.
http://theyec.org/mentors  Youth could benefit enormously from some coaching via social media from these guys and gals     

VA startup called www.Whinot.com  which is a “Q&A with experts” site designed more for our much more typical rural mom and pop or microbusiness.  

21st Century Skills, Education and Competitiveness

www.youngmoney.com/entrepreneur which includes several articles about entrepreneurship.  One article published on November 19, 2010 described how the U.S. Agency for International Development is partnering with Cisco Systems to improve entrepreneurship education in emerging economies.  USAID will provide $1millon to train budding entrepreneurs.  Their hope is to build sustainable businesses and train the leaders of tomorrow.


Review this ecommerce initiative and think about who would be the local broadband applications planning team in any village in Alaska?

SRDC national extension ecommerce initiative

Community Broadband Planning Toolkit:




View these three short videos!

1. Australia NBN video (7 minutes)

2. AND read this short article about rural teachers using Skype to teach English globally from tiny Wyoming rural towns using Fiber optics.

Eleutian http://billingsgazette.com/news/state-and-regional/wyoming/article_3363beaa-a821-11df-974f-001cc4c002e0.html

View this  short video:
Eleutian promo video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNMkX482c08&feature=related

 3. Socialnomics http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sIFYPQjYhv8


Ed Morrison has a nice handle on common sense – noting too few do on this topic:


ed morrision http://strategy-nets.com/

Strategic Doing, accelerating collaboration




You know about this? Professional Learning Communities

http://plcmcl2-things.blogspot.com/    23 things

Professional learning communities http://www.allthingsplc.info/about/aboutPLC.php

Review this Economist Magazine’s special report on Mobile Money.

The power of mobile money

$88 billion was exchanged in 2010 in Europe using smart phones.

Many third world countries are seeing smart phones transform many aspects of best practices pulling people out of poverty and into the middle class!

In this special report

Financial innovation and the poor

·          The landscape of telecoms

·          The rise of the mobile

·          The mother of invention

·          Up, up and Huawei

·          New uses for mobile phones

·          Internet for the masses


Global Youth Entrepreneurship Initiatives:

Global Youth Economic Opportunities Conference from  Making Cents International

Young Money’s stock market game

Please see http://www.youthenterpriseconference.org

Global Entrepreneurship Week
www.unleashingideas.org and is available at www.aspeninstitute.org/yesg

The Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation http://www.kauffman.org/ and the U.S. Department of Commerce’s International Trade Administration http://trade.gov/index.asp (ITA) are pleased to welcome you to the new online resource intended to help build economies that foster entrepreneurship worldwide. http://www.Entrepreneurship.gov and http://www.Entrepreneurship.org together are a new public-private partnership focused on leveraging entrepreneurial leadership to advance economic growth around the world.

TeenCashMachine Partners

We have an educational course for teenagers to learn how to create websites and get them online. www.teencashmachine.com
The lessons we have a really easy to follow, as an example, do a Google search for "labradoodle review", the #1 & 2 site is labradoodlereview.com which is a site my 11 year old daughter created in a little over 2 hours. I was wondering if there was any way we could work with you or if you think there are organisations we should be working with to help them education teens.

Careers, youth entrepreneurship

www.childrenspartnership.org  Information technology making a difference in children’s lives. An issue brief for leaders for children. How technology is transforming every aspect of children’s lives – education, workforce preparation, economic security, health, social inclusion, and civic engagement.

Voices for America’s Children www.voices.org

www.oneeapp.org  Streamlining enrollment and retention in a range of health and social services programs

www.one-economy.com Bring IT home. Their digital connectors program trains youth to be technology ambassadors in low income communities, more than 1200 youth have delivered over 42,000 hours of service.

Federal Digital Literacy resources http://digitalliteracy.gov

www.dosomething.org dedicated to encouraging and assisting youth to engage in social action around dozens of local, national an international issues such as teen homelessness, immigration awareness, recycling, animal welfare, global warming, international human rights, poverty, school violence and many others.


http://www.wa-acte.org/about.html -- This is a vocational site where members can engage with other vocational educators on current issues.

This is a news/current event site where one can ask questions and explore opposing view points on current events to enable discussion tactics in the http://www.wa-acte.org/about.html .

careercruising.com --   This site allows students to connect with career mentors by previously taped conversations and follow-up email questions.


Financial literacy

This Webquest asks students to define the question “What is Money”? and then create an alternative system for money to use within the school building.  It requires students to research with the purpose of finding alternative money systems and recognizing the real values and needs of a community.This project is well-written as well as visually entertaining.  If one does not use this as a classroom project, it is well worth looking at as an example of a well-written Webquest project.

 http://www.adcracker.com/2008/index.htm This site works students through the advertising process.  It allows students to review guidelines and advertisements on how to create effective advertisements for visual media.  The students can then divide into groups and create their own advertisement.  The advertisements can be submitted and then evaluated by AdCracker. This project gives excellent examples and guidelines where students understand the “whys” of why some advertisements work and other don’t.

http://www.urbanext.uiuc.edu/babysitting/index.html This project entails setting up a business for babysitting.  It details how to set up the business, what knowledge of children is needed, advertising and pricing of services.

CIRCLE http://civicyouth.org/cstp.pdf

http://socialcitizens.org nprofit handson network (created CNS online courses)

http://pewinternet.org  “teens and youth/internet” report

http://Globalkids.org  NC entrepreneurship for incarcerated youth., students learn to submit grants, dreamit-doit

e-Citizenry Resources

 The Virtual Nation  is an educational destination for Virtual Professionals. www.virtualbusinessmarketing.com http://www.i-video-spokesperson.com/ http://www.planetteleclass.com/    http://www.selfgrowth.com/experts/michelle_ulrich.html

http://odesk.com and http://liveopps.com invite anyone to register for telework jobs.

Intelligent cache innovations for rich media distance learning delivery via satellite.
A short explanation is at http://lone-eagles.com/nationalnativenetwork.htm  
This was developed by DRS, who provides satellite service in SE and around Alaska.

Wanted: Broadband and Broader Minds  (See the Navajo Youth Chocolate Success Story)

The Rural Broadband Challenge: Use IT!

What's Broadband Done for You, Lately? A Primer on What IS Broadband.

To: Tlingit Haida Central Council and SE Conference leadership

From: Frank Odasz
           Lone Eagle Consulting

Greetings again.

Digital Native youth can help preserve elder's stories and wisdom for all future generations, as but one example of intergenerational culturally appropriate innovations - to build 21st Century skills related to Ecommerce, telework and more....

You might find the Elder's Flipalbum youtube video of interest at http://youtu.be/huWWzNz0ePM

 At http://youtube.com/fodasz  there are Native Webraising very short videos, a sample short Ecommerce success story (batsbatsbats.com) and just a few other short videos, as examples of what we might all create together. The 3 minute Metlakatla Art Marketing video from this past September's visit might be of interest. I have many hours of HD video from the September Metlakatla Potlatch that Senator Kookesh attended, but have not yet edited or posted any of it. KACN-TV will be broadcasting Lone Eagle interviews with three generations of women/young ladies discussing how "potlatch is coming back" and that digital is already a part of Native culture. I have six DVD's with many hours from the potlatch if anyone is interested.

Here's the type of innovations we can use to motivate Alaskan Native youth to engage in digital workforce training....


A dozen Ipad apps for storytelling, and a dozen best of the best by topic listings are below, from Roz, a retired librarian in Pedro Bay, who is taking "Social Media for Educators."

But first,  here is an OUTSTANDING reading article on the booming viability of badges as alternative certifications, from a Jamaican listserv on Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) for Development. Of relevance is reference to their use by the Khan Academy, with support from the McArthur foundation, Mozilla Foundation, Gates foundation, etc.

Badges' Earned Online Pose Challenge to Traditional College Diplomas  https://chronicle.com/article/Badges-Earned-Online-Pose/130241/

"We have to question the tyranny of the degree," says David Wiley, an associate professor of instructional psychology and technology at Brigham Young University. Mr. Wiley is an outspoken advocate of so-called open education, and he imagines a future where screenfuls of badges from free or low-cost institutions, perhaps mixed with a course or two from a traditional college, replace the need for setting foot on a campus. "As soon as big employers everywhere start accepting these new credentials, either singly or in bundles, the gig is up completely."
this is a long way off I guess. but what about the implications for places like Jamaica for example where only a small privilaged minority have a tertiary level education? this badges thing might be useful here - but as they say in the article its all about industry recognition of any new certification system...

Date:         Sun, 8 Jan 2012 15:03:19 -0700
From:         Roz Goodman <roz.goodman@GMAIL.COM>
Subject: [SOCIAL-L] Ipad Apps for Storytelling

I found this link at diigo.com teacher-librarians group

The home page:
has links to Ipad apps for many curriculum areas

From the Educational Technology and Mobile Learning blog

Feel free to share these lists with your friends and colleagues.

1-  A List of Excellent iPad Apps for
If you have a smart phone and want to learn more about free educational
apps to install on it then check out my other website The Best of Mobile
Technology <http://www.freemobiletech.com/> )

2- A List of The Best Free Documentary

3- A list of Some of The Best Photo Editing

4- A list of Some of The Best Screencasting Tools to Record your Screen and
Make Awesome Video

5- A list of Some of The Best Websites to Download Free

6- A list of Some of The Best  Cartoon Making

7- A list of Some of The Best  Twitter Tools and

8- A list of Some of The Best Free Teacher Resources = Collection of Great
Websites <http://educationaltech-med.blogspot.com/2011/07/best-free-teacher-resources-collection.html>

9- A list of Some of The Best Book Tracking
Keep track of the Best Books in The market and get notifications of new
book releases for free. check out the list

10- A list of Some of The Best Search Engines for Social Networks

11- A list of Some of The Best Web Archiving

12- A list of Some of The Best Music
Download, Stream and Search for songs for free.

13- A list of Some of The Best Educational

14- A list of Some of The Best Search

15- A list of Some of The Best Books of The Year

16- A list of Some of The Best Free Tools to Create Animated

17- A list of Some of The Best Web Tools to Create Disposal Email

18- A list of Some of The Best Free Google

19- A list of Some of The Best Free Video

20- A list of Some of The Best Audio , Music and Image

21- A list of Some of The Best Free Mapping Tools of

22- A List of The Best Converting

23- A List of Some of The Best Free Graphic Organizers and Word Cloud

24- A List of The Most Watched YouTube
Roz Goodman
PO Box 47001
Pedro Bay, AK 99647
907 850 3011

Here are a few links regarding the annual pacific community networking and first nations summit held in Vancouver in late Feb.  www.ictsummit.ca  I have found this conference to be most excellent in the past.  Note the resources from http://fntc.info  the First Nations Technology Council led by Sue Hanley and Chief Noom Leech.

Below is a note on Nunavut CAP programs.

National success stories competition results for ICT best practices for rural, remote, and aboriginal communities
https://sites.google.com/site/ictraccontest/home/the-stories  OUTSTANDING!

The KNET project is outstanding on many levels; learn more at
Note the KNET summary articles at the top of this page.


Frank Odasz
Lone Eagle Consulting
PH/Fax: 406 683 6270
Cell: 406 925 2519
Everyone both learner and teacher, consumer and producer, all the time.

Your life is a gift from the Creator, what you do with it is your gift back to the Creator.