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    Essential Internet Skills
The Power of Online Human Collaboration

     Unlock the individual and community potential of online collaboration.

Given the connectivity of the modern global Internet, human connections can be more powerful than ever before. Learn how to leverage the potential benefits personally, and for your family, culture, community, state, nation and beyond.  Learn how to make a difference in the world and in the lives of others locally and at a distance.

The first four lessons below focus on the essential technical skills. The remaining six lessons present specific advanced training depending on your specific needs and interests.

Learn how to:

Find information you need when you need it
Learn anything anytime
Post your own web pages to make a positive difference in the lives of others.
Teach anything to anyone anytime,
Lead effective online discussions and build online learning communities
Learn how community networking can empower your entire community
Learn how to raise local Internet awareness and create a learning community
Learn leadership skills to establish cultural sovereignty
Demonstrate c
ultural expression through digital art, music, and photography
Learn how Edemocracy and cyber-citizenship helps you become a truly global citizen

The Four Essential Internet Skills

Level One - Searching and Browsing Skills
(The Power of a Self-Directed Learner)
Successive hands-on experiences are presented to build the basic Self-Directed Internet Learning Skills for web browsing, cut-and-paste, and using search engines to learn anything from anywhere at any time.

Level Two - Creating Your Own Web Pages
(The Power of Self-Publishing Globally)

Learn the basics of Web Self-Publishing Skills, creating and posting web pages with text, images, and hyperlinks.

Level Three - Communicating and Working Together
(The Power of Building Learning Communities Through Internet Collaboration)
Learn about efficient uses of Online Collaboration Skills. Includes many related resources for advanced learning.

Level Four - Learning-to-Earn for Sustainable Communities
(The Power of Building Online Communities)
Learn about using Internet collaborative tools for Teaching, Mentoring, Groupwork, Relationship-building, and Customer Support. 

Essential Leadership, Online Collaboration, and Community-Building Skills

        The following five self-directed lessons contain extensive resources and
        readings on a particular theme. What you get out of them will depend on
        what time and effort you invest. Lessons 5-10 are under construction.

Level Five – Community Networking and Why you should care.
Include essay, models to review, basic definition, unique to every community, virtual vs geographic communities, communities within communities. Key reading list http://lone-eagles.com/cn-readings.htm

To include: http://lone-eagles.com/cnguide.htm http://lone-eagles.com/community.html http://lone-eagles.com/ruralempowerment.htm http://lone-eagles.com/whyshouldIcare.htm http://lone-eagles.com/eguide.htm (Sections 4 and 5)

Level Six -  Hands-on creation of community networks using free and open source systems from very easy to robustly challenging. Practical tools for specific communities of interest and community organizations.
gathering and sharing knowledge; Interactive calendar, newsletter, photogallery, file upload/download areas, sharing hotlinks, users submit news to be stored by topic automatically, integrating webtours, external news services links and feeds,  http://lone-eagles.oldcolo.com http://lone-eagles.com/betasite.htm  http://www.clovercreekmall.com/community www.caithness.org www.deltadiscovery.htm

Level Seven – Youth Entrepreneurship Strategies
http://lone-eagles.com/capacity.htm http://lone-eagles.com/our_community.htm http://lone-eagles.com/cultureclub.htm

Level Eight - Action Plans for Building Collaborative Capacity in Rural Communities - A Leadership and Grant-writing Guide
Includes-The Ten best first steps a community can do for itself. http://lone-eagles.com/top.htm http://lone-eagles.com/top-extended.htm http://lone-eagles.com/ruralempowerment.htm From Eguide: http://lone-eagles.com/e-section-four.htm http://lone-eagles.com/e-section-five.htm

Level Nine- Tribal Leadership and Realizing Cultural Sovereignty Through Internet Applications
 http://lone-eagles.com/empowerment.htm http://lone-eagles.com/alaskan-resources.htm http://lone-eagles.com/nativeguide.htm http://lone-eagles.com/expressions.htm

Level Ten – Electronic Democracy and Global Citizenship
Includes http://lone-eagles.com/asdnl6.htm http://lone-eagles.com/democracy.htm
Add http://www.well.com/user/hlr/electrondemoc.html This site focuses on an “Electronic Democracy Toolkit.”  If skillfully used, new communication media can amplify the power of grassroots groups to gather critical information, organize political action, sway public opinion and guide policy-making.


In the following course you'll learn to become a Lone Eagle by learning-to-earn via an online course offering a hands-on Ecommerce overview at http://lone-eagles.com/ecom.htm