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 Community Internet Empowerment Resources
  for Rural Communities


Lone Eagle Consulting's Mission Statement
Lone Eagle Consulting strives to maintain the small circle of the very best
Internet learning pathways, requiring the least time and effort, to deliver the
highest levels of benefit and motivation for people of all cultures and literacy levels.

Authenticating Rural Internet and Broadband Benefits - A Reality Check
http://lone-eagles.com/wings.htm Required reading for rural citizens and leaders.
Written for the Australian Government for national empowerment of all their communities.

The Idaho Ecommerce Homesteaders' Cooperative
http://lone-eagles.com/montpelier.htm Big possibilities for the small community of Montpelier, Idaho. A story in progress defining how to seed and grow community involvement and capability building by focusing on replicable successes and measurable outcomes. Montpelier successes detailed at  http://lone-eagles.com/montpelier-story.htm

Homesteading the Ecommerce Frontier 
http://lone-eagles.com/ecommerce-homestead.htm  Real and profound opportunities.

Rural Ecommerce and Telework Strategies  http://lone-eagles.com/eguide.htm
A 200-page self-directed overview of what's working for rural entrepreneurs. This resource includes ten two-hour lessons for an online course by the same name at http://lone-eagles.com/ecommerce.htm  A new shorter version for youth http://lone-eagles.com/ecom.htm and a new course on Essential Internet Skills

Ecommerce Start-up Training Resources and Free Ecommerce Site Sources
http://lone-eagles.com/entrelinks.htm Includes resources for women and youth, too.

The New Gold Rush - Are You Ready? Tales from the Frontier of Community Development http://lone-eagles.com/goldrush.htm   Part II: http://lone-eagles.com/mining.htm Mining raw human potential with free web tools. Are you ready?

The Future of Community Development - Make the Living You Want Living Wherever You Want  http://lone-eagles.com/comdev.htm  

Making the Missing Connections…A Wake-up Call Regarding True Community Internet Empowerment http://lone-eagles.com/wake-up-call.htm  
A realistic view of issues to be considered when implementing community projects.

An Executive Overview for Project Planners on the Hard Questions for Community Internet Empowerment http://lone-eagles.com/overview.htm
A hard look at what's not obvious for planning a successful community project.

Community Networking primer http://lone-eagles.com/articles/networking.htm
A good first article on community networks.

Good Neighbor's Guide to Community Networking 
http://lone-eagles.com/cnguide.htm  Eleven chapters, including a bibliography of guides.

Community Networking Clearinghouse http://lone-eagles.com/community.html  
The best ideas and resources from dozens of community networks and related organizations.

Community Internet Awareness Events and Training Resources

The Bootstrap Academy http://lone-eagles.com/academy.htm
Do it yourself! Specific low-cost, short-term youth-driven citizen engagement
Internet awareness activities. Includes three online mini-courses for citizens, and local web-raisings.

Common Ground:  A Cross-Cultural Self-Directed Learner's Internet Guide
http://lone-eagles.com/guide.htm  Created for USAID, AT&T and the ERIC clearinghouse.
An instructional brokerage resource with emphasis on pointing to the best online tutorials,
and educational resources, on the Internet for self-directed learning. This is the text for the
online course  "Making the Best Use of Internet for K-12 Instruction."

Community Networking - Why Should I Care?
Good reasons why you should understand what's at risk.

Indigenous Internet Empowerment Resources 
http://lone-eagles.com/alaskan-resources.htm  Links to all the best related resources!!

Community Network Funding Sources and Grantwriting Tips
http://lone-eagles.com/granthelp.htm Specifically for rural community development.
Includes A Simple Proposal-writing Tutorial http://lone-eagles.com/mira2.htm and an online lesson on grantwriting at http://lone-eagles.com/asdnl8.htm  The latest and best grant template is at http://lone-eagles.com/top.htm with an expanded more readable version http://lone-eagles.com/top-expanded.htm

Building Learning Communities Web Tour
A extensive listing including two online courses for educators, three mini-courses for adults,
as well as grantwriting tutorials, funding sources, and grant templates, such as...

A Community Networking Applications Web Tour of
educational, business, healthcare and electronic democracy applications

Community Internet Empowerment Resources for Indigenous Peoples
An extensive listing of articles and resources for community Internet project planning.

Bringing Ideas Into Being
It is not obvious, or easy, to share a community vision.

Creating Effective Tribal Telecenters and Community Networks
http://lone-eagles.com/telecenters.htm   Applicable to non-tribal rural communities.
A detailed prospectus for project directors on implementation strategies and related resources.

See Also:

Planning for Local Community Internet Initiatives

Oregon Youth to Bootstrap Rural Internet Awareness

Rural Oregon Community Development Web Tour

Idaho Youth Leadership Web Tour

Building Local Collaborative Capacity Through Youth Leadership