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    Community Internet Empowerment Resources
                       for Indigenous Peoples

                                   Lone Eagle Consulting Mission Statement
                        Lone Eagle Consulting strives to maintain the small circle of the very best
                          Internet learning pathways, requiring the least time and effort, to deliver
                 the highest levels of benefit and motivation for people of all cultures and literacy levels.

Realizing Cultural Sovereignty Through Internet Applications
Challenges and strategies for creating sovereignty and power from Internet access. Presented for the "Information Technology in Regional Areas" Conference, Rockhampton, Australia, Aug. 26-29, 2002 - http://itira.cqu.edu.au/

Echoes in the Electronic Wind    
A short article on Native American and Alaskan Native opportunities for leadership with community networking.

Examples of Native American and Alaskan Native Web Cultural Applications
A dozen pages of links to diverse cultural web-based innovations.

Key Issues in Realizing Tribal Benefits from Internet Infrastructure
Important perspectives for the road to success.

Rural Ecommerce and Telework Strategies
A 200-page self-directed overview of what's working for rural entrepreneurs. This resource includes ten two-hour lessons for an online course by the same name at http://lone-eagles.com/ecommerce.htm Course registration information is at http://lone-eagles.com/ecommerce-registration.htm

Ecommerce Start-up Training Resources and Free Ecommerce Site Sources
Includes Internet entrepreneurship resources for women and youth, and much more..

A Native American Community Internet Empowerment Guide
Three pages of links to over 50 pages of visioning articles and specific resources.

A Native American Cross-cultural Internet Guide - "Echoes in the Electronic Wind "
A hands-on self-directed learner's Internet skills training guide with over 20 pages of
Native American and Alaskan Native web sites. Available in printed form; 177 pages.

Creating Effective Tribal Telecenters and Community Networks
A detailed prospectus for project directors on implementation strategies and related resources.

Beyond Traditional Vocational Education:
Best Practices for Use of Computers and Internet for Native Communities

Specific recommendations for vocational educators in Indian country.

An Update on the major Native Internet Projects
Resources and contacts related to major national Native Internet projects.

Alaskan K12 Innovations WebTour
See how other Alaskans are benefiting from the web.

Multi-cultural Resources and K-12 Project Sites
http://lone-eagles.com/multicultural.htm   Extensive International resources.

Building Cultural Learning Communities
Includes examples of cultural ecommerce.

Community Rural Empowerment Resources
A master listing of articles and resources for community Internet project planning.

Good Neighbor's Guide to Community Networking
Eleven chapters including lessons learned from ten years of community Internet projects
and a bibliography of community networking guides.

Building Learning Communities Web Tour
A extensive listing including two online courses for educators, three mini-courses for adults,
as well as grantwriting tutorials, funding sources, and grant templates, such as...

Alaskan Native Youth Cultural Community Building
http://lone-eagles.com/bartsgrant.htm   See also http://lone-eagles.com/northstar.htm
A grant proposal written for eight Alaskan Native Villages

Culture Club: A Cultural and Community Survival Concept Paper
See also http://lone-eagles.com/capacity.htm and http://lone-eagles.com/trainers.htm

Community Bootstrap Project: Learning to Do for Ourselves; Together!
Boilerplate text for YOUR community networking grant!!

Making the Missing Connections… A Wake-up Call
Regarding True Community Internet Empowerment

A realistic view of issues to be considered when considering
implementation of Community Internet projects.

An Executive Overview for Project Planners
on the Hard Questions for Community Internet Empowerment

A hard look at what's not obvious for planning a successful community project.

The Bootstrap Academy
Do it yourself! Specific low-cost, short-term youth-driven citizen engagement
Internet awareness activities. Includes three online mini-courses for citizens, and local web-raisings.