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21st Century Workforce Readiness


Lesson Four: Information and Media Literacy


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Required Submissions Checklist:

Listen to the podcast and view the overview video at the top of lesson four of the HS Dropouts workforce course at http://lone-eagles.com/workforce101.htm
Review the advanced skillbuilders resources linked at the bottom of the above lesson.

____Read through this lesson, including items marked “Read,” as separate from those marked optional. View the short videos also marked “View” as separate from those marked optional. (two hours)


____Read the FCC’s latest announcements as if you were just asked to author the online training components for all aspects, and advise on the 3 year national campaign, starting with an Alaska showcase for all the C2C initiatives. Note that the success depends on successful local engagement with schools and libraries at the center of this, yet to be defined, and a set of national campaign initiatives.



(one hour)


____Conduct the Immaculate Integration Exploration Activity in the lesson below, with your FCC mission in mind, and author a half page of your ideal integration recommendations. Write a minimum of one half page advising Alaskan leadership on what elements need to be integrated into a plan for closer school and community synergies. Email your essay to your instructor. (one hour)



Keeping Us All to the Same Instant of Progress

This course is a living example of the exponential benefits of effective peer sharing process in action. Many of the resources used in each lesson come directly from the participants the week before, with the Connectivism video and the following links as examples. Please keep the contributions coming!


There are obvious issues regarding best practices, and our individual differences as to how many tools we are willing to embrace and use regularly. Emerging, is the need to quantify our own info-diet inputs and outputs regarding ideal quality, efficiency, volume, and value. What we model and advise for our students with new tools evolving almost daily will likely be more an ongoing process of adapting and evaluation than advice on any established “best practice.”


VIEW: Connectivism: The Networked Student  (5 minutes)


An excellent explanation of the new roles for teachers as modeler, learning architect, change agent, synthesizer, learning concierge, connected learning incubator, and network Sherpa. Thanks to Adell Bruns for sharing this resource.


Note many excellent related videos are presented on the same page, and that’s where I found this one from the Univ. of Alaska Fairbank’s Skip Via:


VIEW Skip Via on personal learning networks for educators   (5 minutes)


As Skip shows you elements of his personal learning network, think about your own ability to use graphics and sound to hold the viewers attention in your own videos and jing presentations.


Google “personal learning networks education” to see PLNs is a booming area.


Review: A Community of Practices for Elearning Professionals

Ex. http://elearningguild.com (Their new report “Social Media for Learning” at

http://www.elearningguild.com/research/archives/index.cfm?id=152&action=viewonly )  (5 minutes)


Pop Quiz: Do you know you can find a dozen such organizations online, each competing to outdo the others with better resources? You should know you can create a listing of most of these within 15 minutes by using multi-word search phrases.  Try: professional elearning guides resources directories, online educator guides, online teacher resources, experiment.


Professional Info-Brokers Hot Tip:

One serious tip is each site’s “Other resources” are likely to be a hotlist of similar sites. If the list is current and robust, then likely paid staff keep it updated and the host site is a keeper. If you find few other resources, and outdated links, then delete the link; you can do better. Info-brokering is amazingly easy if you know lots of others with more time and money than you have already been collecting and posting the best links for years, before you. Your challenge is to gather from these sites, your own best-of-the-best links. The better blogs will post the newest best links by topic, as their means of proving their value competitively.


If you intentionally limit yourself to the time spent, and do not allow yourself to get sidetracked digging too deep and losing all sense of time, and make a habit of quickly cutnpasting the links without over thinking it, you will find your lists grow faster with practice, and you will also find unexpected discoveries, that make it fun, like the two links below I found while testing my search phrases above.


25 Best Sites for Free Educational Videos (Optional)



The Self-Directed Student Toolbox - Online Education Database

oedb.org › LibraryBeginning Online Learning   (Optional)


Smart Peers in this class contributed the following:


VIEW Sara Hepner’s Jing Describing the Alaska Future Problem Solving Program  (three minutes)


Teaching kids how to think, not what to think. Community and Global Public Problem Solving programs are available at




Immaculate Integration

Teaching the “Love of Learning” to be sustained lifelong by our students has been a challenge in the past. Today, smart use of mobile learning will reap rewards as personal mobile devices are becoming more interconnected, more powerful and central to the daily lives of us all. “The New Normal” is learning to do more with less, and out of necessity the economic scalability of mobile learning and smarter collaboration will produce “solutions of necessity.” A constructivist approach, where students build their own knowledge while developing multimedia skills, is likely to be more motivating than sitting in a traditional classroom. This is true for educators, too.


Read: STEM: Global Citizenship Applied Science Real World Public Problem Solving   


      (10 minutes)


Now that we have established everyone and everything is becoming increasingly interconnected and integrated, and that everyone must somehow adopt the “love of learning” as a lifestyle choice, let’s review our opportunities for innovation.


1.     Integrated units allow us to “do more with less” while meeting required standards, and the more standards we can address in a single unit, the better.


2.     Motivation comes from what we can learn to do, not from what others do for us, or “tell us to do.”


Bill Gates wrote in his book “The Road Ahead” ten years ago that there were three big emerging industries; entertainment, social services, and education. If we integrate these three big money-makers we get “Fun, Social, Learning.”


Explore: Peer 2 Peer University

http://p2pu.org from diyubook.com (10 minutes)

Learn anything with your peers. It's online and totally free. At P2PU, people work together to learn a particular topic by completing tasks, assessing individual and group work, and providing constructive feedback.  "Browse groups and courses; Start your Own." Note the four schools of study referenced at the bottom of the screen.


Required Reading:


Read "Innovation Diffusion" 


(10 minutes)


Read U.S. Educators Seek Lessons from Scandinavia

A Scandinavian alternative to No Child Left Behind


(10 minutes)


Read Teaching 2.0 – Are We There Yet?
http://community.uaf.edu/~skipvia/blog/?p=59 (10 minutes)
Note this short posting is from Skip Via’s Blog, which has a lot more to explore, in addition to his many youtube videos.

CoSN’s observations speak volumes about the current state of US public schools. In Scandinavian schools, students begin formal education at 7 years, having spent the previous several years in preschool programs aimed at personal responsibility and social development rather than on academics. By the time they get to formal schooling, the situation looks like this:

[CoSN] found that educators in Finland, Sweden, and Denmark all cited autonomy, project-based learning, and nationwide broadband internet access as keys to their success… Grading doesn’t happen until the high-school level, because they believe grading takes the fun out of learning. They want to inspire continuous learning.

What the CoSN delegation didn’t find in those nations were competitive grading, standardized testing, and top-down accountability—all staples of the American education system.


Service Learning

Read: How to reduce student dropout rates: link volunteering to studies

http://www.csmonitor.com/Commentary/the-monitors-view/2010/0210/How-to-reduce-student-dropout-rates-link-volunteering-to-studies Educational service learning not only may engage students in their community but also help keep them on track for graduation, according to a Civic Enterprises report. John Bridgeland, the nonprofit's president and CEO, says 77% of students in service-learning classes reported the experience as strongly motivating them to work diligently, and 64% credited such classes with playing a role in keeping them in school. (20 minutes)


Review Rural Revitalization in New Mexico: A Grass Roots Initiative Involving School and Community  (five minutes)



Explore Working Together: School-Family-Community Partnerships
A toolkit for New Mexico school communities (five minutes)


Redefining Digital Literacy and Integrating the other 21st Century Literacies

Digital literacy is not a matter of large corporations putting more training online in a patronizing top down manner. Digital literacy is about people learning from each other what they can do for themselves creating effective collaborations for ongoing sharing of best practices that produce practical benefits.


As an educator consider integrating the following:
21st Century literacies; info-literacy, media literacy, digital literacy, financial literacy, entrepreneurial literacy, and integrating the seven intelligences, and preferred learning styles, while considering learner trends toward shorter attention spans and multitasking. (Optional: at google.com select Images and search “seven intelligences” and or “21st Century Literacies”) In the resources section below you will find a fascinating list of Howard Rheingold’s extensive work on 21st Century Literacies.


Pop Quiz: Can you name the 7 intelligences? Did you happen to notice many of the graphics in the search results suggested above have DIFFERENT sets of 7 intelligences?


Review: Seven intelligences of accelerated learning

http://blog.iqmatrix.com/mind-map/7-intelligences-accelerated-learning-mind-map   Free Ebook, printable posters, lots of interesting resources.  (10 minutes)


Eventually, your ability to collaborate online professionally, and to routinely assimilate vast quantities of information, will become as obvious as your ability to present yourself professionally in person.


What IF your teaching position depended on a daily global competition with thousands of peers for how many integrated topics, matched to required standards, you can put into your original rich media “accelerated learning curriculums;” to include 21st Century literacies, 7+ intelligences, and customized to match diverse learning styles?


What if, in the face of budget cutbacks your job was at risk, but Elearning corporations came calling, offering you more money, the option to work from home, and other lifestyle benefits? This is a very real trend, school districts are finding their best tech teachers are disappearing to the private sector.


School and Community Synergies “Pilot Projects” are proposed for showcasing what communities can “Do for themselves, together” both as individual communities in the short term, and as functional coordinated “communities of communities” sharing innovations, mentors, and mutual opportunities on an ongoing basis.


What Alaskan specific campaign messages would you recommend to the Ad Council for their 3 year, $90 million dollar broadband campaign messaging?


What made, or still makes, America great? Isn’t it that we can all come together to do what needs to be done?


Do we need to restate the real problem, followed by a call to action for all Americans, to actually up and do something?!  What could everyone possibly do to see their tangible contributions toward meaningful progress, in concert with the actions of many others?

(Hint: Local wikis, jings, nings, udemy.com, p2pu.org, etc.)


A Campaign for What Exactly?

What problem are we trying to solve with broadband? What do we really need or want a campaign for? Is what matters most - a campaign for broadband and digital literacy? Or do we need a campaign for supporting our educators, funding for schools, or for educational reform, or a campaign of caring, or for civic responsibility, or collaborative engagement for public problem solving at all levels?? A campaign for more STEM graduates? For more adults involved in getting college degrees? For more creativity and innovation?  What would be at the top of your list!?


With the New Normal; everything hangs on local engagement, new metrics, and sharing innovations as they emerge – acknowledging the boom in bottom up innovations. A challenge competition for effective online peer mentoring and Train-The-Trainer programs based on authentic measurable skills transfer outcomes would quickly produce a great deal of innovation and invaluable online instructional content.


There needs to be something Americans can do together to validate we're still the best society in the world.


Even more exciting would be to create a genuine global showcase of Alaskan innovations on what exactly Alaskans have innovatively used broadband for to demonstrate benefits for sustainable families, communities and cultures.


Identifying How Best to Teach Innovation, Imagination, and Expansive Thinking

We are all challenged with learning to think globally, and as educators committed to sticking to required standards, we might consider how best to teach the innovation and imagination process.  Teaching literally the process of expansive thinking, which some call right brain, spatial, or global thinking, as compared to left brain, linear thinking, is a topic Dan Pink writes and speaks about as essential for success in the 21st Century.


Dan Pink’s Whole New Mind – Of particular interest for Right Brainers

Review: A Whole New Mind | Daniel Pink

http://www.danpink.com/whole-new-mind (10 minutes)


View: RSA Animate: DRIVE: What really motivates us. By Dan Pink http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6XAPnuFjJc&feature=related

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6XAPnuFjJc&feature=related (10 minutes)


View: First in a six part series of short videos on the book “A Whole New Mind” by Dan Pink  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVFQ78HbJK0

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVFQ78HbJK0  (10 minutes)


Starting Your Own Global TV Broadcasting Station – At No Cost

Anyone can create their own youtube channel in a couple minutes. You can upload videos up to 15 minutes in length. But, did you know you can join Youtube’s partner program which offers enhanced roles that allow you to post longer videos and learn how to monetize your videos? Google is a global Internet advertising company, owns youtube, and will make money if you make money. For Free, you are offered your own global broadcasting station. As all video will soon be available online, this will prove to be an outstanding opportunity for educational entrepreneurs with a video for positive world change.


READ: YouTube for Profit (15 minutes)


(10 minutes)


Youtube.com/edu is their educational division, but there are many competing video sites who would also like to help you make money from your creative videos. The more you learn about how others are profiting from their creative and instructional videos, the better you will understand your own opportunities.

More links are at our class wiki’s video resources pages.


Facebook as International Platform for Innovation

Facebook, a curiosity in 2006, is now the largest (yet) online phenomenon valued at $100 billion. Like it or not, Facebook is the leading global platform for social marketing with hopes to become the leading platform for meaningful collaborative activities of all types. Their strategy is to move fast, and innovate aggressively, in direct competition with the other tech giants.


Like it or not, already most businesses and government agencies invite you to follow them on Twitter and Facebook, if not an additional listing of similar social media feeds.


Assess the level of valuable information and interaction that is, or is not, taking place on this important Alaskan Library project’s Facebook page. Click “Info” on the left sidebar to read a short summary.


Review: Alaska OWL Project Now on Facebook  (15 minutes)

The Alaska Online With Libraries (OWL) project now has a Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Alaska-OWL-Project/286626654693376 . This page is intended for project participants to gather and share success stories, project ideas and any other information they please about the project. The public is welcome to drop in and see what’s going on. (five minutes)


As of this writing, the OWL page has stories about how OWL bandwidth and equipment are empowering research and homeschooling in places like Lake Minchumina and Hollis. Pictures of people receiving OWL equipment and training sessions are also available.


Review: the OWL web site: http://www.library.state.ak.us/dev/owl.html

                       (ten minutes)


READ: The Great Tech War of 2012  (30 minutes)

http://www.fastcompany.com/magazine/160/tech-wars-2012-amazon-apple-google-facebook   This article is a good demonstration that the pace of change is accelerating, and change is happening in such a way it is integrating technology, society, education, the economy, and more. Literally, our daily lives and info-diets are undergoing constant reinvention. But, are we in control of our own lifestyles? Are we thinking for ourselves or are the media tricksters in more control over what we think and believe than we are?


Immaculate Integration Exploration Activity: Speed-dating for School and Community Synergies and Integration Innovation Ideas  (one hour)

____Conduct the Immaculate Integration Exploration Activity in the lesson below, with your FCC mission in mind, and author a half page of your ideal integration recommendations.

____Post your Immaculate Integration Innovations to our Google group forum by that name, by replying to the Topic message, in order to keep all responses in the same “thread.” I.E. Write a minimum of one half page advising Alaskan leadership on what elements need to be integrated into a plan for closer school and community synergies.


Consider the following explorations activity as speed dating with new ideas and themes to integrate in your K12 topical units. You have been commissioned to innovate with Elearning using social media, to include mobile learning for mobile devices, for building closer Alaskan school and community ties to make Alaska THE national model for the FCC Connect-to-Compete initiative.


Initially limit yourself to one hour reviewing topical links below.


School and Community Synergies = A Local Learning Society


Service Learning 

Review (optional) Rural Revitalization in New Mexico: A Grass Roots Initiative Involving School and Community (Optional)


Explore (optional) Working Together: School-Family-Community Partnerships
A toolkit for New Mexico school communities  


Read: (optional) Online Bullies Pull Schools into the Fray  



Mentoring Models

Explore the Mentoring resources http://lone-eagles.com/mentor.htm with emphasis on your preferred topic areas. Consider searching for additional resources on online collaboration and mentoring to see the extent of available resources. Hint: search for “mentoring manuals”  PhD science and math mentors from India are available online to mentor your students for $10/hour.

                        READ: (optional) http://lone-eagles.com/mentoring-mission.htm


Character Education Web tour, and other topical webtours for integration.



Citizen Schools


 Enlist the expertise of local citizens and businesspersons as guest presenters in your school.


Youth Entrepreneurship

Youth Entrepreneurship sites applicable to both educators and students at  
http://lone-eagles.com/entrelinks.htm and http://lone-eagles.com/entrelinks2008.htm


Electronic Student Portfolios

Explore the merits of student portfolios as a means of sharing student performance with parents; at http://electronicportfolios.com and http://school.discoveryeducation.com/schrockguide/assess.html#portfolios
see what you can find searching for "electronic portfolios" 


Electronic Democracy

Explore the Electronic Democracy WebTour http://lone-eagles.com/democracy.htm The highlights are the Virtual Activist Curriculum found on the homepage for http://netaction.org specifically www.netaction.org/training  The Thomas Jefferson Government Resources http://thomas.loc.gov is your window into the workings of the U.S. congress. Look at each of the four community networks listed at the end of this web tour.



Citizen Scientist PPT

The Rise of Citizen-Scientists in the Eversmarter World - Alex Lightman - H+ Summit @ Harvard
Note similar powerpoint presentations on the right sidebar, and elsewhere at Slideshare.com


END Immaculate Integration Exploration Activity


Lesson Feedback: 


You're invited to privately email your instructor:


       1. What areas, if any, did you have trouble with during this lesson?


       2. What questions remain now that you've finished this lesson?


       3. Approximately how much time did you devote to this lesson?


              4. What improvements would you like to suggest?





Facebook Basics:


Explore: Facebook Top Level Help:



Look over Facebook Basics


Look at Ads and Business Solutions


Explore: Give and get help by connecting with others on Facebook


Facebooks “Causes” are now called groups.


Facebook Connect is the software by which most online systems can interface with Facebooks growing number of features. Facebook recognizes their future hangs on demonstrated meaningful applications in both the social outcomes areas, as well as the money making activities.


Review Integrating Websites with Facebook:


Facebook Connect won’t use that name anymore, as everything is changing quickly. Here’s their latest update:


Facebook Insights are analytics to show you how effective you are creating a following – for either your social good, mercenary, or combined social enterprise goals. READ “What are Insights?” http://www.facebook.com/help/?faq=116512998432353&ref_query=insightes


Book: “The Facebook Effect” is a look at what is going on behind the scenes at Facebook.


Facebook Power Tips for Businesses
http://www.fastcompany.com/1796284/5-facebook-power-tips-for-small-business?#   Fastcompany.com is a thought leader and good sources for short, timely articles on Facebook and tech startups and hot trends.


Facebook apps for education


            Video announcing new Facebook App for Ipad


            The Facebook Blog http://blog.facebook.com  


Facebook app article:



Community Networking

Read:  "Community Networking: Leveraging the Public Good Electronically" 


Read: Creating People-Centered Community Knowledge Networks and take the short Smart Community Quizhttp://lone-eagles.com/smart.htm


Read  "What is Community networking and Why You Should Care."     

Click on “Community Networking” in the upper left sidebar. This article is from the Community Technology Review at


A unique publication associated with Americorps and service learning programs and contains many additional resources hyperlinked in the grey sidebars in each section. Note particularly the extensive youth digital storytelling resources.


The Good Neighbor's Guide to Community Networking
http://lone-eagles.com/cnguide.htm   Chapter Two is highly recommended. Chapter Eleven has many free guides and community resources!


Read the school and community networking resources page at http://web2fork12classrooms.pbwiki.com  See also, digital storytelling at www.storycenter.org

Future-Proofing Communities


Civic Engagement

Explore Civic Mind 
                 Civic Education Resource


Community Networking Resources


Online Giving; Philanthropy and Social Engagement

Jumo.com – Created by cofounder of Facebook, and Obama’s 2008 online campaign manager  http://jumo.com

http://blog.jumo.com/post/9037560404/jumo-and-good-combine-forces-to-create-content-and There are many high end Techie philanthropists already focusing on online philanthropy, Chris Hughes with jumo.com, as an example. Chris was the facebook co-founder who ginned up 13,000 local Obama campaign groups, winning $55 million in small contributions in one month.


Kiva.org  - Global Giving – Citizen to Citizen Microloans

Citizen microloans to third world entrepreneurs, and you get your money back with interests, plus seeing the impact you have made on the lives of those in need.


Shift My Gift
http://www.shiftmygift.com  enables anyone, anywhere, to celebrate any event in their lives by diverting gifts which would have been given to them, to any charities and nonprofits they care about.
Learn More: http://www.matr.net/article-47442.html



You might find the proposal-writing handouts at http://lone-eagles.com/mira2.htm useful with your students as a writing/planning/thinking project.


Alaskan Village Grant templates

A lesson on grantwriting for educators:


Grantwriting Tips, Guides, and Funding Sources



Native Broadband Training Best Practices


The FCC Lone Eagle Broadband Training Best Practices Web Site
U.S. Federal Communications Commission's Native American Division
has posted broadband training best practices http://lone-eagles.com/best.htm on their www.fcc.gov/indians site (listed as Examples of Broadband Training Best Practices) in their Internet Resources listing: http://www.fcc.gov/indians/internetresources/     The new FCC chairman, Julius Genachowski, has asked those with big ideas to please speak up. We can expect to see a lot of innovation related to Broadband and Social Media.


Lone Eagle Training Guides and Online Courses

Extensive online guides for Internet literacy, rural ecommerce and telework, K12 best uses of Internet for instruction, etc.


Digital literacy Guides

One Economy’s Digital Literacy Basics


More at http://one-economy.com


PBS “ready to learn” 11 community pilot sites



Digital Literacy Corps

http://www.digitalliteracycorps.org/DLC-P2S.html (list of other sites)
Most of the “other” sites are their own sites, and touting one’s own best practices and THE best practices, doesn’t mean effort has gone into truly reviewing the best practices of others.


Netliteracy.org’s best practices for digital literacy



Digital literacy resources from federal agencies

Grassroots resources are not allowed due to federal policy(?!)


The Americorps CTC VISTAS program’s Community Technology Review:



Howard’s 21st Century Literacies:

Do you know of Howard Rheingold's work? http://socialmediaclassroom.com

Howard wrote one of the first books on Virtual Community; Homesteading the Electronic Frontier.

My favorite chapters are on the Big Sky Telegraph, my rural schools online project from 1988-1998.

Howard lectures on 21st Century Digital Literacies at Stanford and UC Berkley.


His Learn 2.0 link is
http://dmlcentral.net/blog/howard-rheingold/diyu-experiment  with others below.


An Email From Howard:

You might be interested in using this for your teaching: http://socialmediaclassroom.com

This is a course I taught this Fall: http://socialmediaclassroom.com/host/vircom   


This is my latest passion, digital literacies:

Videos & Blogs

Video 21st century literacies 40 min video  http://blip.tv/file/2373937

JD Lasica's 6 min video interview with me, same subj: http://bit.ly/eFqeI

Video 24 minute on Crap Detection 101http://blip.tv/file/3333374>http://blip.tv/file/3333374 

Blog 21st Century Literacies: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/blogs/rheingold/detail?blogid=108&entry_id=38313

Blog Crap Detection 101: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/blogs/rheingold/detail?entry_id=42805

Blog Twitter Literacy: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/blogs/rheingold/detail?blogid=108&entry_id=39948

Blog Attention Literacy: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/blogs/rheingold/detail?blogid=108&entry_id=38828

BlogMindful Infotention: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/blogs/rheingold/detail?blogid=108&entry_id=46677

Howard Rheingold Email:  howard@rheingold.com  http://twitter.com/hrheingold





Ecommerce and Broadband Community Toolkits

Connecting Rural Communities



A Beginner’s Guide to Ecommerce



Community toolkit from the National Ecommerce Initiative.
