21st Century Workforce Readiness
Seven: High Tech
Business Startup Basics
Required Submissions
Checklist for Lesson 7 1. Listen to the Podcast and Overview video at http://lone-eagles.com/academy7.htm and carefully review the resources at the advanced link at the bottom of the lesson. 2. Send your instructor what you have learned and identify the five best links for youth which provide motivating online instruction on web-based business start-up basics for youth. Use multiple keywords in your searches to hone in on exactly what you hope to find. 3. Go to http://lone-eagles.com/ and using the internal search engine google the following terms separately and email your instructor how many resources are listed: Alaska "rural ecommerce" "Alaskan Native" "Native American" 4. Now, go to google.com and google separately "rural ecommerce and telework strategies" and "lone eagle consulting" and "Frank Odasz" and report the number of hits to your instructor. |