LoneEagleLogosmall.jpg (2622 bytes)

Alaska Native Cultural Web Expression
A Web Tour and Celebration of Digital Storytelling Methods

Alaska K12 Cultural Expression Innovations

 Mt. Edgecumbe Native Boarding School, Sitka, Alaska
http://www.mehs.educ.state.ak.us  See the Student portfolios at http://www.mehs.us/portfolios/
An exceptional model for electronic student portfolios and includes a student-written tutorial on how to create such portfolios. The school is expanding their Entrepreneurship emphasis. See also


Alaska Idamovie;Winners


In the Time of the Old Ones:
Grade Level: Elementary (3-5)
This webquest explores the Navajo people and their belief systems while
connecting mathematics, language arts and science.  I think there would also
be a natural connection to studies of Alaskan Native Americans, too.  In
particular, the ³importance of belief systems in a particular culture, and
in understanding how the ideas people profess affect their behavior,² is
relevant to all Alaskans.

Gates of the Arctic: A Season on Foot with the Arctic Caribou:
Grade Level: Middle School (My estimation)
This project has obvious cultural significance to Alaskan students,  and I
had a particular teacher in mind when I was reviewing the content.   Our
eighth grade geography teacher has integrated GPS devices with his students,
and I could see them really getting into the trek, even though the  third
stage of the trip was abandoned due to weather.  There are  excellent maps,
and I could envision an activity whereby students verify the  mileage of the
checkpoints by establishing approximate waypoints into their computer
simulated GPS units.


Arctic Student Writing Project


LitSite Alaska
Welcome to LitSite Alaska, a Web community promoting literacy, cultural diversity, and well-being throughout Alaska. A gathering place for families, communities and teachers, LitSite Alaska features narratives illustrating many cultural aspects of life in Alaska. As an on-line learning tool, LitSite Alaska showcases a living archive of
lesson plans used in Alaskan classrooms and an extensive collection of excellent peer work by Alaskan students.
This site was started some years ago through a collaboration with the CAS faculty at UAA and some ASD language arts and tech people.  The idea was to have statewide multi-cultural expression and story-telling. It was conceived to be multi-media and to foster an e-community across cultures around literacy and cultural understanding.  It doesn't seem to be deep in multi-media, though a digital archive is planned. It is now facilitated by Dr Ron Spatz, who is very earnest about its mission.

Alaskan Community Web Sites

Bethel, Alaska

Citizens regularly share their news on this regional community network. One can quickly see than many citizens are directly involved in regularly generating local news for this community information site.


Bethel, Alaska Business Directory

An elegantly functional business directory to facilitate local online shopping. All local businesses are displayed on one page with all businesses with web sites easily identified by their names as blue hyperlinks.

Alaskan Ecommerce Initiatives and Trainers

AMEP E-RAVEN http://e-raven.com http://lone-eagles.com/e-raven.htm

Artic Ways Web-Authoring Tutorials
www.articways.org has good images tutorial and other web design bits   

Student sites created in Arctic Village Computer Camp Events in 2004 and 2005,

Arctic Village Computer Camp Student Web Sites


 and in Nulato in 2005.


Alaska Market Place

Alaskan Ecommerce Web Sites

Alaskan Eco-Tourism Resources

Joseph Davis Ebay Workshops and Consulting

Serious microloan model we need to be aware of. Required viewing!
 A 16 minute video on the Grameen Foundation's Micro Loans and ICTs Program

Alaska Native Portals

Alaskan Native Knowledge Network
A major project based at the University of Alaska/Fairbanks Campus,
supported by the National Science Foundation and the Annenberg Rural
Challenge to collect and disseminate indigenous curriculum.

Alaskool Alaskan Native Curriculum
 We feature some of the best materials on Alaska Native history and culture available,
and the tools to help instructors use them in the classroom.With our Interactive
Curriculum Planner and Class Bookmarks teachers can
tailor students' Alaskool experience to suit their educational goals and
objectives, as well as national standards.


Alaskans.com | AlaskaSearch.com | AlaskaDirectory.com | Alaska-Travel.com | Alaska-Business.com

AlaskaFishing.com | AlaskaGuides.com | AlaskaOutdoorGuide.com | Alaska-Lodging.com

First Alaskan's Institute

Alaska Federation of Natives

Outstanding Canadian Native Innovations
Best links borrowed from

Aboriginal Youth Network
A very interesting site from the Canadian SchoolNet folks with lots of resources for Native students! Great kids resources!

An Outstanding model native community network from the Canadian Yukon

 The Yukon Portal http://www.theyukon.ca/

Community Radio - Tagish  Innovations from yukon territories.

Canadian indigenous video    http://www.eelgroundschool.ca/digitalvideo/

The Eel Ground First Nation Drama Club is presenting a FASD play and video conference on this coming Tuesday - http://firstnationhelp.com/fasd/ a great example of how communities, no matter where they are located, can produce and distribute outstanding content over the internet if Broadband is available.

Jamie Sterritt

Sa'hetxw Consulting

c: 250.877.0585
f: 866.324.2293


Canadian "Youth in Philanthropy"

Article on sunchild http://prospects.skillnet.ca/cgi-bin/show_page.pl?lg=eng&content=E-W-2004-05-27-09-59-35&view=print

A "Fully Integrated Technology" (FIT) Native Community Flyer

Aboriginal Voice - From Digital Divide to Digital Opportunity (last three pages is a summary of this important 33 page document on Ecommerce, Elearning, and Egovernment.)
http://knet.ca/documents/Aboriginal-Voices-Final-Report-Vol5_Doc_051122.pdf from: The site is www.crossingboundaries.ca/aboriginalvoice   

Alaskan Charter Schools
GALENA MWREL report  www.nwrel.org/nwedu/10-02/idea/

Nenana cyberlynx, delta junction,

Alyeska Central School and Worldwide http://acs.yksd.com/

WWIDEA web site is located  at www.wwidea.org

Sunchild Elearning http://www.sccyber.net/ Canadian Online High School
Article on sunchild http://prospects.skillnet.ca/cgi-bin/show_page.pl?lg=eng&content=E-W-2004-05-27-09-59-35&view=print

Edutopia online learning presentation w resources http://www.edutopia.org/onlinelearning/
Highschool.com article: http://www.edutopia.org/magazine/ed1article.php?id=art_1270&issue=apr_05

 Jack Taub
http://www.thepowerofus.org/   See www.genyes.com http://emargin.net


Alaskan Distance Learning

Specific to Alaska, there is a listserv that strives to keep K-12 educators

up to date on distance education opportunities, and in particular,
videoconferencing.  The Alaska Distance Learning Partnership¹s (ADLP)
listserv has the mailing address adlp@bssd.org.  I think technically, it may
fall under the category of a mailing list. You cannot ³unsubscribe²
automatically, for example, but it is a valuable resource so I chose to
include it.  The ADLP is very active in the state of Alaska, and was created
by Alaskan K-12 educators. More information regarding the ADLP may be found

Curt Madison, Center for Distance Education in Fairbanks

Madison, Curt — 474-5197
Dir, Center for Distance Education and Independent Learning,
P.O. Box 756700, 201 Denali Bldg
Email: curt.madison@uaf.edu
Elluminate @ CDE

Contact Chris Lott, UAF CDE Instructional Designer [chris.lott@uaf.edu]

Kelly Tonsmeire http://reinventingschools.org   Chick Beckly, missoula, 20 years AK distance ed.
Michae Fullen, author, Reinventing schools NCREL, 4 million - WKGH? in Boston

http://asdnonline.org  new moodle site by Chick Beckly - Lower Koskokwim, Bering Straits?John Hopkins grants 1 million drug/violence, 3 million community collaboration

ASDN created reinventing schools coalition (w microsoft support) Quality Schools Coalition? 150 rural schools. All 5000 schools joined ASDN?  Chugach Model??

This is a URL to a videoconference guide that I was coauthor of that includes some practical considerations for use of videoconference in a secondary full classroom setting with teaching partners in a remote Alaska setting.  Although there have been many changes in technology that is available the specific teaching issues remain the same.


http://www.aste.org/board.html  I checked the list, but I don't know any of them.  Send an e-mail and see what happens.  http://www.aste.org/board.html   Pamela Floyd - ak ed leader

Online teaching resources http://distance.uaf.edu/dls/resources/
Teaching tips for elluminate: http://distance.uaf.edu/dls/resources/tt/


Quote "When learning new tools use familiar tasks; when learning new tasks use familiar tools.”


Village Technician Program  http://itspecialist.alaska.edu /
State-wide program for training IT personnel. KuC campus has trained over 300 people in Y-K Delta villages through a cooperative effort with Bethel Native Corportation and the State of Alaska.


Bethel Alaska and KCC Innovations: Video web log, podcasting, photo slideshows and more.
Courtesy of Martin Leonard - See His Kyacking Blog!


http://alaskaruralbroadband.blogspot.com/  Video blog with EEK interview

Video Add On   http://videoaddon.com/

They were the one of the 'if not THE' first video blogging compression and
storage services on the web...they remain at the forefront with 'flashdelivery, scripting, autoposting' w/ many new developments coming online
next week. I have had an account with them since they started and it still
remains 'the cheapest  bandwidth around'...esp for this bandwidth starved
Alaskan! OUR work here at KuC and my personal content will be used as one
of their leading / featured members.

Our video content is now linked to at the Alaska Native Knowledge Network.

Some of the 'show-case' technology related developments eminating from the Y-K Delta region.











How to Buy Genuine American Indian Arts & Crafts

University of Alaska-Fairbanks Museum of the North.

Ebay transaction agents in alaska within 500 miles of Fairbanks


Ron Doore Worldview Wireless
See "smart way to shop"

        Community technology includes information and communications
        technology (ICT) training and access that promotes civic and
        cultural participation, employment and life-long learning.

AK building knowledge based economies http://afnevents.org/leadershipforum/ 2004 old conf.

Mike Davis
. a company focused on linking education and technology in ways it can be used creatively by students and staff.  (www.edulynx.com/scope_experience.htm)
     June 1999 - December 2004

Projects I have worked on include;


Lone Eagle Consulting's
Alaskan Native Ecommerce Training Resources

 Alaskan Native K12 Web Innovations at
Main Lone Eagle Alaskan Resource Listings

My overall background including Alaska http://lone-eagles.com/history.htm  
My Alaskan background specifically



Community INTERNET Learning Resources


Realizing Cultural Sovereignty Through Internet Applications


Rural Ecommerce Grant Templates

Common Ground for Alaska, Jamaica, and Rural Idaho-What can we show and do to motivate our people to embrace the potential of the Internet?

Search for chuki traders Point Hope - emarketing experience

Contact Paul ontngook(sp) UAA
see www.edulynx.com/mike.htm resume and North Slope video conf. guide., Susan Mason
contact? Ray barnhart?, partner w regional govt or native corp.
Nslope has been wired since '91? US trumped by business.

see www.southcentralfoundation.org cook inlet/anchorage area projects.

From: "McGee, Timothy" <McgeeT@philau.edu>
"Dinero, Steven" <DineroS@philau.edu>,

I came across your name while visiting asdn.org's site.
Are you familiar with SAS inSchool's Curriculum Pathways?
CP is utilized by several virtual schools to enrich their on-line course offerings.
Thought you might like to check it out: www.sasinschool.com/cp
If you'd like to explore further, you can request trial access on-line:
Take care - Charley
SAS Customer Interaction Center
Charley Norkus
Education Practice - K12 West
Tel  (919) 531-2546
Fax (919) 531-9446

Barbara Oates McMillan
B.C.Regional Coordinator/
National Consultant on Youth in Philanthropy
Community Foundations of Canada
phone: 604-986-3084 

If you would like to become acquainted with wikis, podcasts, and blogs  log

onto this wiki that was created by Stephen Downes, a keynote speaker at the
ASTE conference last month in Anchorage AK. 
wiki training tutorials http://feedback.jot.com/JotTraining/?jotXAuth=

From Karen Dearlove Special Assistant to the State Director of USDA, can be contacted via email at karen.dearlove@ak.usda.gov or 761-7716.  Her mailing address is 800 West Evergreen, Suite 201 Palmer, Alaska 99645.

Would you consider reaching out to Julie Kitka to see if you could do a presentation during AFN's economic summit in July 2006?  Your work would address many of the key issues AFN outlines as their priorities for economic development, private sector jobs, etc.: http://www.nativefederation.org/ance/index.php   The summit isn't yet on their website for Upcoming Events, so possibly there is an opening in the agenda.  Bill Allen committed to assisting with funding for that summit as well.  All I know is it is slated for July - no specific dates are known to me.

My experience in Alaska over the past nearly five years is that the men, particularly the young men  - teenagers in the bush villages, are the ones that seem to be the most lost, the most hopeless as shown by suicide statistics, substance abuse and domestic violence.  The Boys and Girls Club is very strong here in Alaska, and the potential role to tie them into is another avenue to consider to reach out the the most at-risk segment of the population beyond the school systems:  http://www.bgca.org/clubs/results2.asp
FYI: The grandson of the former Chairman and CEO of Pfizer http://www.bgca.org/clubs/results2.asp is half Inupiat and lives in Anchorage with his mother and half-brother.  His mother is a friend and neighbor of mine.  Keep this in your back pocket for the time that there is a need and opportunity for something serious within the Inupiat community where there is one last piece to fit into the puzzle.
A quick reference is also a part of the Denali Commission's web newsletter on CEPRA: http://www.denali.gov/Newsletter.cfm?Section=All%20Sections which also leads you to the PowerPoint presentation under their Web Resources.  


"'Ed McLain'" <afeam1@uaa.alaska.edu>

Chris Simon csimon@yksd.com

If any of you are interested in knowing more about this free "Google" service, just let me know and I'll send you some info. It's a very stable service.

I've also been asked about how to post photos on Message Boards, Blogs, eBay, etc. and find that a "free" to "extremely-low-cost for extra time-saving convenience" services offered through www.imageshack.us are just the ticket.You can link directly to the (preferably use the clickable Thumbnail) photo by cut'n'paste of the "code", It's a very efficient service that works quite nicely.
Also, our friend Horst, owner of Borealis Broadband, McGrath's Internet Service Provider (www.mcgrathalaska.net) has shared some excellent free tools in "The Toolchest" http://www.mcgrathalaska.net/McToolchest.htm to provide efficiency and others to protect your computer from some of the "nasties" out there (worms, virus, trojan horse, spam, adware, etc.).

Erate site: http://www.library.state.ak.us/usf/

Bio: Martin Leonard III, MBA, Bethel, Alaska
Mr. Leonard has lived in rural Alaska all of his adult life.  He has an academic background in Geology, Education, Information Technology and Business. He is a certified teacher with the state of Alaska and a World Class Kayak Surfer and Expedition Paddler.  Martin works in program development with the UAF Kuskokwim Campus and is on the board of directors of the Alaskan Outdoor Center. He will coordinate STEM activities at the camp and assist with adventure-based learning experiences for ALL visiting students.
I put this up front on the rural bb blog:

If you lose some of the links, most is coalated here on my fc page:

Bookmark my personal page...it stays 'mostly' current and is a good

starting point for the plethora of work we're disseminating.
Martin Leonard III
Assistant Professor, CIOS
Prog. Mngr., National Science Foundation TCUP 
v. 907-543-4510   f. 907-543-2030, Attn: Martin
e. martinl@bethel.uaf.edu  url: http://fc.bethel.uaf.edu/~martin_leonard
Instant Msg.  Y!: martinuaf    MSN:  martinuaf    ICQ: 223921779

ITS Program:    http://itspecialist.alaska.edu  /


Science and Tech. Academy:  http://fc.bethel.uaf.edu/~nsf_tcup

Vodcasting w/ blogger
(RSS feeds through feedburner link at each blog):
This is the site we're building out for our dedicated pod and vodcasting -
lots of experimentation...under construction:

Summer Science Program where Seniors in HS are getting the Field
videography training:

Blog regarding our ANSEP program on KuC Campus:
tatewide ANSEP:

Village Technology Specialist Program in partnership with UUI:
Martin Leonard III
Assistant Professor, CIOS
Prog. Mngr., National Science Foundation TCUP 
v. 907-543-4510   f. 907-543-2030, Attn: Martin
e. martinl@bethel.uaf.edu  url: http://fc.bethel.uaf.edu/~martin_leonard
Instant Msg.  Y!: martinuaf    MSN:  martinuaf    ICQ: 223921779
ITS Program:    http://itspecialist.alaska.edu  /
Science and Tech. Academy:  http://fc.bethel.uaf.edu/~nsf_tcup

Head Honcho for Alaskan Erate, Della Matthis

 della_matthis@eed.state.ak.us       Phone: 907.301.7853 

Jackie Isaac, a young student of ours from the village of Kasigluk, lost

both his grandparents last year.  Being very close to them, this was
devastating for Jackie and his family.  Jackie had a tough time of
it...missed his semester of classes through absence and  I had thoughts
that Jackie wouldn't make it back to the college.
Jackie has since been back to college and has been thriving...his
declaration for an ITS degree is 'right on' and he likes computers and the
work he does. This semester we taught Jackie how to blog, CIOS 275 'Using the
Internet'... He has paid tribute to his late grandparents through his interests and
study:  Look here, this is significant from a cultural perspective:
(his personal written tribute)
<http://ingallakqerrataq.blogspot.com/ >
(he has podcasted their music...a large part of their lives)
<http://ingallakqerrataq.blogspot.com/ >

One of his personal web pages created this semester:
Students will be working on this blog throughout the month:
Don't know if you saw this site:



Alaska's Digital Archives http://vilda.alaska.edu/ 


Tom Harris: taharris@akvillage.com 
Charles Parker (my direct contact, tell him I mentioned you): cparker@akvillage.com 
Web site (old, never good, sure not good now): http://www.akvillage.com/index.html
They are now talking about WebEx webcasting, but of course, I interject, why webcasting? Who is our audience? What are their needs? What is the expected outcome, and on and on. Don't get me wrong, I am very game for webcasting - if we have a purpose!. Personally, I think CDs and an audio conference is the way to go, using Skype. Skype is now huge! You and I really need to go Skype. Have you gotten it yet?

www.wbe.net I spent many hours exploring this site over the past few months.  It has fabulous and timely information on a variety of global topics.  I was fascinated by the ability to isolate Alaska’s exports and compare year-to-year increases.  While our top two sites are still Japan and Korea, I found it interesting that our exports to  a few European countries have increased tremendously in the last few years:  Spain by 1400%, The Netherlands by 900%, Switzerland by 1000%, and Germany by 700%.  If I were an enterprising student, I would be anxious to produce a product that would appeal to a market that is on the rise.


Craig Johnson, Denali Chief of Staff, attended APU MBA program with Martin L.


Joe Marley's online course for YKSD YKSD Courses:The following links at http://www.yksd.com/distanceedcourses/index.html and http://bbs.yksd.com:88/bin/common/category.pl?type=COURSE   will lead you to the courses.

Username: rcsstaff
Password: moose



http://www.kawerak.org/  TOP grantee, bering strait, eskimo cultural

Radio KSKO in McGrath, Alaska


From: "George Lessard" <media@web.net>
To: "Creative Radio List" <creative-radio@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Friday, June 18, 2004 10:47 PM
Subject: [creative-radio] "THIS DAY IN ALASKA NATIVE HISTORY" begins
airing - KNBA E-Update - June 2004
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2004 17:46:58 -0700
Subject: KNBA E-Update - June 2004
MailID: KIN94715588.EML
From: "KNBA 90.3 FM" <agonzalez@knba.org>
Welcome to the KNBA E-Update June 2004 Issue!
A new module called "This Day in Alaska Native History"
began airing on June 2.  This program is a two minute
module focusing on historical events in Alaska Native
history.  It now airs at 7:58 a.m., 11:58 a.m., and 5:58 p.m.
Thank you those who have helped make this program possible:
ConocoPhillips Alaska, The CIRI Foundation, Alaska Humanities
Forum, and those who contributed to the Cultural Program
Fund during the 2004 Alaska Native Art Auction.
KNBA welcomes its newest on air announcer, Danny Preston.
Danny most recently worked with KMBQ in Wasilla where he
was Program Director and morning show talent.  A long time
Alaskan broadcaster, Danny Preston has been recognized over
his career with several Goldie Awards presented by the Alaska
Broadcasters Association including Best Comedy features,
Best Promotional Series and he was awarded as the 2000 ABA
Broadcast employee of the year.  He was also a finalist in
2000 and 2002 for the National Association of Broadcasters
Marconi Award for small market Personality of the Year.
A recent graduate of Mat-Su College, he is active in many
Valley non-profit and charitable events and organizations.
His many years of broadcast experience have taken him through
several musical genres giving him a great depth of artist
reference and appreciation including the latest releases
enjoyed by KNBA listeners.
KNBA is very glad that Danny is joining our team and looks
forward to building a morning show on KNBA with a goal to
increase the amount of Native and South-Central voices and
topics to be heard on KNBA.  Tune into to the new and
improved Morning Line on KNBA soon!
Go online at http://www.knba.org/kbc/employment.shtml to
see other career opportunities currently available at
Koahnic Broadcast Corporation.
Thank you for making the Spring Membership Drive a success!
Over 640 members helped raise $72,500!  All of the thank
you gifts have been ordered, and about 1/2 of them have
arrived.  If you joined during the KNBA Spring Membership
drive last month, then you may have a gift waiting for
you at KNBA.
What?s In:
KNBA Camping Dry Bags
Water Bottles
Some CDs (including: Mary Youngblood, Mindy Smith, Los Lobos,
and other hourly special CDs)
What?s Not In Yet:
Some CDs (including: Toots & the Maytals, and other CDs)
Call ahead to see if your gift is ready at (907) 258-8880.
Or you may email feedback@knba.org to find out.  I expect
all gifts to be on hand by July 6.  If you live outside of
the Anchorage area, your gifts will be mailed to you.  Thank
you again for your support of KNBA 90.3 FM!
KNBA is located at 818 E. 9th Ave. (9th & Ingra), and is open
Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Listener support is one cornerstone of KNBA's annual budget.
Another is support from local businesses. Businesses who
became underwriters or renewed their underwriting support
recently are: National Eye Institute, Cook Inlet Tribal
Council - Family Services, Alaska Native Heritage Center,
Blues on the Green, Mayflower Catering, Indian Country Today,
and Hilton Anchorage Hotel.
Thank you to the following restaurants who contributed to the Spring
Membership Drive:
Alaska Bagel, Inc., Cafe Amsterdam, Diane's Restaurant & Catering,
Great Harvest Bread Co., Horizons Cafe, Hula Hands Poynesian Restaurant,
Kaladi Brothers Coffee Company, Marx Brothers Catering, Mayflower
Catering, Alaska Corn Co., Seui's Polynesian Traditions, and Thai Town.
Thank you to the following companies who provided challenge grants and gifts
for the Spring Membership Drive:
Wells Fargo, Anchorage Downtown Rotary Club, ConocoPhillips Alaska,
NANA Teck Cominco, BP Exploration, Alaska USA Federal Credit Union,
NEA Alaska, Chugach Alaska Corporation, Cook Inlet Tribal Council-Shared
Services, Cook Inlet Tribal Council, Arctic Slope Regional Corporation,
Opti Staffing, Ahtna, Inc., Alaska Native Heritage Center, and
Doyon Family of Companies.
Please consider patronizing businesses that support KNBA,
and when you do, let them know you appreciate their support
of this station! Thank you!
KNBA 90.3 FM - Koahnic Broadcast Corporation
818 E. 9th Ave.; Anchorage, AK 99501
Phone (907)258-8880  Fax (907)258-8914
Request Line: (907) 279-5622
Membership: (907) 743-8807
The mission of Koahnic Broadcast Corporation is to be the
leader in bringing Native voices to the region and nation.
The monthly KNBA E-Update is being sent to you because
you are a KNBA Member, you subscribed, or you have
requested more information about KNBA.  Thoughts,
comments, or suggestions?  We'd love to hear from
you at feedback@knba.org.
If your computer is capable of receiving HTML emails,
you may update your settings by clicking the link at
the end of this message.  Thank you.
By clicking this link:
your friend will receive this E-Update and get an opportunity to sign up for
future issues.
KNBA is supported by listeners.  To become a member,
renew your membership, or to find out more about
KNBA Membership, go to www.knba.org. Thank you to those
who have joined online and via mail this spring already!


Date: Mon, 31 May 2004 15:49:17 +0530
From: Vickram Crishna <vvcrishna@softhome.net>
To: gkd@phoenix.edc.org
Subject: Re: [GKD] Community Learning by Radio and the Internet
On 5/26/04, John Hibbs wrote:
>  What would happen if micro radio would be so ubiquitous (and affordable)
>  that children everywhere would have a frequent opportunity to be their
>  own content developers? broadcasters? Wouldn't this activity compare to
>  the piano recital? Christmas play? soccer game? How much value arises
>  when the speaker knows that her grandmother is listening? or even the
>  mayor? what "internal" value comes to those who have "been on the
>  radio"?
What does it take to organise a reference demonstration of this simple
Not much really - except that it would be quite illegal in most
countries, due to the same kind of thinking that has paralysed South
Africa (cf the article posted by bridges.org very recently on this list)
on the subject of WiFi and VoIP.
Here are the building blocks of micro-radio:
    * An inexpensive low power transmitter
    * Antenna
    * Microphone
    * Recording device
    * Editing device
    * Playback device (may be the same as the recording device)
As I write this, I am listening to jazz on the radio, broadcast on the
Net by www.attentionspanradio.net and sent from my sound card to the
input jack of a tiny FM transmitter with a rudimentary antenna (their
d-i-y designs can be downloaded conveniently from
http:///www.radiophony.com, the Radiophony website), which cost a total
of IRs 200 to assemble, and the long-life rechargeable 12V battery which
powers it cost IRs 90. FYI, Rs 300 is approximately USD 6.5 these days.
The signal is just powerful enough to reach every room in the house.
For one account of what "internal value" really means, browse through
our website (Radiophony is promoted by Dr Arun Mehta and myself, both of
us are present on this list), where we describe the experience of
setting up India's first rural radio station (later shut down by some
bureaucrats). There are really no words to describe the thrill so
visible on the faces of villagers as they heard their voices on their
radio (in fact, they later named their station Mana Radio, which means
Our Radio in the local - Telugu - language). The station was powered by
a similar transmitter as the one I am listening through now, and with a
suitably placed antenna, every home (within half a kilometer from the
antenna mast) could tune in to their own village station.
But to return to the question raised by John Hibbs, what would it take
to 'scientifically' demonstrate the internal value? What would it take
to make radio ubiquitous and affordable?
By international agreement, the frequencies from 87.5 MHz to 108 MHz are
reserved for public broadcasting over FM. This fact has had a very
useful outcome, in that consumer FM radio receivers are extraordinarily
cheap in most parts of the world. This means that FM radio listening is
affordable, for the most part, but at the same time, the restricted band
of frequencies for the purpose has led to a commonly expressed fear
psychosis that the spectrum is a scarce commodity. Market forces usually
ensure that scarcity drives up prices, and in the case of FM broadcast
license fees or spectrum usage charges, this is true.
In the US, one of the world's heaviest users of spectrum in the FM band,
prices are sky-high, and the government has been stepping back from
protectionist measures that secured a place for public service radio.
Most public service radio frequencies are held by well-funded
organisations, while commercial radio has become massively dominated by
a very few media companies, and there does not seem to be much scope for
nindependent micro-radio to flourish, on the surface.
the reality is somewhat different.
Actually there are many 'pirate' stations that broadcast independent
content, and a groundswell movement that seeks to open the spectrum for
more micro-radio. The FCC has been forced to take note of the pioneering
study by the Prometheus Project (http://www.prometheusradio.org/) and a
hearing on Localism in Broadcasting will take place today (May 26) in
Rapid City, South Dakota. Sen John McCain is also expected to introduce
a legislation shortly to mandate bandwidth for low power radio.
Much more can be done to make the technology easily available.
The circuit on our website is not ideally temperature stable nor
filtered to a very high quality (US standards militate towards a
separation of 200 KHz between stations) - it was designed for low cost
and easy component availability.
What is needed is a handy circuit that can be easily tuned to lock onto
frequencies 200 KHz apart, encased in a simple, cheap and hardy box, and
an accompanying range of easy to build and tune antennae, so that
thousands of little stations can be set up within a few hundred meters
of each other, without the need for expensive one time use
It won't take much to upgrade the technology of consumer level devices
to achieve the specifications outlined above - but someone must get down
and fine-tune them, and someone else must work out the best low cost
solution that can be mass-produced like cheap and durable toys. This
could be done through an online discussion, or a physical workshop where
both the technology and the means of its dissemination can be pinned
down. Is anyone ready to bell the cat?  --
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"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."

Alaskool Alaskan Native Curriculum
 We feature some of the best
materials on Alaska Native history and culture available, and the tools
to help instructors use them in the classroom.

Ethnic Medicine Guide -Inupiaq - Cultural Profile
Information by The University of Washington about the traditional medicine of the North Alaskan Inuit or Inupiaq people.

Place names in Inuktitut
Original Inuit forms of places in Greenland (now official in Inuktitut) and Canada (in Nunavut and else), from the site GeoNative. On this page you can check:

Tuktu and Nogak Project
A community-driven effort to collect and share Inuit ecological knowledge of caribou and calving areas in the Bathurst Inlet area of the Kitikmeot region, Nunavut, Canada. The site has a photo gallery, a report on the Elder-Youth Camp on the Hiuqqittaaq River, and a list of the interviewees.
English version http://aulak.polarnet.ca/tuktu/main.html and the Inuinnaqtun version http://aulak.polarnet.ca/tuktu/inusite.html

Inupiaq Studies Curriculum
Example of integration of Inuit issues in the school, in Alaska (Inupiaq: North Alaskan Inuit)

The Arctic String Figure Project


http://www.kawerak.org/  TOP grantee, bering strait, eskimo cultural

This site was started some years ago through a collaboration with the CAS faculty at UAA and some ASD language arts and tech people.  The idea was to have statewide multi-cultural expression and story-telling. It was conceived to be multi-media and to foster an e-community across cultures around literacy and cultural understanding.  It doesn't seem to be deep in multi-media, though . . . . It is now facilitated by Dr Ron Spatz, who is very earnest about its mission.

In rural Alaska, Alaska Native values have woven the society


World Summits on Free Information Infrastructures

World Summits on Free Information Infrastructures

There have been several meetings bringing together groups working free/open information infrastructures. Another is planned for late 2006 in India where much of the activity seems to be taking place. One such project is gnowledge.org "a portal being built for weaving knowledge." Inspired by Stallman's philosophy this site contains some software tools and a thesaurus of 100,000 words with sematic relations between them. They are working on similar databases for Indian languages.

If you would like to become acquainted with wikis, podcasts, and blogs  log

onto this wiki that was created by Stephen Downes, a keynote speaker at the
ASTE conference last month in Anchorage AK.  http://downes.jot.com/WikiHome

Brian Walmark's Special ed KNET videos   Hi Frank,
click here to check out our on-line project website for the professional
development on special education:


There is probably a lot of information between our college and the 'Aha Punana Leo (http://www.ahapunanaleo.org), but it's not really organized. We get several visits a month from Native American and Polynesian groups interested in language and cultural revitalization. BTW, we did recently get our Ph.d. in Indigenous Language and Culture Revitalization approved. it may begin officially next fall. We have Bill Demmert from Western Washington teaching one class via Polycom with students at our location, U of Alaska Fairbanks and U of Arizona. Some people are enrolled in that here in anticipation of using it for the Ph.d.

Don Wetzel Montana NEW tribal links http://www.mtwytlc.com/ 

The Microsoft Telecentre Support Network lead by IDRC
representing a dozen countries in Central and South America held a telecenters meeting in Asia last year, Africa the year before and Feb. 28th was the “Americas” meeting.
The Launch for http://telecentre.org  is scheduled for Nov. 05..
www.microsoft.com/unlimitedpotential  http://www.idrc.ca/supportnet www.idrc.ca/ict4d


Telecenters of the Americas Partnership www.tele-centers.net

Canadian Society for Social Development: Internet Business Development for Enrepreneurs with Disabilities
kay@ibde.ca PH: 250 825 9433

Research network including Michael Gurstein.

http://tlc.wtp.net Montana Tribal Portal

telecenters listserv and archives http://mailman-new.greennet.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/telecentres

www.nativeweb.org  ? Mark Becker Latin American studies background

http://atniedc.com/IndianCountryWA2005.pdf Native American tourism brochure

Australia You could also talk to Robyn Barter (robyn.barter@dcita.gov.au) who is managing the ICT training and technical support program – a lot of funding through this program is going to providing training and tech support for Indigenous communities.  I don’t know the timescale of projects or where exactly, but Robyn would be a good person to make contact with.

New Zealand Digital Strategy

:andy williamson
::principal/managing director
::wairua consulting limited
::po box 60-517 | titirangi
::waitakere city | aotearoa/new zealand
::t: +64 9 817 1133
::f: +64 9 817 1136
::m: +64 274 838 002
::e: andy@wairua.co.nz
::w: www.wairua.com
::w: www.edemocracy.co.nz
::w: www.andywilliamson.com

simply mervin
A MongrelStreet Production in Association with MAP
Be a Virtual Tenant  And Take Your Business to the rest of

The Victoria (Australia) state government has just issued a lengthy

report on e-democracy. 
If you are working with government on e-government, e-voting,
accessibility, participation, e-voting, freedom of information,
e-access, e-community etc issues, it is probably worth a read, though
bear in mind is from the  perspective of legislators, not community
If you are interested in the committee that prepared the report, see
The community has adopted the Centre for Community Networking Research's
definition of e-democracy as relevant to parliamentary systems at least:
   ' The use of information communications technologies by individuals
to extend their choices for thinking and acting as citizens,
unrestricted by time and place, and culminating in greater collective
freedoms under rule of law'

WSIS/indigenous Dan Hughes Senior Advisor Indian and Northern Affairs Canada 819 956 8218 hugesdl@ainc-inac.gc.ca

WSIS www.itu.int/wsis


Indigenous Ottowa event UNPFII www.un.org/esa/socdev/unpfii/news/WSIS/newsottawaevent.htm

Today, I am creating some Flash presentations for a client and I thought that
I would give them a plug on the list since their work is related to an
interesting aspect of the Indigenous digital divide - digital sovereignty.
FirstVoices, out of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, is an Aboriginal led
initiative run by Aboriginal people, executed by Aboriginal people and
supported by Aboriginal communities. Indigenous digital sovereignty refers to
Indigenous control over our own online institutions. FirstVoices and the First
Peoples' Cultural Foundation have created a large web application which
creates language archives in a rich way using audio MP3s and video (Quicktime
mostly). The loss of language is a huge global problem. It has been estimated
that about 50% of the world's spoken languages will disappear within the next
hundred years. For Aboriginal people here in Canada, there are 17 languages
which are considered "endangered".

I have a few minor quibbles with the FirstVoices site. It does not do enough
to meet the accessibility needs of users and there are no plans to adapt the
Flash objects I am helping to create into accessible versions; I am still
pressing for that, but all said, it still is a very cool expression of digital
sovereignty for Aboriginal people. I believe this is a good model to reduce
the digital divide in Indian country.

Kelvin Wong kelvin@uvic.ca

Endangered Languages - Linguistic Society of America

Sovereignty - One of five components of the American Indian digital divide

Connecting loss of language with loss of environmental knowledge

ww.pnyv.org and www.tribaltravel.org for linking tribal rural and urban communities. German based.,

the Delhi declaration, a new context for new media” the product of a meeting in January 2005 of the Open Cultures Network.

Karin P. Ecuador
Yes, we have a website since 1999 that we are transforming absolutely I
guess in one or two months we will be able to launch it. Any person can
manage and develop their own contents, they do not need to be technicians.
The share resources, tools, materials, events everything and they also can
comment. They have their own private spaces of discussion the same as the
public ones. The site is called somos@telecentros www.tele-centros.org.
Somos@Telecentros network is the Latin American and the Caribbean Community
base telecentres. It is a knowledge sharing network among telecentres and
community leaders practitioners that are members of the network.
The directories of the users are not available as this information is
confidential in order to avoid spam and other problems. We have a directory
of members that are also available among members. Who is who in the
telecentres movement as well.
We also got an online resource centre of more than 1000 tools and materials
that support the practitioners in their work.
Hope this information is useful; let me know if you have questions or
commentsThe url is http://www.barriocom.net/docu.
I was traveling specially in July and now I am going to the
somos@telecentros national chapter meeting in Solola, Guatemala and to a
conference on community base telecentres that the International Development
Bank is organizing together with the World Bank in Guatemala city after the
national somos@telecentros meeting. I will also go to the CTC Net conference
in Ohio Cleveland. Are you planning to be there? I hope so, so we can see
each other.
I did not receive the DVD's. I hope it will arrive soon. Thanks for sending
it.We are working with grassroots communities, especially indigenous women in
Guatemala, Ecuador and Bolivia in the organizing of micro and small medium
enterprises and how to sell effectively the handicrafts. We are more
concentrated in the training courses face to face on how to do a micro
enterprise. Later we are including digital technologies. We are also trying
to work with I malls concept. More or less what barrionet is doing to
exchange services and sell products so it is a support mechanism to the SME
and local business? The url is http://www.barriocom.net/docu
For me the most challenging thing is how do you raise the offer and the
demand locally and how do you include the other media communication ways. So
it is integrated the e-mail. This is what we are trying to do locally and
include regionally through TAP with the i-malls project that Klaus can share
with you.
My idea is to work in somos@telecentros an online help desk on questions and
answers, problems and challenges, sharing resources when they are doing
their micro enterprise and develop online assistance and training course to
support them. That is why I am gathering as much as I can material and
tools. I want to share with you also our sustainability toolkit for
telecentres where we included these materials that we are working directly
with the communities. Unfortunately it is in Spanish. Sorry about it.
I do agree with your conception of working directly with the grassroots
organizations. For me it is the only approach to ensure empowerment. I am
not sure Mark understands this concept. I knew that Andy is working. It is
amazing how they contract people that never in their lives run a telecentre
are experts and are retrieving stories. It is a pity how the resources are
lost and for me responds a not clear vision where to go and how to strength
already the current issues. I am not in touch with Mark.
I am sharing with you a material that I did for telecentres long time ago.
Hope that you enjoyed.
I think we need to work in adapting your materials to the cultural reality
of the communities that use the telecentre to build up their
microenterprises and develop online training materials to support them. That
is our need so if we can work on that way it will be great. In Santa
Caterina in Guatemala, the women that weaves ahs a lot of materials to sell
and they do not know how to place in the market because it exist more offert
than demand.
So we are concentrating on:
1. Capacity building on developing SME (organizational level)
2.  Marketing strategies (local and international)
3. Communication selling strategies (virtual and local ways)
4. Linking to a broader community
I am also thinking to engage to the Indigenous in Canada in order to make
internships so they can sell their products as well together as Canadians
are much more developed.
I also want to do all the links as resources so people knows the work that
you are doing as well and take you as an expert in this area.
Odd de Presno
Kidlink Executive Director
Tel: (+47) 3703 0193

In Nepal: Negotiating cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Sports:
http://www.kidlink.org/kie/ngo/work/2005/approach.html . Will be going back in August/September.
Any chance we might do something to serve their kids in their native language using Kidlink's life-skills programs? http://www.kidlink.org/kie/ngo/work/2005/approach.html will hopefully give you an idea about where we're heading.
Key to Kidlink's approach - our core audience being those 9 - 14 years of age: http://www.kidlink.org/english/general/process.html .
After 15 years (celebrating this week), finally understood that what we're doing is life-skills training: http://www.kidlink.org/english/general/life/wai.html . Seems you and me share many fundamental thoughts on this.
Since 1993, we have been working in a number of languages: http://www.kidlink.org/english/society/jobs/translate.html
Case study - Bolivia: http://www.kidlink.org/kie/ngo/alalay/case.html
About collaboration: http://www.kidlink.org/kie/ngo

http://www.nepalwireless.net/photos.php  frank the photos are just awesome


Native American Eco-devo http://atniedc.com http://tlc.wtp.net Montana Tribal Portal

http://www.ruralpayday.com/index.htm NM rural jobs via telecom

Five Washington communities seek telework http://www.olympictechnet.com//ruraltelecom.htm

http://www.cfed.org/imageManager/_documents/Native_Entrepreneurship.pdf  Native Entrepreneurship, nwaf

http://www.ag.iastate.edu/centers/rdev/pubs/contents/185.htm Native American Business Participation in E-Commerce: An Assessment of Technical Assistance and Training Needs


Coeur d'Alene Tribe sites

This model is from the Winnebago tribe in Nebraska...the founder used seed money from the tribe (gambling) and has created a multi-million dollar business called Ho-Chunk Inc. for the tribe which includes this web shopping site. The business has created jobs for over 350 tribal members.......http://www.allnative.com/

NATIVE www.bigskytribes.com www.nativewaters.org Dyani Bingham
I wanted to make sure I had extended the invitation to you to become a ThreeHoops member at: http://threehoops.com/membership/index.html
Also I wanted to encourage you to let the Native Small Businesses you are helping to get their web sites up ? to also know that Native American Owned businesses receive free links at ThreeHoops.com.

Visibility & Resources for Tribal Nations, NA Businesses and Nonprofits
2011 Fall Hill Avenue - Fredericksburg VA 22041 - Tel: 540 371 4199

All of the six pillars of character are usually dealt with daily-trustworthyness (being honest), respect (good manners, no hitting), responsibility (think before you act), fairness (taking turns and sharing), Caring (forgive others, show sympathy), and citizenship (cooperate and respect authority). 

TELECENTER BACKGROUND DOCS A number of people mentioned a desire to see the some of the documents that fed into the idea of telecentre.org, including the Microsoft GSN business plan. While these documents have all been available for a while now, it seems they have been hard to find. We've put them all in a central place at: www.idrc.ca/supportnet/workshops . Keep in mind that these documents are only 'raw material' that will feed into the telecentre.org vision we are developing.

Navajo http://dinewebwarrior.org http://enavaho.org efranklin@nntrc.org   http://opvp.org WIN - Woven Information of Navajo (data) no shortage of data but short on collaboration.

Indigenous Resources

See also http://lone-eagles.com/indigenous.htm and http://lone-eagles.com/alaskan-resources.htm for extensive collected resources on global indigenous innovations. Australian Aboriginal resources at http://lone-eagles.com/aussielinks.htm

The following links are my personal collection for review listings and hence they are quite unorganized.

Photo essays, lang. revitalization using foxfire type activities

Native movies/films www.motionvisual.com

www.developmentgateway.org review indigenous resources


Jamaica auction sites? http://mininggold.com http://instantproductsclub.com

Take a look at www.jiva.org    they are doing a lot of interesting things.  Steve
Rudolph was
working in India with them and now he's part time in NJ.  He can answer
you might have.

Indigenous webpage that belongs to the Ashaninka Community of Marankiari Bajo,

in the Central Jungle:
(click on the spears in the middle of the page).  They
have pictures, products that they are trying to
market, and newspaper articles about their website
that have been published in some of Peru's major

http://www.dcm.nt.gov.au/ office of the NT minister

WALTAYLOR When I discussed this issue with Jose Figeures the previous Presiden tof Costa Rica and the person who Kofi Annan has appointed to head up the ICT4D for the UN at the recent Salzburg Seminar on Digital Inclusion (see  http://www.salzburgseminar.org/sessions.cfm?core_id=558&core_group=asc), he suggested that a pincer movement which involved building alliances with the private sector and the international funders was the only way he had been able to achieve success and that his experience with the WSIS process reinforced this view.

So I really hope that you get invited back to have some inputs here and that you can manage treading the line between not biting the hand that feeds you and getting some change in attitude. In terms of what we have been doing, I have been working on a number of international fronts. Firstly, I am involved in the recently funded ($CAD 900 000, SSHRC)CRACIN (Canadian Research Alliance form Innovative and Community Networking) project which provides funds to revisit the CAP and plan for the future. Secondly, we have established a Community INformatics Research Alliance (CIRN)which involves a number of the ussual international suspects to raise the profile of evaluation, process and policy in this area. Thirdly, I have developed soem strong linkages as a result of my involvement with the Salzburg Seminar on Digital Inclusion. (see the following site for some background on those behind the Salzburg Seminar initiative http://www.digitalinclusion.net/) As a result of this Microsoft has funded a company to develop a brand for Digital Inclusion which can be used free on all digital inclusion projects around the globe so that we can lift the profile of this type of work and provide some sort of verifiable independence which sends messages to funders.

Wal Taylor (PhD)
COIN Internet Academy
Faculty of Informatics and Communication
Central Queensland University
Rockhampton, AUSTRALIA
Ph +61 7 4923 2568 Fax + 61 7 4927 0700
Mob +61 (0) 409 456 115
You may wish to view the recently published books:
'Using Community Informatics to Transform Regions' Eds. Marshall, Taylor & Yu.
'Closing the Digital Divide' Eds. Marshall, Taylor & Yu
'Current IT Issues in Education' Ed. Tanya McGill

the new documentary titled "Vis A Vis -

Techno Tribal" shown tonight on Australia SBS Television (Special
Broadcasting Services) and I believe soon to be aired on US television

Northern Cheyenne Contact
Barbara Braided Hair's email address is:  bbraidedhair@FIB.com.  I don't

have Dr. Manley Begay's or Dr. Stephen Cornell"s, but I believe they have a
website for their organization, The Udall Center at the University of

AK AFN building knowledge based economies http://afnevents.org/leadershipforum/

Pricilla Hensley, Alaskan Native Art Foundation, met with World Bank, brokers native art, Joseph's brother in law started www.eziba.com an online catalog of artists.

Brave Rock Whitford Gallery Custom Beadwork
POB 2175, Browning, MT 59417
PH 338-3373, 460-0388
Email: bettywhitford@hotmail.com

Andre Way Sacred and Native American Carvings
610 N 1st, suite5-303 Hamilton
MT 59840 406 375 2461

see http://warriorbiz.com youth omaha tribe


Founded in 1998, the National Association of Tribal Historic Preservation Officers (NATHPO) is a national, not-for-profit organization formed to support and assist tribal governmental efforts to preserve, maintain and revitalize their cultures and traditions.  NATHPO is currently comprised of 46 tribes.  The preservation officers are working to encourage the tribes to utilize heritage tourism as a way to stimulate jobs and economic growth. They have prepared a tribal tourism toolkit that is available online to educate how as well as to highlight resources to support tourism initiatives.  The toolkit can be found at NATHPO's Web site at www.nathpo.org

http://heartbuttetradingpost.com Janet Runningcrane

Many more in Tachyon email folder,

From: "Robyn Kamira @ PI" <rkamira@pauainterface.com>

Kia ora all,
I have a request from a broadcasting friend.  Does anyone know of indigenous
broadcasters in Australia, Canada, or North America.
Particularly, Indigenous television, tribal-based production, and community
based TV.
Thank you,
Native America Calling

Radio KSKO in McGrath, Alaska

From: artur serra <artur@ac.upc.es>
To: ciresearchers@vancouvercommunity.net,
        "Robyn Kamira @ PI" <rkamira@pauainterface.com>
Cc: Indigenous-IT@yahoogroups.com, martin@sat.qc.ca

Robyn Kamira @ PI wrote:
>Kia ora all,
>I have a request from a broadcasting friend.  Does anyone know of indigenous
>broadcasters in Australia, Canada, or North America.
>Particularly, Indigenous television, tribal-based production, and community
>based TV.
>Thank you,
Hi Robyn,
How are you doing? I visited Montreal months ago and I found very
interesting the work of SAT with the inuits in Quebec.. Let me introduce
Martin Chartrand. He is head of innovation of SAT. Here  you can find 
more info, http://www.sat.qc.ca/rubrique.php3?id_rubrique=113
Hi Martin, let me introduce  Robyn Kamira  from New Zeland working in
the area of community networking. I met her several times during the 
organiization of Global CN Partnership.
I've also fund  interesting the tv channel of aboriginal people I saw in
the cable system of the hotel in Montreal. It is  called ..APTN, 
Aboriginal Peoples Television Network.. 
This is the area I'm working now, a platform  for languages and cultures
based on advance Internet, starting with the catalan culture, :-)

Indigenous broadcasters in australia

Two examples that might be of interest...
Koori Radio (Australia)
CTV (Community TV Australia) - Not 100% indigenous however a significant
portion of the content is Koori. IMHO an excellent example of active
Robyn ... In Canada... I work with the folks at Wawatay Native
Communications Society (www.wawatay.on.ca) that has both radio and
television departments as well as print working out of Sioux Lookout. The
web site is mainly promoting the print side of things. The television
division is mainly producing material for the national aboriginal television
network (www.aptn.ca) working out of Winnipeg and Toronto.
A recent aboriginal radio broadcast came on-line a few months ago out of
Toronto and they seem to be doing neat things with plans to scale up into
other cities across Canada ... (http://www.aboriginalradio.com/) ...
There are other aboriginal radio and television groups working on a regional
and national level in Canada but I am not aware of these ...
Brian Beaton
K-Net / ON-RMO Coordinator
Keewaytinook Okimakanak
Box 1439, 115 King Street
Sioux Lookout, ON, P8T 1B9
Tel: 807-737-1135, Toll-Free: 877-737-KNET (5638) ext 51251
Fax: 807-737-1720
Video Conferencing and video bridging services available
e-mail: brian.beaton@knet.ca
web: http://knet.ca

Australian Community Foods <http://www.communityfoods.org.au>

Culture Lab International <http://www.culturelab.org.au>
Currently, your mates at DoCITA are asking for comment on the idea of an
indigenous broadcasting network.


I'm working as part of a couple of larger Community Informatics research
consortia with Brian Beaton of K-net, the outstanding aboriginal ICT hub
in Northern Ontario www.knet.ca
Brian has presented a challenge to the researchers involved in these
consortia to take the issues of "communty based" Informatics research"
seriously and to "walk the talk" as below...
"I would like to suggest researching best practices for engaging
Aboriginal (MG: and non-aboriginal Communities) communities in the
effective use of ICTs to train and support local Aboriginal youth and
others to identify local projects requiring evaluation components,
create local data collection strategies, prepare presentations of the
findings and utilize the information in local decision making and
reporting. One outcome of such a collaborative effort would be to
support the development of local employment opportunities in Aboriginal
communities as well as transfer valuable skills and results to local
initiatives and individuals."
This follows along from the exceptional document that Hannah Beardon
pointed us to and the
participatory (ethnogoraphic) action research (PAR) approach being
promoted by UNESCO

NEW May 2006

http://www.manataka.org/page793.html Smoke signals newsletter, 63 pages



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Travel Alaska Podcast

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Alaska Podcast Directory

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Conclusion: Virtual Museum project April 2006

Five Fatal Flaws of Past Village Internet Initiatives

1. Erate provided initial village internet to schools and clinics - and prohibited citizens from using this access in their homes and for learning to earn. (Ecommerce) No one has assessed how few citizens have received training and been invited to utilize the inherent potential of this access. Minimal technology training for village educators has been a major inhibitor for the high quality educational advantages that were presumed to become available with Internet access.

2. The FCC Waiver never produced improved access for a single village.

3. Telcos have a profit motive to withhold training since they can enjoy huge profits reselling the unused bandwidth over and over. No one has assessed how many tens of millions of profit has resulted from unused bandwidth.

4. RUS funded telecenters in Alaska and across the U.S. are required by telcos for them to receive infrastructure funds - but lack any requirements to promote their availability or to produce any number of new skills or engaged trainees.  In Idaho, a full time staffer mans an empty ten station telecenter in Paris, Idaho. Why has No one  bothered to assess what is and isn't happening in the 25 Alaskan telecenters?

5. McGrath, AK established high speed wireless to 400 homes on their own at a cost less than Anchorage residents pay for high speed access. If they can do it why can't others?  GCI was talking about wireless to the home in villages several years ago. Does anyone know what village actually have the option of high speed wireless to the home?

Actually, Tim and I are less than a week away from heading up to Alaska for our final field trip of this 3-year project.  As you may imagine, we are in the midst of a lot of last-minute preparations prior to our departure.  He will be returning to Philadelphia in mid- June and I return in mid-July. 


It definitely looks like there is a lot that we share in common and in many ways I wish that I’d have heard about your work sooner.  One person I do wish to connect you with right away is Carrie Supik.  She has been the webmaster on our ArcticWays.com website, and will soon be working for UAF Interior-Aleutians Campus out of Ft. Yukon. She is incredibly knowledgeable and engaged in the very issues that unite us (distance ed, e-commerce, economic development in the bush through information technology transfer).  However, I am betting now may not be a great time for her either as she transitions over to her new position, which begins in only a few weeks.


Regardless, the IAC and the Council of Athabascan Tribal Governments, her former employer, will be taking the reins of much of what we have been working on over these past few years as we begin to step back from our role as initiator and catalyst of this project.  So while I’d be pleased to connect after I get back (when is the AFN forum?), it will definitely be worth your while to connect with these folks, our project partners, as well.



Steven C. Dinero, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Human Geography
School of Liberal Arts
Philadelphia University
School House Lane & Henry Avenue
Philadelphia, PA  19144 USA
215/951-2608; fax 215/951-6888


likely duplicates

How to Buy Genuine American Indian Arts & Crafts

University of Alaska-Fairbanks Museum of the North.

Ebay transaction agents in alaska within 500 miles of Fairbanks

Ron Doore Worldview Wireless
See "smart way to shop"

Joseph Davis Ebay Workshops and Consulting

Afghanistan Khadija Public Girls' School photos

Alaska Market Place

Alaskool Alaskan Native Curriculum
 We feature some of the best
materials on Alaska Native history and culture available, and the tools
to help instructors use them in the classroom.

Ethnic Medicine Guide -Inupiaq - Cultural Profile
Information by The University of Washington about the traditional medicine of the North Alaskan Inuit or Inupiaq people.

Place names in Inuktitut
Original Inuit forms of places in Greenland (now official in Inuktitut) and Canada (in Nunavut and else), from the site GeoNative. On this page you can check:

Tuktu and Nogak Project
A community-driven effort to collect and share Inuit ecological knowledge of caribou and calving areas in the Bathurst Inlet area of the Kitikmeot region, Nunavut, Canada. The site has a photo gallery, a report on the Elder-Youth Camp on the Hiuqqittaaq River, and a list of the interviewees.
English version http://aulak.polarnet.ca/tuktu/main.html and the Inuinnaqtun version http://aulak.polarnet.ca/tuktu/inusite.html

Inupiaq Studies Curriculum
Example of integration of Inuit issues in the school, in Alaska (Inupiaq: North Alaskan Inuit)

The Arctic String Figure Project


Kawerak Communities
A Technology Opportunities Program grantee. Cultural web sites for multiple Alaskan villages.

Article on sunchild http://prospects.skillnet.ca/cgi-bin/show_page.pl?lg=eng&content=E-W-2004-05-27-09-59-35&view=print


Quote "When learning new tools use familiar tasks; when learning new tasks use familiar tools.”


        Community technology includes information and communications

        technology (ICT) training and access that promotes civic and
        cultural participation, employment and life-long learning.

Alaskan Charter Schools
GALENA MWREL report  www.nwrel.org/nwedu/10-02/idea/

Alyeska Central School and Worldwide http://acs.yksd.com/

WWIDEA web site is located  at www.wwidea.org

Sunchild Elearning http://www.sccyber.net/ Canadian Online High School
Article on sunchild http://prospects.skillnet.ca/cgi-bin/show_page.pl?lg=eng&content=E-W-2004-05-27-09-59-35&view=print

Edutopia online learning presentation w resources http://www.edutopia.org/onlinelearning/
Highschool.com article: http://www.edutopia.org/magazine/ed1article.php?id=art_1270&issue=apr_05

 Jack Taub
http://www.thepowerofus.org/   See www.genyes.com http://emargin.net

Serious microloan model we need to be aware of. Required viewing!
 A 16 minute video on the Grameen Foundation's Micro Loans and ICTs Program